March 30th Zodiac
Date: March 30th
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Color: Maroon
In One Word: Afterlife
Shape: Target
Strength: Decision
Weakness: Fatalistic
Most Compatible With: Libra
There is a story of an ending in March 30th, even though it isn't the last date in the month of March. A new circle needs to begin here and its lessons are mainly those of things that end in order to set a basis for new ones to come. Something has to be put to waste in lives of people born on this date so they can open up for new experiences they can learn from. The general feel takes us into a new direction, one we never thought we would follow, and beyond things we dismissed and wanted to toss in the trash.
March 30th Horoscope
The planetary row for March 30th shows a profound change on the intellectual plane and in the set of beliefs of those born on this date. They carry magic in their existence and have the ability to create real things out of pure willpower if they believe something is really possible. When they become one with their ideal, they become the ideal itself and start living it. The force that governs their life needs to be tamed and overcome, or it will guide them into self-destructive tendencies and strange choices that take them one step backwards every time they decide to move forwards.
Love and Emotions
Seeing things in black and white, they will either believe their partner, or they won't. Chances are slim that they will end up in a constant dilemma whether they should be with someone or not, but they might stumble upon something indecisive within that doesn't let them leave in an attempt to create actual loving contact. They will search for lovers that share their goals and strivings, and need a partner they will travel and move with, rather than someone to wait for them when they get home.
Adventurous by nature and highly sexual, their instincts might get the best of them and turn them to physical relationships with little emotions. The important thing is to set free from anger and realize that only positive emotions can give them something to hope for in the future. In search for love and pleasure, chances are they will meet different people in their path, until they end up with someone able to follow their lead.
Balance that must be found in lives of Aries representatives born on the 30th of March is supposed to be a constant in order to make them feel happy. There are no compromises in their world that tends to be colored with darkness, and it is imperative that they learn how to enjoy life every step of the way. They need a lot of tact and beauty learned from the sign of Libra to feel free of negative convictions, and a deep change to any aggressive ways they were taught to use while growing up.
What They Excel In
Everyone born on March 30th has the talent to dig things up. No matter if they turn to physical labor and shoveling, or psychology, archaeology or paleontology, they will always have something to bring from the underground into the light of day. They are constructive and focused with a heightened sense of vision that tells them where they should look for the truth. When highly educated, they often turn to research and science, in the attempt to find the ultimate belief they can live by.
March 30th Birthday Gift
To choose a birthday gift for someone born on this date, we must be certain of the direction they are heading in. A plane ticket that will take them on a trip is a good idea, but only if they don't have a panic fear of planes and flying, and if it is a trip to a location that will change their life. They don't need something expensive but something real to keep them in connection to the raw energy of life and the cycle we are all a part of on a bigger scale. Even if you choose a perfume, jewelry or art, you must pick out something with a deep impact and a powerful note that shakes up their world.
Positive Traits for March 30th Born
Optimistic, seeing the good in the bad and always living in a silver lining, they are stable in crisis and true leaders in impossible situations. When listening to higher guidance, they become incredible spiritual gurus and those that "overcome" death itself.
Negative Traits for March 30th Born
Changeable in the most serious decisions, their Aries bravery shows in everyday experiences but might fail them in the time of need. They can be dark and focused on a depressive development of positive situations.
Healing Crystal
The perfect stone to aid all changes that a person born on March 30th has to go through is cavansite. It will allow them to be comfortable with their actions instead of overthinking, and let go to the river of change that life needs them to go through. In addition, this is a crystal that helps with past experiences and lessons that were once difficult, bringing enough light into their world to make their learning process easy and fast.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Aries representatives born on March 30th of two years preceding a leap year:
The Sabian symbol for Aries representatives born on March 30th of a leap year, and a year following it:
This is a combination of symbols that speak of one's point of view and what needs to change in it in order to make things functional and moving. A crystal gazer will speak of an unchangeable constant that gives a chance for healing, as the gazer itself has a newfound value in the process of regeneration seen through Pluto in their planetary row. Still, if they are unsatisfied, the only way to make a change to their course of life is to change their view and approach the old they know about, from a new perspective.
Famous Birthdays on 30th of March
- In 1853 Vincent Van Gogh was born, a Dutch painter and illustrator, one of the incredibly significant figures of post-impressionism. Carrying out a true story of life after death, he was considered a madman and a failure during his lifetime, only to become incredibly famous after he committed suicide in 1890.
- In 1945 Eric Clapton was born, an English guitarist, singer, songwriter, and the only three-time inductee to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. His life is marked by a tragedy and the loss of his 4-year-old son that led to him to write one of his most popular songs, "Tears in Heaven".
- In 1968 Celine Dion was born, a Canadian singer and songwriter, regarded as one of the most influential female voices of all time. In her ambition at the age 18 she receded from the spotlight taking the time for dental surgery and changed her image, quite literally living out the story of Pluto with Jupiter in her planetary row.
Important Historical Events on 30th of March
- 1841 – The foundation of the National Bank of Greece.
- 1842 – The first use of ether anesthesia.
- 1867 – Russia sells Alaska to the U. S. for $7.2 million.
- 1939 – A world airspeed record is set at 463 mph (745 km/h) by the Heinkel He 100.
- 1961 – The signing of the Single Convention of Narcotic Drugs.
- 1981 – The assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan (born on February 6th) in which he is shot in the chest.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.