November 30th Zodiac
Date: November 30th
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Color: Palatinate
In One Word: Fortune
Shape: Dot
Strength: Power of Beliefs
Weakness: Upside Down Convictions
Most Compatible With: Libra
November 30th is a powerful autumn date when one's beliefs create reality in the most obvious way, leading to strange encounters and circumstances that show the path of the Earth that is to be followed. This is a time for shamans, animal guides and a special contact with plants and nature that allows us to connect with energies that cannot be seen, until we see their effect in the real world. People born on this date have many inner questions to be answered, and their mind is to connect with their grounding, so their energy can rise and make the direction they wish to take easy to follow.
November 30th Horoscope
Jupiter and Pluto in this row speak of blessings in disguise, dark matters that turn to light and protection of a much higher order when one thinks all hopes are gone. Those born on this date have strange convictions and might stand opposed the rest of the world too often to give themselves and their hearts time to heal. Their dark sense of humor is the best possible remedy in times of need, and they will be the person we all want around in times of crisis. Their heart understands secrets of a wealthy life, as well as energies coming from the core of the Earth that can be used for growth and deeply healing teachings.
Love and Emotions
Deeply energetic and attracted to things they don’t really understand at first, their relationships and love life need time to manifest in all their potential. They become truly connective as they get older, when they start seeing the personal truth behind losses, attractive qualities of others, and their own sexuality that sometimes leads the way and out of control of the mind. Their first relationships could be hard to explain, different from those that are obvious in their family and their closest surroundings, and guided by energies that cannot be tamed, controlled or influenced.
As they start listening to information received from tough circumstances, including intimate contact and all relationships that ended, they find purpose in reaching greater depths of relating with people who touch their emotional substance. They are lovers with knowledge and understanding of shared pleasure, and won’t settle for less than pure contact, often heading into short-term bonds until they meet someone willing to let go to the oneness they wish to create in pure honesty and shared causes.
Mercury is the guiding light of those born on November 30th, there to show just how important small and seemingly irrelevant signals and information they find truly are. It is their task to find a way to communicate about their beliefs and deeply felt issues in their Soul, and to open themselves for information from the greatest depths. They should meditate, create a safe astral space to work in, and speak with animal guides, distant ancestors, and planetary phenomena that talk to them every day pulling them in with magnetic certainty.
What They Excel In
Individuals born on November 30th are excellent managers in times of crisis, those who heal deepest professional issues in large systems, and those who work well with risk, bonds of value, and large amounts of money. They are shareholders and bankers with vision, those who know where to invest to turn their life around, and all those energetic healers, family constellation therapists and people who see the magic of creation where others only see trouble and loss. When attuned with science and mathematics, they become researchers, scientists, ecologists and nuclear physicists.
November 30th Birthday Gift
November 30th born love gifts that are material, touchable and potent in energy. They will appreciate an hour in a shop with healing stones and crystals until they choose the one that fits their hand perfectly, and love gifts that show a light at the end of the tunnel, books on healing and therapy, karmic cleansing and past-life regression sessions. They wish to visit poor countries, see other religions and feel energies of the Earth where nature is raw and untouched.
Positive Traits for November 30th Born
Deeply connected with the collective, they work well in times of crisis, deal with matters that don’t seem resolvable to many, and understand that there is only one truth to be found. Energetic and truthful, they tend to connect bravely until everything is out in the open.
Negative Traits for November 30th Born
Burdened by ancestral and past life issues, their karmic debt could be limiting and their convictions turned upside down. They find it impossible to make progress when thinking positively, for they deeply believe that the worst circumstances and sacrifice are the only things that open doors for positive experiences.
Healing Crystal
A powerful stone for protection and deep meditation, suitable for Sagittarius representatives born on the 30th of November, is Shamanite black calcite. It is a strong vibration crystal for shamanic journeying, that creates an energetic barrier towards the outer world so a person can find peace with their own authentic needs. A grounding and cleansing crystal, it is good to use it actively in difficult times. Connecting them to the collective core of energy, it will cleanse their system of difficult emotions until joy surfaces.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Sagittarius representatives born on November 30th:
Getting them in touch with the core of the Earth, this symbol confirms the strength of connection they have with forces that ground us and give practical solutions to problems in life. They can recreate joys of life after big traumas and losses, and understand that change is a necessary part of life that opens the path for new adventures and beautiful experiences. They will discover things in their deepest inner being, work on occult matters, and understand healing energies of crystals, human touch and spiritual grounding. Believing that there is no problem that cannot be resolved, they are deeply rooted and ready to explore options that will ultimately set them free.
Famous Birthdays on 30th of November
- In 1835 Mark Twain was born, an American novelist, humorist and lecturer, known for his novels The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. He was born shortly after an appearance of Halley's comet and predicted that he would "go out with it". He died the day after the comet returned.
- In 1874 Winston Churchill was born, an English politician and colonel, and the Prime Minister of the U. K that led Great Britain to victory in WWII. Highly praised as one of the most significant figures of the 20th century, he is known as victorious leader in wartime that protected liberal democracy from fascism.
- In 1937 Ridley Scott was born, an English film director recognized for his films Alien, Blade Runner, Gladiator and The Martian. Several of his movies are dedicated in memory of his family members, and loss has played a great part of his creative process and the way it is presented.
Important Historical Events on 30th of November
- 1872 – Scotland and England play the first ever international football match.
- 1934 – The first time that a steam locomotive reaches 100 mph.
- 1954 – The Hodges meteorite hits a woman taking a nap, the only case that is documented of a human being hit by a rock from space.
- 1979 – The release of The Wall, a rock opera by Pink Floyd.
- 1982 – The best-selling record album in history, Michael Jackson's (born on August 29th) Thriller, is released worldwide.
- 2005 – The first black archbishop is installed in the Church of England.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.