May 5th Zodiac
Date: May 5th
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Color: Harlequin Green
In One Word: Practicality
Shape: Four Parallel Lines
Strength: Common Sense
Weakness: Lack of Inspiration
Most Compatible With: Pisces
Like all dates in which the number of the day matches the number of the month, May 5th puts an emphasis on one specific issue in lives of those who were born at that time. It is a story of creative energy needed to express one's personality, and connects them to the nature of the fifth house and the Sun in touch with Mercury, symbolized by number 5.
May 5th Horoscope
With such a powerful signal, we must understand that those born on May 5th are messengers of their month. They have a task to tell us something, and in the time of Taurus, it is almost certain that they have a thing or two to teach us about hedonism and satisfactions of life. They might show to have two faces, belonging to both the world of chastity and that of weird physical pleasures. An entity such as Mercury given in repetition speaks of repetition on a much larger scale, for this isn’t a story of two things done at once, but four. This will reflect on all areas of life of those born on this date and make them excel at multitasking, but distance them from the oneness they need to find.
The second step of analysis serves to show that the ego has to change and shift and people born on this date have a task to realize that it is only their individuality that truly matters. Under a powerful influence of masculine figures in their life, they might have to break loose and find a different way of expression than the one their father would approve of.
Love and Emotions
Although the Sun is still in the sign of Taurus on May 5th, this is a date that will mostly reflect on its practical, earthly qualities and connection to financial and security issues. Emotional world of those born on this date could get quite stiff and unmovable, and while this might be satisfying if they fall crazy in love and marry their high school sweetheart, it could keep them in a rut for a long time and reflect on their childish glow and the way they perceive their personality in a negative way.
On the other hand, curiosity will open them up for love, but so much mental energy could keep them in a loop of change that doesn’t allow them to settle with another person or find real intimacy. As with all Taurus representatives, they have a balance to find and embrace, and it won’t be easily done with so much matter standing on one side of their inner scales.
To live the full potential of their lives, those born on May 5th need to find and respect their inner child, indulging in its cravings and needs, never giving up on playing with life. Their curiosity shouldn’t be quenched, their ways of expression should be allowed to shine, and their true personality let to blossom in full inspiring quality and light. As they start recognizing who they are apart from influences that marked their childhood, they will learn to incorporate skills they learned into a whole and fulfilled personality.
What They Excel In
People born on May 5th excel in writing, speaking, and finding ways to create understanding between different people, companies, or even countries. They are mediators that stay coolheaded when everyone else falls apart, and those who understand what they work for and what needs to be done to get from point A to point B. This also makes them excellent drivers and navigators, and helps them find their place in jobs such as flight control or some other responsible guidance positions. In time, they build a leading spirit that gives them power and a bright inner light they wish to share with other people in their surroundings.
May 5th Birthday Gift
When choosing a birthday gift for a person born on May 5th, it is safe to buy a book, a pen, or something to write on. This is a date that puts a strong focus on intellectual stimuli that give satisfaction and everything that can be used with their hands, or put on them. A pair of gloves, headphones, or anything that comes in pairs could also be a good idea, even if it doesn’t seem like much.
Positive Traits for May 5th Born
Smart, practical, ready to learn and stay on the move, they find their grounding in common sense, daily routine, and activities that everyone around them can enjoy. Highly social, they are good friends and have the talent of communication to cherish.
Negative Traits for May 5th Born
Overthinking and detached from emotion, they are indulged in the material world through hedonism that doesn’t employ their heart. If they lose touch with their emotional core, they lose themselves.
Healing Crystal
To aid personal expression and assist those born on May 5th to listen as well as they speak, they should use dianite, the stone also called the blue jade. This is a stone with a powerful energy of healing, providing one with a sense of purpose and understanding of higher entities and everything that is giving them guidance, but still relying on a sensitive feminine energy of the sign of Taurus with tenderness and wisdom.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Taurus representatives born on May 5th of a year preceding a leap year:
The Sabian symbol for Taurus representatives born on May 5th of a leap year and two years following it:
Just like there is a four-faced side to the planetary row of two identical entities for this date, there are many possible views on these two Sabian symbols. To find the relevant point of connecting, one needs to understand that there is always oneness to be found, a meeting dot where all things fall into place and give one specific answer. This state of Unity gives all answers we seek through connections that come as a natural consequence of the primal realization.
In general, these two symbols speak of division and something to break through, and show that kids playing don’t feel much of a need to run over those shellfish, or reach the water. On the other hand, a serious, brave man is trying to fight the cold and moves through difficulty in order to get where he wants to go. The primal message is to be found in the lightness of childish energy and the potential of the child within that needs to come to surface to realize that no storms need to be tamed and no limits crossed if one just approaches life as a game.
Famous Birthdays on 5th of May
- In 1818 Karl Marx was born, a German philosopher, sociologist and journalist, the theorist and the mastermind behind Marxism. Excessive writing and thought processes must be in connection to his relation to Mercury.
- In 1943 Michael Palin was born, an English actor and screenwriter, one of the members of the historic comedy group Monty Python. Not only is he known by his humor, but he also became a travel writer and documentarian later in life.
- In 1981 Craig David was born, an English singer, songwriter and musician that co-operated with many famous artists such as Hardwell and Sting. The connection with Mercury can be found in many of his songs, especially the one that is considered one of the most famous "Walking Away".
Important Historical Events on 5th of May
- 1494 – Jamaica is claimed for Spain by Christopher Columbus.
- 1809 – Patent is firstly awarded to a woman in the US, for a technique of weaving straw with silk and thread.
- 1821 – On the island of Saint Helena, Napoleon (born on August 15th) dies.
- 1835 – Between Brussels and Mechelen, the first railway of continental Europe is opened.
- 1891 – Carnegie Hall is opened as The Music Hall with Tchaikovsky (born on April 25th) being the guest conductor.
- 1964 – May 5th is declared as Europe Day by the Council of Europe.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.