October 27th Zodiac
Date: October 27th
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Color: Metallic Gold
In One Word: Friendship
Shape: Triangle
Strength: Personal Freedom
Weakness: Dismissive
Most Compatible With: Pisces
October 27th is a day in the calendar when one's deepest, darkest shadows are to be transformed into something practical and useful. The greatest sort of energy in anyone's life is found in things they don’t want to face, and as we conquer our fears on this date, it brings blessings for the future we create. People born at this time have an obvious task to change something deep, accept the course of endings in life, and use them to get the motivation and beauty out of life.
October 27th Horoscope
Childhood of individuals born on October 27th is usually colored by intense differences of their parents, and depending on the way their relationship developed, they will perceive their own relationships in life. They need to set free from patterns that preceded them, so they can grow into healthy individuals that share their authentic self with the right person by their side. A supportive social circle makes them stronger, and constantly reminds them that they can be exactly who they are in any surroundings, for as long as they hold on to their true inner system of values and morals.
A change of attitudes and a deep change on the level of their personality is about to go down in lives of these individuals, as they determine their true role in the world around them. They could spend a large chunk of their life on ambitious goals, chasing some sort of status and trying to present themselves as leaders. Time teaches them that their true inner leader hides in their most creative, childish nature.
Love and Emotions
There is a sense of urgency in relationships that those born on the 27th of October form. This can be challenging when they intend to build a solid relationship meant to last, and even though they understand the cycles of nature well and their own instinctive needs, they might take a while to truly find themselves in a committed relationship. They wish for a partner who is brave enough to face the day and share a life with them that is free of general norms, common troubles and dishonesty.
Their heightened senses lead them deep into beliefs that aren’t always positive for their emotional growth, and they could get stuck in a loop of short-term relationships that don’t have the potential to last. However, once they find their own stable core, things tend to change as they understand what they truly want out of their bonds and realize that they don’t need their partner as brave as much as sensitive. Embracing their own emotional flow, they begin to connect with the other person in ways that are much freer and more fragile, finding the bravery in themselves to let go to the purity of contact they actually seek.
As everyone on a path of self-recognition, those born on the 27th of October are to find their own stable center, stand firm on their identity, so they can conduct ideas and incredible thoughts that come to them from the Higher Mind. They need their creative grounding present every day in their lives and need to find the center of personal power through talents they’ve been blessed with by their ancestors. In search for their Self they will try out some wrong paths and stumble upon systems they don’t belong to. This is fine for as long as they are honest about the way they feel and see that what matters most is to not make too many compromises along the way but find middle grounds where everyone will be satisfied by the outcome.
What They Excel In
People born on October 27th are wonderful friends as they understand the social flow and things needed for the large group of people to function properly. They are intelligent and have an open mind for modern technologies and approaches that aren’t common and accepted by the collective. This makes them successful in computer sciences, astrology, engineering and science, as well as work with traumatic issues and people who are going through anxiety or have panic attacks.
October 27th Birthday Gift
A birthday gift for someone born on October 27th is to be surprising and authentic. If you choose clothes, go with something bold and asymmetrical but also something to go well with shoes they recently bought. Choose something out of the ordinary, organize a gathering of their good friends and be picky with the selection of those they truly love. Set up some fireworks, electronic music and karaoke, offering them excitement and self-expression to enjoy.
Positive Traits for October 27th Born
Friendly, openminded and filled with incredible ideas, they are innovative, open for change and ready to take matters into their own hands when others get stuck. Good friends, intelligent and not prone to gossip, they are the light of the party when in touch with their inner child.
Negative Traits for October 27th Born
Stressed and torn apart, feeing abandoned or left behind, they need a sense of personal freedom of expression, so they can heal from trauma and build the confidence their authentic nature needs to feel.
Healing Crystal
Ametrine quartz crystal helps individuals born on the 27th of October to find spiritual clarity, so they aren’t overburdened with the number of impulses reaching their mind every minute. It is a stone known to unite masculine and feminine energies, and heals deep wounds of separation, divorce, and feelings of abandonment. Connecting higher energies from the crown chakra with the energies of the solar plexus chakra, it aids manifestation and creative expression of ideas rushing through their mind.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Scorpio representatives born on October 27th in a year preceding a leap year:
The Sabian symbol for Scorpio representatives born on October 27th in a leap year and two years following it:
The sense of society is felt in both symbols, and even though social norms might put some pressure on a person born on this date, their inner child always carries a torch of light to shine the way. Mysterious things might happen in their life, and they could discover real magic and ways to incorporate it in their everyday existence, summoning what they need and changing their own patterns of behavior in the blink of an eye. The key is to find their own magic, the right tribe to belong to, and get out of social circles that don’t really resonate with their heart, those that limit or put conditions on support they need to grow.
Famous Birthdays on 27th of October
- In 1811 Isaac Singer was born, an American businessman, actor and inventor, who made important improvements in the design of the sewing machine, and founded Singer Sewing Machine Company. He had at least 24 children with different wives and mistresses.
- In 1858 Theodore Roosevelt was born, 26th President of the United states, referred to as a driving force for the Progressive Era in the U. S. in the early 20th century. He was a sensitive child with asthma and overcame his physical limitations by a strenuous lifestyle, ending up expressing himself as a "cowboy" persona with robust masculinity.
- In 1939 John Cleese was born, an English actor, comedian and screenwriter, known as the co-founder of Monty Python the comedy troupe. Due to his love for lemurs and his efforts in protecting them, a species of lemur that was discovered in the 1990s got named after him.
Important Historical Events on 27th of October
- 1838 – Extermination Order is issued in Missouri, ordering all Mormons to leave the state or be killed.
- 1904 – The first underground subway line is opened in NYC.
- 1964 – Ronald Reagan's (born on February 6th) political career is launched by his speech "A Time for Choosing".
- 1986 – Financial markets are deregulated by the British government, leading to restructuring of their operation in an event referred to as the Big Bang.
- 1992 – A U. S. Navy radioman is killed by his shipmate for being gay.
- 2017 – Catalonia declares its independence from Spain.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.