October 17th Zodiac
Date: October 17th
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Color: Nickel
In One Word: Spirited
Shape: Zig Zag
Strength: Intellect
Weakness: Stressed Out
Most Compatible With: aquarius
A date such as 17th of October has some opposing extremes to merge to get into balance and it is no wonder that people born on this date have trouble expressing themselves while holding on to the core of their personality. They need a lot of personal freedom and a liberating upbringing in order to be fully functional and in tune with the real world, instead of simply thinking and planning without making specific moves.
October 17th Horoscope
The planetary row of Libras born on October 17th points out the importance of friendships and their social circles and shows how important freedom of thought is to heal any differences and struggles in relating with others. There could be a lot of stress to their daily life, especially if they don’t do everything they can to care for their body, find grounding, and surround themselves with people who support them and see their core of personality, instead of seeking status and fighting to belong to any system that isn’t really their own. In search for their tribe, many contacts will be made, communication will flow and break, so they can find those souls they connect to on a higher plane and give them priority over well-known and standard systems, groups, and collective efforts.
Love and Emotions
With Neptune set as their guiding light and Uranus standing accented and firm in their planetary row, those born on the 17th of October must truly fall in love to consider giving up on their freedom in life. They want their partner to be their friend too and need someone they can talk to about all issues, however stressful they might be. Such communication leads to the requirements of the bigger picture being met and could be the foundation of long-term bonds or ties that have idealism in their core instead of what the truth of their own heart's sensation is.
Honesty is the main building rock of any relationship they wish to form, and no romance will have a long lifespan if it isn’t founded in mutually shared truths. The ideal might lead them astray, letting them believe that something is perfect despite reality. In order to live their dream in the real world they must realize that reality is a part of their emotional world, just as it is. Only when they incorporate true information into the bigger image created by the atmosphere and their emotions, will they be able to connect the real world with the ideal of love they wish to live.
We could say that people born on October 17th have a special task to find magic in life, inspiration, and those frail wondrous things that give them multiple wings to fly. They need a special mission to hold on to, and their talents are there to light the way. Faith is to be regained even after many disappointments, and they need to approach their sensitive aura and their most sensitive emotional being, so they can move in the right direction instead of getting lost. Moving through dishonesties and strange circumstances, they are to find that their flow of emotion gives them all the information they need to get.
What They Excel In
A person born on October 17th does well in all areas of expertise that include technology, programming, and different languages. They make excellent friends, but also astrologers, IT analysts, and all those who read through symbols to find their meaning and their projection onto the real world. What starts as a code is to lead to a bigger picture that is also functional, and a much larger equation is generally clear to them along the way.
October 17th Birthday Gift
The choice of birthday gift for someone born on October 17th is a bit tricky, as they like all those little things that make life magical, but you never really know what will light the spark in their heart. The safe choice is always a piece of technology, in their favorite color and in tune with their creative side. They want something to look fine, distinguished, and modern, and they will appreciate a present that is complicated to understand and even slightly less functional, for as long as it triggers their desire to learn and decipher the way it works. To keep things light and in touch with their child within, choose a rainbow maker for their window or something to swim around their bathtub when they enjoy a relaxing bath.
Positive Traits for October 17th Born
A bit eccentric and standing out from the crowd, they inspire others with their ability to maintain solid relationships while holding on to their individuality. They promote beauty in the unseen, in what isn’t logical or common, and make excellent friends who value diversity.
Negative Traits for October 17th Born
Stressed out and torn between their desires and expectations of the real world, they could cut things short and give up on long-term projects before they reach their destination, simply because they lose faith in their initiative and the instinct that brought them there.
Healing Crystal
An excellent healing crystal for a Libra born on the 17th of October is fulgurite, known to aid in use of the power of lightning to manifest things in the real world. The crystal itself is formed by a lightning strike onto the sand or soil and speaks of the ability to transform stress and incredible energy from above into something as simple and beautiful as a rock. This is a stone to boost one's connection of body and higher mind, and in the practical sense helps the ability to hear and analyze information we receive from the outer world in an unusual way, natural to these individuals.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Libra representatives born on October 17th in every year:
The lack of balance seen in this symbol points out the beauty in one's differences from others and from the rest of the world. The challenge here is to be different and still fully functional, with the left side putting an emphasis on special emotional needs, talents and cravings. Someone born on this date has to show and develop something to stand out from the norm, while still being beautiful and operating, and this isn’t an easy task, especially not for someone with their fallen Sun in Libra. They are to remember that their differences and "not normal" inner characteristics make them beautiful and special in the first place.
Famous Birthdays on 17th of October
- In 1930 Robert Atkins was born, an American cardiologist, physician and nutritionist, famous for creating the Atkins diet. Before deciding to pursue his career in medicine, he thought about becoming a comedian.
- In 1962 Mike Judge was born, an American comedian, actor, animator, director and screenwriter, who rose to fame as the creator of the television series Beavis and Butt-Head. He graduated from the University of California, San Diego, with his major in physics.
- In 1972 Eminem (Marshall Bruce Mathers III) was born, an American rapper, actor and producer, cited as one of the most influential artists of all time in any genre. He was sued by his mother for slandering her on The Slim Shady LP.
Important Historical Events on 17th of October
- 1604 – In the constellation of Ophiuchus, Kepler's Supernova is observed.
- 1814 – London Beer Flood takes away eight lives.
- 1933 – Albert Einstein (born on March 14th) flees Germany and moves to the U. S.
- 1956 – Opening of the first commercial nuclear power station in England.
- 1979 – Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to Mother Teresa (born on August 26th).
- 2018 – Canada legalizes the recreational use of cannabis.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.