September 27th Zodiac
Date: September 27th
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Color: Deep Sky Blue
In One Word: Collective
Shape: Two Crescents Touching
Strength: Growth of Consciousness
Weakness: Anxious
Most Compatible With: Aries
Strange situations are always possible on September 27th. It is a date meant to surprise you, sweep you off your feet and open your soul for experiences that are extraordinary, bringing you closer to the Divine Love itself. Libras born at this time are different than other people, they stand out in so many ways, and trying to dial down their expression or shove too many words down their throat could seriously damage their ego and their physiology.
September 27th Horoscope
There is something extraordinary living in people born on the 27th of September, a spark of life itself meant to connect them with large social circles and people that others don’t accept easily. They are good friends, open for adventures and interactions that aren’t as moderate as a typical Libra would like their life to be, and this makes it even harder for them to find balance on these higher planes of existence where they feel like they need to do too many things alone.
Masculine energies roll through their second planetary row and show them that their body is the temple they are meant to commit to. The more they worry about their routine and their physical strength, the closer they will get to higher knowledge and heal their ego and their child within. They have the energy to push through any painful matter that keeps them bound and need to break through, take initiative and show everyone what they are really made of.
Love and Emotions
Deeply emotional and just as spiritual, Libras born on the 27th of September could ruin a large portion of their emotional relationships with too much talking. Their need for self-expression needs to go a step further, into inaudible and invisible realms of interacting, and their connection to any partner needs to be founded on shared beliefs and a contact that is felt in the air, not just fit for norms they have been taught to follow. Their role is the one of a tactful romance and a good friend, and their fallen Sun shouldn’t stand in the way of understanding the person standing in front of them.
Able to see both opposing sides to any story, stress and tension will wear off as their cleanse their heart of influences from their family and their primal surroundings. They need a friend and a soulmate rolled into one person, or they could seek fulfillment in parallel bonds that won’t really leave them free of unconscious guilt in the long run. It is their task to nurture emotional bridges between them and their partner, so they can be the one to be held up and respected every step of the way.
True peace is the purpose in lives of those born on September 27th, connecting on higher planes, and all those spiritual efforts that are shared where no one can really see them. They are on the chase for the Divine, for connections that are pure and non-verbal, and they are to shut their mind for long enough to feel the mission they were born to embark on while at the same time helping those in need to find theirs.
What They Excel In
Someone born on September 27th is a good friend and an excellent scientist and astrologer if curious enough to commit their life to collecting such knowledge. They are engineers and those who understand what hides between the lines, and while they may be troublemakers in need to set free, they will be innovative and set new standards for others to follow. In flow with their emotions, they are excellent SOS line employees and those who heal people from all sorts of traumas.
September 27th Birthday Gift
Someone born on the 27th of September needs something to keep them interested longer than a couple of minutes. It is wise to give them modern things they will use and touch, like a computer, a video game, or something belonging to the realm of strange technology. They will enjoy astrology literature, psychology insights and fiction novels that lead them towards new ideas. It is best to stick to intellectual stimuli and make things playful and fun. If nothing else pops into your mind, you can always wrap up a bunch of lottery tickets or organize fireworks in front of their window.
Positive Traits for September 27th Born
Vast ability to connect the dots and see both sides to any situation, they are intelligent and ready to take steps towards emotional freedom and a pure connection with the rest of human kind. They are good friends with a big heart.
Negative Traits for September 27th Born
Stressed and putting too much pressure on their heart to reach fast solutions, they get neurotic, talk too much, and easily lose themselves in an attitude that isn’t really their own but serves only to protect them from the outer world.
Healing Crystal
Green aphophyllite gives Libras born on September 27th the ability to see issues of the heart clearly, untainted by ego or fear. It is a stone that allows forgiveness and emotional healing, and helps one let go of all things that are no longer necessary or relevant. It has a beautiful loving energy needed to keep them in balance and aid them on their path of discovering the tenderness needed to connect with the outer world in purity of love.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Libra representatives born on September 27th in every year that isn’t a leap year:
The Sabian symbol for Libra representatives born on September 27th in a leap year:
We can see that this is a date that carries important messages about spirituality and the knowledge found in our hearts that will eventually set us free. Everything comes and sinks into emotion and those born on this date need to find answers within instead of searching for them in the outer world. Relationships will push them inwards and for as long as they don’t realize which messages they are to decipher, they could get bruised and pushed around one too many times. It is the stability of heart that is to be found.
Famous Birthdays on 27th of September
- In 1925 Robert Edwards was born, an English academic and physiologist, who received a Nobel Prize for pioneering conception through IVF. This presents an incredible connection of the Moon with Uranus in his planetary row.
- In 1972 Gwyneth Paltrow was born, an American actress, businesswoman and lifestyle guru, known for her roles in movies Seven, Great Expectations, and Shakespeare in Love. As a child she celebrated both Jewish and Christian holidays and managed to successfully pursue several intertwined directions in life while primarily recognized as an actress.
- In 1984 Avril Lavigne was born, a Canadian singer, songwriter and actress who is considered a key musician in the development of female-driven pop punk. Apart from her music career she has appeared on screen, introduced her clothing line and released a perfume, getting married and divorced twice before she turned 32. Most of her tattoos are matched with those of her friends.
Important Historical Events on 27th of September
- 1825 – Opening of the first railway that uses steam locomotives for the public.
- 1962 – Establishing of the Yemen Arab Republic.
- 1968 – Hair, the stage musical, opens in Shaftesbury Theatre in London, UK.
- 1975 – The last time that capital punishment is used in Spain.
- 1998 – Search engine Google retroactively claims September 27th as its birthday.
- 2008 – The first time that a Chinese person performs a spacewalk.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.