September 15th Zodiac
Date: September 15th
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Color: Maize
In One Word: Expression
Shape: Circle
Strength: Eloquent
Weakness: Hiding
Most Compatible With: Pisces
September 15th as the middle of the month carries a hidden story of balance in its glow. This is a time to embrace that one's need to express their authenticity comes through deepest emotional needs and through the Soul. Good things won’t come out of the need to hold on to outer authorities and strict guidelines, and those born at this time must let go to the flow of their own inner heart and their personal assessments of right and wrong to truly be happy.
September 15th Horoscope
Virgos born on the 15th of September need to bring their ego to the point of higher understanding, where Divine Love is found, and they are free to understand their place in the world with inspiration and true guidance. There is a lot of childish joy in this planetary row, and if it is suppressed at a young age, these individuals become too serious, strict, and critical of others in their lack of trust for the outer world. They need to hold on to their set of personal values and feelings, so they can interact and express in an honest and calm manner.
As their story unfolds, they will find faith to be their primal goal in life. As many Virgo representatives, they are to accept and embrace their opposite sign of Pisces and its stories, myths, magic and all those impossible strivings that idealists will move for. Repetition is to be expected in their life, and their lessons need to be learned and tested several times. This could tire them out and push them into giving up on themselves if they don’t build a solid circle of friends and family members who give them enough emotional support.
Love and Emotions
With Venus lighting their way, Virgos born on September 15th may seem rational and practical in their love life, but they are really idealists searching for love everywhere they go. They are stable and loyal, filled with the right amount of dignity around those they care for, and can be deeply protective of their loved ones when in touch with their heart. The risk here comes from strict attitudes and prejudice imposed on them by their surroundings as they build their personality and become adults.
Very often, their love life starts as something a bit chaotic and adolescence might leave them with unresolved relationships that keep them stuck by all those things they will "never allow to happen again". However important it might be to hold on to healthy boundaries, here, it is a challenge to keep an open heart too, understanding that differences between them and their partner are to inspire them to grow out of the walls they often limit themselves with. They need someone to open new paths and adventures in front of them, and they should never settle for less than tenderness, care, and respect.
With Venus as their guiding light, the same Venus that falls in their Sun sign, it is up to those born on September 15th to find beauty in the strangest of things, in small issues in life, and in grounded, material experiences that might be tiresome to other people. They are to pursue their inspiration and stay motivated instead of simply working towards a position or status, and it is important that they fall in love with themselves often enough, so they can truly understand what they deserve in this lifetime. Their path is the one of balance, and of the search for feminine, pleasurable sides to life they are often taught aren’t rational or useful for progress.
What They Excel In
A Virgo born on the 15th of September may reach positions of power and management with a certain ease, for they understand all those little things that make a whole and know how to organize others and their workplace to function. They are loyal and true to their cause, and this makes them excellent coworkers and team players when in touch with diversity of human kind. They may become known writers and public speakers, as well as actors and all those in need of extreme self-expression.
September 15th Birthday Gift
It is not that difficult to choose a gift for a Virgo born on September 15th however critical or opinionated they might be. You can always choose something practical or in tune with their professional choices. Still, their deep emotional needs crave for art, self-expression shared, and they would truly love your effort to paint or make something on your own, deeply rooted in the symbolism of your relationship and obviously imperfect.
Positive Traits for September 15th Born
Stable, loyal, dignified and eloquent, they are willing and ready to come to the core of any conflict however long it might take. They are someone to rely on, humble yet energetic, and always there when you need them.
Negative Traits for September 15th Born
When dismissive of faith, they become bookworms, hard to satisfy, overly critical and egocentric. They tend to either close their heart for the outer world or become too expressive in their constant dissatisfaction.
Healing Crystal
One of fifth chakra stones, aquamarine is an excellent choice for those born on September 15th. It is a stone that strengthens their courage and helps them express themselves clearly, so they can communicate with ease about issues that are true to their authentic needs. It is a stone of connecting with the right social circle, finding one's tribe, while releasing old emotions that weigh them down and keep them in an emotional place where they feel as if they never fit in.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Virgo representatives born on September 15th in two years preceding a leap year:
The Sabian symbol for Virgo representatives born on September 15th in a leap year and a year following it:
Both of these symbols carry a strong message of the Sun, one of them speaking of royalty and the other of the animalistic side to this nature of ego we are all to tame and bring to light. We can see that these individuals are turned to battles with authority, and inner conflicts are almost inevitable. Depending on the level of their awareness in contact with others and their inner authentic self their struggles will inspire them or hold them back. Their path is one of self-recognition where middle ground will be found. Peace will be made when they embrace their animal within and make it their pet, while still staying humble in positions of power and leadership.
Famous Birthdays on 15th of September
- In 1890 Agatha Christie was born, an English crime novelist, playwright and short story writer, mostly recognized for her series on fictional detectives Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. She was raised in a home that was open to all sorts of esoteric beliefs and she believed that her mother was a psychic.
- In 1946 Tommy Lee Jones was born, an American actor, director and screenwriter who starred in No Country for Old Men, Under Siege and The Amazing Howard Hughes. He graduated in English and his senior thesis as on "the mechanics of Catholicism".
- In 1946 Oliver Stone was born, an American director, producer and screenwriter who won an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay for his work on Midnight Express. His parents divorced when he was away at school and he considers this to have grand impact on the entire course of his life.
Important Historical Events on 15th of September
- 1530 – The miraculous portrait of Saint Dominic in Soriano appears.
- 1812 – Kremlin in Moscow is reached by Napoleon's (born on August 15th) army.
- 1915 – The oldest still running cinema in Australia opens.
- 1916 – The first time that tanks are used in battle.
- 1935 – A new national flag with a swastika on it is adopted by Nazi Germany.
- 1959 – The first visit of a Soviet leader to visit the U. S.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.