September 16th Zodiac
Date: September 16th
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Color: Raspberry
In One Word: Sharing
Shape: Heart
Strength: Mature Love
Weakness: Restrictive
Most Compatible With: Pisces
The theme of September 16th is mature love and creative power it gives to all of us. This is a selfless time when one needs to find their connection to another human being on a physical level, through sharing of emotions, inspiration and creativity. This is also a time of forbidden love, relationships with married men and women, as well as all those secrets that remain hidden from plain sight as we connect to others in pure emotion.
September 16th Horoscope
People born on September 16th have a special glimpse in the relationships of Venus and our Sun, along with Neptune to bless them with magic and inspiration. This is a wonderful time when all needed elements for creation are aligned, but also a time of great demands and challenges if love isn’t pure and one doesn’t believe in high ideals they were born with. A lot of warmth is seen in this row, maturity in emotional interactions and a romantic nature that cannot be hidden however put to shame or restricted this Virgo might be.
Through repetition of Venus and Sun in their secondary row, we can see how important the theme of some serious loving is for these individuals. It will also boost their artistic tendencies and their ability to connect the unseen with the real world through pure creative power. Partnerships and important romances are a common part of their life, and the battle here is to connect the world of dreams with the real world with no boundaries between them.
Love and Emotions
Love stories of those born on September 16th have one thing in common and that is the search for something touchable and real. They won’t settle for platonic bonds for years, and need someone to hold their hand, touch them and show them how respected and loved they can be. This shouldn’t lead them to dismiss all the magic in waiting and preparations that are sometimes needed for something deep and magnificent to enter their emotional world.
Relationships with significantly older partners are possible, as well as extramarital affairs that turn into serious bonds as well. Ties from secret affairs of their ancestors might hold them back though and keep them in physical romantic relationships for years until they build enough self-respect to break the cycle and turn to exclusive contacts they truly need. Their main challenge is to balance out their sensitive nature with the respect they are to give and get in every single bond.
Interestingly, Uranus is the destination and the purpose in lives of those born on September 16th. This entity speaks of all oppositions that push us to set free, and we can see how important it is for them to find the place of peace between extremes to feel free from the real world limiting their expressive nature. They are to surround themselves with the right social circle, to grow and evolve through experiences that aren’t easy, and to find freedom as they set up a foundation of personal responsibly through time passing by.
What They Excel In
A person born on the 16th of September is extremely creative and need something to do with their own two hands. They are excellent writers, sculptors and painters, even though they don’t necessarily turn to art to express their individuality. They can be matchmakers and excellent lovers, good partners respectful of others. In general, they excel in relating when they are relaxed and flexible enough for all those extremes of our differing human natures.
September 16th Birthday Gift
A birthday gift for someone born on September 16th is supposed to be loving, artistic and in touch with their creative world. They will appreciate a work of art, expensive or not, for as long as it brings the sense of beauty and light in their home. Buy them a colorful lamp, something that will bring more color into their world, or choose a set of colors, a coloring book to calm their nerves, pens, clay molds they can play with in their spare time or something to smell good as a fine bubble bath.
Positive Traits for September 16th Born
Willing to relate, love, and turned to beauty and good things in other people, they can be the source of inspiration to many and help with their mature view on love and relating. They are leaders with a tender voice and a tender hand, followed by others when they are in touch with the feminine within.
Negative Traits for September 16th Born
Torn between extremes of their own nature, they form the world of dualities, of good and bad in others where they start seeing themselves as a victim of other or outer circumstances out of their control. This could make them extremely stressed and hard to deal with, as they break off relationships that might be truly good for them on a whim.
Healing Crystal
Known as the stone of harmony and good health, spessartine garnet is a very good choice of stone for Virgos born on September 16th. Boosting their emotions, it will help them balance out those fine and sensitive inner needs with their standard rational and practical approach to life. This is a crystal that enhances creativity and their imaginative side, turning their focus on materialization of what truly inspires and guides them.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Virgo representatives born on September 16th in two years preceding a leap year:
The Sabian symbol for Virgo representatives born on September 16th in a leap year and a year following it:
There is an extreme opposition in these two symbols, showing well the challenge those born on this date carry within. Their fragile nature is to be nurtured and their aggression tamed, so that their planetary row can be in balance. It is the ultimate connection of the feminine and masculine within, with a note of parenthood and deep care to connect the dots. However uneasy it might be to recognize the connection of the earthly and animalistic with all that is spiritual and inspiring, it is a blessing to see both ends to each story and each relationship.
Famous Birthdays on 16th of September
- In 1952 Mickey Rourke was born, an American actor and a retired boxer, known for his roles in 9½ Weeks, Sin City and The Wrestler. He has stated that his first marriage ended because he was inconsiderate of his wife's needs when filming the movie 9½ Weeks.
- In 1956 David Copperfield was born, an American magician and actor, described as the most commercially successful magician in history. He was a shy kid and a loner and found magic as a way to fit in and later on, to meet women.
- In 1968 Marc Anthony was born, an American singer, songwriter and actor, as well as the best-selling tropical salsa artist of all time. He was married to Jennifer Lopez (born on July 24th) with whom he received $6 million for the first photos of their newborn twins.
Important Historical Events on 16th of September
- 1908 – Founding of the General Motors Corporation.
- 1955 – The first time that a ballistic missile is launched from a submarine.
- 1959 – Introduction of the first successful photocopier.
- 1976 – Champion swimmer from Armenia saves 20 people from a trolleybus that had fallen into a reservoir.
- 1987 – Signing of the Montreal Protocol that is to protect the ozone layer from depletion.
- 1975 – Papua New Guinea becomes independent from Australia.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.