May 19th Zodiac
Date: May 19th
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Color: Tea Rose
In One Word: Fadeout
Shape: Two Blurred Circles
Strength: Ideal
Weakness: Faded
Most Compatible With: Virgo
May 19th is a date that carries the ending feeling to it, while at the same time being only the image of experience someone born with their Sun in Taurus has at the tip of their fingers. It is impossible to put a clear tag on this date, for it has too many dualities in it, as if its sole purpose is to discover the one point that connects the upper and the lower spheres of existence and makes everything possible.
May 19th Horoscope
The Sun is always intoxicated when standing so close to Neptune, and even in the most beneficent story of their planetary row, people born on May 19th have a secret to unveil. They are on a quest to find something, discover their way to incorporate their knowledge into the world, and communicate about valuable issues they carry in their heart. Their confidence will easily disperse and all mind altering substances could distract them from their path and make them vulnerable when they don’t need to be. It is important for them to take all medication with care and avoid addictive matter and relationships at all times.
The combination in the second step of analysis speaks of the connection of the Sun with Mercury, its little helper, and it will point to their need to learn from the best and be the one to help out until they reach the position of power. On the other hand, it is a story of self-expression and the ability to be spontaneous when in a group of people, shining a light on one of their primal tasks in life.
Love and Emotions
There is nothing of higher importance than emotions in lives of people born on the 19th of May. Their minds are preoccupied with haziness and dreaming of one, perfect partner to share the rest of their life with. They are much more idealistic than they want to recognize or admit, but this gives them the ability to sense who they belong with and who only takes away too much of their energy. All relationships could be troubled by their lack of healthy boundaries and only once they develop them will they be able to create a lasting bond that truly satisfies them.
On their quest for someone to share everything with, they could stumble upon different partners and idealize them, or hold on to the ideal unable to relate to anyone coming from planet Earth. If they remain grounded and realize that we are all made human, they might understand that the act of physical love holds the ideal they seek in the long run as they connect on an emotional plane far from the eyes of anyone else.
The purpose in lives of those born on May 19th is to find balance between two extremes, dualities, the hard labor and the love divine. It is the story of Venus’ exaltation and fall hidden in such a practical and sensual sign of Taurus. Love and partnerships will pose as one of the most important issues in lives of these individuals, and they might feel helpless and as if they cannot do much of their work alone. Only with fine boundaries will they be able to find the sense of personal value and attract the love they really deserve.
What They Excel In
A person born on the 19th of May excels in all things that require spirituality, maybe even dishonesty, and a curious approach to secrets that are to be unveiled. They could become spiritualists and healers, as well as chemists and preachers, always ready to do anything to find a practical solution to the task at hand. Musicians and artist, they often have a talent that needs to be developed, and sometimes won’t discover it early enough to invest in it in their youth. This shouldn’t stop them learning as they get older, for nothing should stand on their way to shine.
May 19th Birthday Gift
To choose a birthday gift for someone born on May 19th, you should think outside the box but always choose a piece of art, in whichever form. They will value anything from music to a famous painting, and understand the message that the present carries even if they need telepathy to feel its purpose and the intent behind it. You can be certain that something that smells fresh and seductive will win their attention. Choose things made of lace, transparent, or something as obvious as a rainbow maker or a prism to break the light in their window.
Positive Traits for May 19th Born
Idealistic and believing, they are preachers for a cause and missionaries on their path to salvation. They wish to help every individual, profoundly believing in the goodness of all men on planet Earth.
Negative Traits for May 19th Born
Naïve and gullible, too many information from the outer world enter their aura and their mind and make them confused. If they choose only one side of the equation to stick to, they can trigger many psychosomatic conditions.
Healing Crystal
Rainbow Mayanite quartz is just the right crystal for a person born on May 19th. It makes a "shift" in their vibrational energy and increases their immune system and their stamina, as well as energetic awareness and connection to their Soul. It gives them the feeling of safety and belonging, as if they are protected by their own shield of energy. With its use, this emotion will be incorporated into practical issues in life and give a touch of magic to their routinely done and otherwise boring obligations.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Taurus representatives born on May 19th of any year that isn’t a leap year:
The Sabian symbol for Taurus representatives born on May 19th of a leap year:
From the ideal to practicality, we see that a lot of work needs to be put into these two symbols in order to reach for the love one seeks. A "change of life" suggests not only that there was change, but that this was one specific, large change, that left little room for anything to remain the same. On the other hand, the hard work in the partnership of two cobblers shows the persistence needed to endure through the challenges of togetherness to create something that will balance out the dreamland of love.
Famous Birthdays on 19th of May
- In 1948 Grace Jones was born, a Jamaican American singer, songwriter and actress, known for her androgynous appearance, influencing the cross-dressing movement of the 1980s. Her father's spiritual experience during a failed suicide attempt pushed him to become a Pentecostal minister.
- In 1951 Joey Ramone was born, an American singer and songwriter, recognized as the lead singer of the punk rock band The Ramones. His talent was vast and unique, but his physiology still suffered and led him to an early death in 2001.
- In 1955 James Gosling was born, a Canadian American computer scientist, known as the man who created Java. The origins of his idea for the approach are set in his early graduate-student days.
Important Historical Events on 19th of May
- 1743 – The development of the centigrade temperature scale.
- 1802 – The foundation of the Legion of Honour by Napoleon Bonaparte (born on August 15th).
- 1921 – National quotas on immigration are established by the U. S. Congress.
- 1950 – It is announced that the Suez Canal is closed for Israeli ships.
- 1961 – The first man-made object flies by another planet passing Venus.
- 1997 – The establishment of the biosphere of Sierra Gorda, as a result of grassroots efforts.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.