March 9th Zodiac
Date: March 9th
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Color: Purple
In One Word: Faith
Shape: Hexagon
Strength: Faith
Weakness: Getting Lost
Most Compatible With: Capricorn
March 9th is a date that speaks of an end of a large cycle, almost as if the sign of Pisces is doubled in its mystery and debt. It is a place where one ending simply leads to another. Many things could get lost here, from keys and gadgets to someone's entire personality. This date needs to be approached with a torch of light, always choosing to be completely honest towards others and ourselves.
March 9th Horoscope
Such combination of planets in one planetary row can be truly demanding on someone's physiology. A powerful pull of Pisces leaves very little room for specific, earthly things and strength of one's body. It is of outmost importance for these individuals to commit to their detox routines and ways to care for their physical state, to be able to handle the challenges of the world they live in. Without a strong body they won't have the strength in relationships required for them to function without sadness or hardship.
The background story hides in the connection of the two lights, the Sun and the Moon, making individuals born on this date extremely sensitive to parental issues that left them hurt and bruised. Very often we will see that this is a child of divorced parents carrying around this separation like a heavy cross. In cases where there was a fine balance between these archetypal role models, this person learns with more ease and becomes able to truly use their gift of learning, discovery, healing, or magic.
Love and Emotions
With Neptune being such a powerful connection of those born on March 9th and the world of the Divine Love, this is exactly what they will seek. Disappointments are possible as if they never held their feet close enough to the ground, and they easily misjudge character and possibilities in relationships with people they don't know very well. This is why they tend to build large love stories around persons they have known for ages, for each lasting bond gives them a sense of security and gratitude they are in search for ever since they were born.
A bit lost and somewhat strange, it is impossible to predict their preferences and their love life. Some of them might change many different partners in search for the right person to be with, while others turn to religion and their love for God to give them the inspiration and the direction they wish for in this life. It is the ideal that drives them and it could make them see everything and everyone in a much different light than the one that is realistic and true.
Healthy convictions are the only thing people born on March 9th really need to develop, to start seeing things behind the curve and understanding which direction they should take in life. Well educated, travelers, and teachers, whichever road in life they choose, they will end up to be missionaries of Jupiter that makes them expand their horizons and those of everyone surrounding them.
What They Excel In
People born on March 9th excel in wrapping things up. Their best role is to be the fresh vibe and energy to get into things when they have already run their course. They will have many talents, often not knowing which one to choose and follow through this life. This makes it hard for them to stop learning and expanding, for they cannot stop feeding their curiosity and the need to spontaneously shine in what they do best. They are excellent healers and preachers, and need to find their purpose and their mission to embark on to be happy.
March 9th Birthday Gift
A good birthday gift for a person born on March 9th may be as simple as a bottle of wine. They need magic and love in their life, and always need someone to understand just how sensitive and fragile their personality is. To give them strength, show them you embrace their loves and inspirations, accepting their differences as the most natural part of the world. Give them something to teach them about meditation, breathing techniques that will connect them to their body or really anything that will turn their focus on their Self.
Positive Traits for March 9th Born
Optimistic, ready to move forwards, idealists with a cause to be on, they are fun, always wearing a smile, and nurturing their convictions and faith every step of the way.
Negative Traits for March 9th Born
In their search for the Divine they might get a bit too close to the upper realms and distant from the world they live in. Pink goggles need to be taken off, and these individuals need to activate, move, and create what they dream about here and now.
Healing Crystal
Lemurian quartz might be the best possible stone those born on the 9th of March could use to help them on their path. Work with it requires effort and special connection, as it digs up matters from ancient times, previous lifetimes and a person's past, so they can be solved and healed in this lifetime. In search for deep, unconditional love to become their constant state, there is no better crystal to aid them.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Pisces representatives born on March 9th of a year preceding a leap year:
The Sabian symbol for Pisces representatives born on March 9th of a leap year, and two years following it:
These Sabian symbols will instantly make you envision a circus and those who practice and learn inside it. If the world is perceived as this giant tent where spectacles happen, it becomes clear that a person born on this date gets a message that they are to be the one to act in the performance instead of standing on the side. It is not in their cards to be villagers witnessing a show. To find happiness, they need to sense it, live it, and be a part of something grand.
Famous Birthdays on 9th of March
- In 1454 Amerigo Vespucci was born, an Italian explorer, navigator and cartographer, who made the first demonstration that Brazil isn't in Asia. The wandering he was prone to led him to the coast of America.
- In 1943 Bobby Fischer was born, an American chess grandmaster and the eleventh World Chess Champion. After losing this title, he became strange and erratic, often disappearing and getting lost from the public eye and competitive chess.
- In 1964 Juliette Binoche was born, a French actress and dancer who appeared in over 60 films. After her parents' divorce, she was sent to a provincial boarding school with her sister, and states today that this parental abandonment had a profound effect on her.
Important Historical Events on 9th of March
- 1796 – Napoleon Bonaparte (born on August 15th) marries his first wife.
- 1815 – The first battery-operated clock is described in the Philosophical Magazine by Francis Ronalds (born on February 21st).
- 1842 – Gold is first discovered in California.
- 1959 – The debut of a Barbie doll at the American International Toy Fair.
- 1960 – A shunt invented by Dr. Belding Hibbard Scribner (born on January 18th) is implanted in a patient for the first time, to allow hemodialysis on a regular basis.
- 1961 – The successful launch of the Sputnik 9 that proved that Russia was ready for human spacelift.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.