November 27th Zodiac
Date: November 27th
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Color: Azure White
In One Word: Winds
Shape: Triangle
Strength: Finding Middle Ground
Weakness: Torn
Most Compatible With: Gemini
November 27th is a strange time when things that can’t seem to go together find their point of understanding. It can be quite challenging, but gets extremely rewarding once the level of higher consciousness is achieved. People born at this time need to express themselves freely and find the third point of natural middle between separated and opposing issues, individuals and influences.
November 27th Horoscope
Uranus in the planetary row of those born on the 27th of November has a great potential to lead to high consciousness and enrich one's world with incredible friendships. Their lives are different, often exotic and standing away from common limitations, and their role might be unclear until they set free from norms that limit their movement and their decisions in life. Stress is an issue here, as well as the need for separation, tearing things apart only to see their essentials, and a rebellious attitude that might put them in danger if they aren’t careful to respect everyone it involves, including themselves. They are individualistic and need more freedom than most people in their surroundings are aware they do, this leading to choices that might be considered strange, but stand as a pure manifestation of their authentic needs.
In contact with others and people they consider to be on the "same level" they could face ego struggles and battles for supremacy. Attitudes might be imposed in areas they don’t really know a lot about, and respect for others could cost them self-respect if they don’t stay on a healthy distance from other people's worlds. They are to learn to relate while seeing light in others, but also understanding their flaws and shortcomings just as they need to see their own.
Love and Emotions
With such a stressful primal setting, those born on the 27th of November could have trouble establishing a place to call their home, move a lot, or break off too many contacts along the way when their true nature is inhibited and their desires quenched. The stress of relating and their search for healthy intimate bonds could push them into numerous short-term relationships, or keep them loyal and tied to those they have broken up with numerous times. They need stability in their contacts and it will be found only when personal freedom is no longer questioned or compromised in any way.
They need a good friend by their side, someone to trust them and someone they can trust. Free-spirited and open for strange solutions, they are often turned to long-distance relationships or those that don’t leave that much room for a safe, cozy and boring routine to become a part of their life. Adventurous, smart and in search for personal space, they need to understand in which ways they are to protect their identity, and that other people don’t necessarily pose a threat to their personality and emotional boundaries. When they build a healthy position to stand on and find their center where they are free to express through work, friendships and creative efforts, they form healthy relationships out of friendships with people who understand that differences are to be praised, not criticized.
Intimacy is the focus point in lives of those born on November 27th, and usually it takes time and effort to get untangled from certain invisible family issues until they are ready to purely connect. They could be dismissive of their frailty and emotions that need to be cherished. In time they learn that their primal goal is to find forgiveness and purity of contact with other human beings, accepting all feelings that arise as natural. This will give space to their life to unfold in a meaningful search for home and inner peace.
What They Excel In
A person born on November 27th is an excellent astrologer, programmer, and computer scientists, but might turn to extreme professions and risky hobbies such as parachute jumping, rollercoaster engineering or lion taming. The sky is the limit for these individuals, but only when they understand their inner core of power and see clearly where their heart is taking them instead of holding on to the circles they belong to. As they set free, they become innovative souls that shake the world for many, helping them understand what the Universe has to say about personal strength coming through the love for Self.
November 27th Birthday Gift
The choice of birthday gift for someone born on November 27th shouldn’t be stressed about. They will love different signs of affection and always enjoy a fine piece of alternative music, literature, accessories they can add to their style, a new wallet, or a lesson in paragliding. Extremely open-minded, they find a way to appreciate even silly or clumsy gifts, and for as long as you are a part of their loved social circle, you should simply give your affection in simple ways to show that you love them exactly as they are.
Positive Traits for November 27th Born
Free-spirited, open for change, they are rebels for a cause able to avoid riots and get straight to the point. Finding middle ground in the strangest of situations, they are wonderful friends, wanderers in search for the truth, and those who share important information from above.
Negative Traits for November 27th Born
Stressed, torn in their inner battles, they see others as a threat to their emotional world and become elusive, distant, or unreliable. Lost in their mind, their ideas could eat away common sense if they don’t find a way to creatively bring them to life.
Healing Crystal
A good choice of stone for those born on November 27th is eucryptite. It is known to relieve stress and stimulate endorphins in one's physiology, connecting them to earthly creative work that is needed to ground their ideas and their restless mind. It aids communication, gives support when truth needs to be said, and brings harmony to one's life when things are thrown in too many directions at once. It is a good stone to carry for large events and when they need to be a part of a group of extremely different individuals.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Sagittarius representatives born on November 27th:
The wisdom hiding behind solitude is the essential information in this Sabian symbol. These individuals need enough time alone and enough distance to create and secure their own personal world, so they can do things differently from others with pride and dedication. Protected by Nature itself, it is wise for them to get in touch with it whenever possible, enjoy hiking, out-of-town tours and spending time in parks and forests to cleanse their mind of toxic influences. Their concentration could peak at night, and the guidance of inner wisdom comes from active chases for goals in timings that are out of logic for everyone else. They are different, but flexible enough to see in all directions, and when on a safe distance, they build the understanding for others needed for healthy relationships and cooperation.
Famous Birthdays on 27th of November
- In 1940 Bruce Lee (Lee Jun-fan) was born, a Chinese American actor, director and martial artist, as well as the founder of the hybrid martial arts Jeet Kune Do. Known for his eclectic philosophy, he believed that any knowledge ultimately led to self-knowledge, and his views stood opposed to the conservative worldview advocated by Confucianism.
- In 1942 Jimi Hendrix was born, an American singer, songwriter and guitarist with a short-spanned career that made him still widely regarded as one of the most influential electric guitarists in history. His life is a wide story of difficult extremes that inspired his innovative spirit to rise but also led him to an early death.
- In 1951 Kathryn Bigelow was born, an American director, screenwriter and producer, known as the first woman to win any of the Academy Awards for Best Director. She describes her directing style as an exploration of film's potential to be kinetic and is known to create unique mobile shots.
Important Historical Events on 27th of November
- 1839 – Founding of the American Statistical Association in Boston.
- 1895 – The last will and testament is signed by Alfred Nobel (born on October 21st), setting his estate aside to establish the Nobel Prize after his death.
- 1901 – Establishing of the United States Army War College.
- 1968 – The first time that a woman plays major professional basketball.
- 1971 – The first manmade object reaches the surface of Mars.
- 2001 – The first atmosphere is detected on an extrasolar planet using the Hubble Space Telescope.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.