September 29th Zodiac

Date: September 29th
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Color: Purple
In One Word: Flowing
Shape: A Curvy Line
Strength: Empathy
Weakness: Extremely Fragile
Most Compatible With: Aquarius

September 29th is a date of high hopes, aspirations and talents. It reflects on the beginning of autumn in a nostalgic tone, bringing emotional ups and downs and getting our ties to the past out in the open until we are ready to deal with them and let go the natural flow of life. People born at this time are dreamers and idealist, although they often camouflage their sensitive nature with a rational attitude and speech.

September 29th Horoscope


This is an extremely sensitive time and people born on September 29th show signs of true connection and purity just as much as they are fragile and often unable to control their emotional boundaries to the outer world. Their inner world is rich, but their appearance might seem quite different, as if their first impulse is to hide their sensitivity trying to prove their emotional stability and strength. However, true talents and a gentle loving nature need to come out and cleanse if they are to use the gifts they’ve been blessed with in this lifetime.

With the Moon and Pluto combining in their second planetary row, we need to acknowledge the deep emotional difficulty that they might encounter. Letting go of sadness, they must recognize their strengths as they dive in deep into what others see as weakness. It isn’t an easy task, but it is, without a doubt, the most rewarding one of all. It is wise to engage in psychology or methods of self-healing until they are strong enough to take matters in their own hands and relate on an intimate and deep level that truly sets them free. With Pluto standing here as a reminder of the energy they possess when they are in connection to their inner being, their rough moments and shadows tend to set free in an outburst that might come out too intense or aggressive for other people. They are to balance these intense energies from their core with their own sensitivity.

Love and Emotions

As their highly emotional nature meets the world of relating and romance, they could stumble one too many times trying to think of appropriate ways to behave or distance themselves enough to not get hurt. Their love life is exciting, but it can also get quite lonely if they get scared and secluded, or if they try too hard to swallow their feelings and pretend to be enjoying treatment they really don’t. Away from what is deemed as "normal" and floating away in their own inner world, in order to truly connect, they must first believe their hearts understanding that they are here to light the way.

Since lack of faith and impure emotions are an issue here, we can anticipate disappointments and strange contacts, platonic relationships that bite into their ego, or deception and parallel bonds to satisfy the core of their needs that are vast and unusual for systems they are being taught to belong to. It is important that they build and shift their perception until they see the truth clearly and believe in their own sensations before believing in any outer system of moral values or religions. When they start recognizing the faith deeply rooted in their Soul, they will connect to the right person in pure magic of Divine Love.


The Moon stands as the guiding light for Libras born on the 29th of September, meant to teach them how to follow their heart. Their mission is one of love, not so much a partnership but an intimate way to connect and build a support system that gives them freedom to be who they are and feel whatever they might be feeling. They will find their richness of emotion in parenthood and relationships that are warm, cozy, and truly gentle to their inner being.

What They Excel In

Someone born on September 29th excels in all forms of healing, alternative solutions for emotional states of others, and most of all empathy. They are listeners with a cause to help, support and see the bigger picture with hope in situations that seem hopeless. However, until their true state of pure faith is found, and they struggle with emotional issues, they won’t reach their full potential and could settle for positions in secluded places, prisons, hospitals or at sea, that don’t inspire them to connect to others the way they are meant to but simply keep them away until they get in touch with their inner mission.

September 29th Birthday Gift

Dreamy and emotional, they prefer gifts that are wrapped in sparkles, all those things that inspire them, artistic, musical and beautiful. On their search for beauty, they often need someone to remind them of miracles of the world and would love a boat ride, a vacation by the ocean, or a hike through the forest if they are in good physical shape. Give them a poem, something straight out of the world of fantasy, or stick to incenses, light perfumes and balanced music they will enjoy.

Positive Traits for September 29th Born

Sensitive of their environment and the ambient flow, they are openhearted, empathic and understand what a group of people needs for the connecting topic to unwind and heal.

Negative Traits for September 29th Born

Lost, fragile around others and stuck in defense mechanisms that are hard to understand, if they don’t find an adequate system of emotional support they might turn to psychoactive substance abuse and other forms of anesthetizing of their higher mind.

Healing Crystal

Danburite is a very good spiritual crystal that helps those born on the 29th of September reach the point of clarity in connection to the spiritual world. It will help them learn the truth and connect the higher realms they sense all the time with their heart and their presence here, on planet Earth. Open dialogues with what's beyond and invisible will help them cleanse of all toxic influences and it is best used in meditation and worn when they are alone and free from impacts of the outer world.

Sabian Symbol

The Sabian symbol for Libra representatives born on September 29th in every year that isn’t a leap year:

"A Man Watching His Ideals Taking a Concrete Form Before His Inner Vision"

The Sabian symbol for Libra representatives born on September 29th in a leap year:

"A Woman Feeding Chickens and Protecting Them from the Hawks"

The combination of these symbols speaks of the importance of their feminine and nurturing side, meant to protect them from aggressive outer influences, so their ideals can be manifested. They could lose a lot of energy of relationships filled with one-way understanding until they build the sense of self-worth and self-care that allows them to regenerate and gather energy to get in control of their own life and see things they wish for develop before their eyes.

Famous Birthdays on 29th of September

  • In 1935 Jerry Lee Lewis was born, an American singer, songwriter and pianist, going by the nickname, The Killer. His upwards spiral of success suddenly plummeted when he married his 13-years-old cousin.
  • In 1968 Patrick Burns was born, an American paranormal investigator, the star of the series Haunting Evidence and the founder of the website Ghost Sounds. He stated that the first time he met with unusual and paranormal phenomena, he was 18 years old and although he found a rational cause for it, it was enough to inspire his pursuit of the truth in the unseen.
  • In 1980 Zachary Levi was born, an American actor and singer, known for his roles in the series Chuck, the film Thor: The Dark World and as the voice of Flynn Rider in the animated film Tangled. In an interview he stated that his job on the set is to show people the love he carries within so when they ask him about it, about his peace and his talents, he can say he got it all from Jesus Christ.

Important Historical Events on 29th of September

  • 1789 – A regular army with a strength of several hundred men is established for the first time by the U. S. Department of War.
  • 1829 – Founding of the Metropolitan Police of London.
  • 1885 – Opening of the first practical public electric tramway.
  • 1975 – In Michigan, the first black-owned-and-operated television station begins transmission.
  • 2004 – Within only four lunar distances of the Earth, the asteroid 4179 Toutatis passes by.
  • 2007 – In a controlled explosion, the first commercial nuclear power station is demolished.

September Zodiac Index

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30
Iva Vucinic

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.

Libra Information

Additional Information

Libra - traits, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information.

Libra Man - information and insights on the Libra man.

Libra Woman - information and insights on the Libra woman.

Libra Compatibility - the compatibility of Libra with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life.

Libra History - the history of Libra and the stories behind it.

Libra Symbol - images and interpretations of the Libra symbol and ruler.

Zodiac Calendar - Discover what your date of birth tells about your character, motivation and purpose in life.

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