September 9th Zodiac
Date: September 9th
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Color: Lilac
In One Word: Divinity
Shape: Splash
Strength: Idealism
Weakness: Unfocused
Most Compatible With: Taurus
A date such as September 9th has a lot to say, the entire mythological background carried inside it is to be lived and brings many messages that are rarely fully deciphered no matter the intent we feel in our heart. The emotional impact of this date is grand and leads towards divinity of love itself, higher that any one on one relationship in our lives, and higher than anything we think of as "normal" or common among other humans around us.
September 9th Horoscope
Distances seen in the planetary row of those born on September 9th can seem scary, for two Neptunes here seem to remind them of all those ghosts that hide in their closet. They will often feel the need to run away, from problems, other people's issues, and their own sensitivity, locking up their inner emotional world but still unable to escape. The key to their happiness lies in opening their heart for the world and seeing that the field that is much larger than simple interpersonal relating shows the right path to follow through talents they’ve been blessed with by birth.
In order to carry such an intensely spiritual role on their shoulders, Virgos born on this date need to find stable grounding, get organized and focused, and this is why you will often see them trying to make practical sense out of situations that aren’t at all practical or obvious to others. It is important that they learn to rely on what they see, but not to dismiss shady issues before they feel in their heart if they might be right for them to follow.
Love and Emotions
With a rich emotional world to commit to, Virgos born on the 9th of September are in tune with the Divine Love and have some trouble finding it among ordinary people. Their story of love is one of exaltation and disappointment, as their belief in one true soulmate subsides to make room for much higher powers that connect them to the entire human kind. Still, the tale of love is intertwined with their entire being, and they won’t settle for hazy and toxic stories of romance, even though they might try to, for years.
It is important that people born at this time put their desires on top of their priority list, and move with emotions, with the flow of the moment, wherever it might lead. They might not find their perfect fit right away, but every person in their life serves a higher purpose to teach them about truths they already know but don’t really believe in just yet. Brutal truth is required in order for them to be seen clearly by others and to connect on planes that truly inspire them and tie them to others in pure freedom and creativity.
With the purpose in lives of those born on September 9th also found in Neptune, just as their primal planetary row is so eager to show, we must understand that they won’t ever find clarity if they don’t implement the wisdom of pure faith in their everyday life. They are to find their inner truth, honesty without compromise, and carry their secrets and talents proudly as a crown on top of their heads, showing others how to live the dream.
What They Excel In
A person born on September 9th always has a talent to employ. No matter if they are painters, doctors, alternative healers, or musicians, they will strive to send out emotional messages to the rest of the world. Their focus needs to be firm enough on their qualities, allowing them to disperse in many directions when there is a need to, and work with large numbers of people that are to follow in their teachings or simply feel inspired on love by their presence.
September 9th Birthday Gift
A piece of music, a CD with their favorite songs, or a poem could be a good fit for those born on September 9th. Their presents need to smell good and tender, being sensitive enough to their deepest emotional nature while at the same time reflecting on the magic of life they wish to live. They will enjoy something from a distant land, a seashell to speak to them when they put it on their ear, or a bubble bath and some rubber ducklings reminding them of a childhood they wish to return to from time to time.
Positive Traits for September 9th Born
Ready to transcend and believe in the best in other people, they are idealists with a cause, those who share their talents with the world selflessly and wish to inspire everyone to live a happy life.
Negative Traits for September 9th Born
If they get stuck in delusions that are emotionally too difficult to face, they could lose their own self in a compromise with the rest of the world, and become distant, overbearing, needy, or suffer serious psychological or psychosomatic issues due to lack of faith in themselves.
Healing Crystal
A great stone to aid those born on September 9th on their quest for the ultimate truth is okenite. It is a crystal that sets one free from fear of speaking their mind, among other things, showing the value of truthful expression as clear as day. Not only does it relieve one of guilt leading to self-forgiveness that allows such self-expression, but it also clears karmic experiences and sets one free from ties that their past lifetimes, or their ancestors, left to them to deal with.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Virgo representatives born on September 9th in a year preceding a leap year:
The Sabian symbol for Virgo representatives born on September 9th in a leap year and two years following it:
Even though the first symbol seems harmless as the animal is set behind the fence of its cage in a zoo, the second one speaks of all those bottled up things that one must set free, so they don’t burst with lava and burn everything and everyone around them. A lot of tension is seen in these symbols, as a powerful sign that a person born on this date must accept their animal side within and set it free in order to prevent too much destructive aggression pouring out of their system, entirely out of their control when their world is filled up and ready to explode. Instinctive and pure authentic needs could be swallowed one too many times and bring fear or destruction once they are faced in all their intensity.
Famous Birthdays on 9th of September
- In 1828 Leo Tolstoy was born, a Russian author and playwright regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time. After he wrote Anna Karenina, he is known to have gone through a profound moral crisis that he spoke of as an equally profound spiritual awakening. One of his later works The Kingdom of God is Within You had a profound impact on society of that time.
- In 1960 Hugh Grant was born, an English actor and producer, known for his roles in Four Weddings and a Funeral, Notting Hill and Bridget Jones's Diary. Regardless of his acting career spanning for over 35 years, he has repeatedly claimed that acting wasn’t his true calling but a career that developed by happenstance.
- In 1966 Adam Sandler was born, an American actor and screenwriter, recognized for his roles in Happy Gilmore, Mr. Deeds and others. He lives with his wife and two daughters in the same building where his mother resides.
Important Historical Events on 9th of September
- 1776 – The union of states in America is named the United States.
- 1839 – The first glass plate photograph is taken by John Herschel (born on March 7th).
- 1892 – The discovery of Amalthea, the third moon of Jupiter.
- 1940 – The first remote operation of a computer is done by George Stibitz (born on April 30th).
- 1947 – A computer bug is found for the first time at Harvard University.
- 1969 – As the Official Languages Act comes into force in Canada, French becomes equal to English throughout the Federal government.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.