July 20th Zodiac

Date: July 20th
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Color: Midnight Blue
In One Word: Unreachable
Shape: Dot
Strength: Deep
Weakness: Stuck
Most Compatible With: Capricorn

Think of July 20th as the end of the road where the start of something new is about to get obvious any second. It is a limbo for the Soul to regenerate and gather energy for new tasks of life, while leaving the history in the past and building a healthy approach to the future. This isn’t an easy time to be born in, but it can be wildly rewarding when a person finds their healthy and accepting connection to the dark side of their heart.

July 20th Horoscope


An uneasy combination of these distant entities with the Moon can become quite unpleasant, especially if a person born on July 20th doesn’t fully understand and accept the need for change in their life. Holding on to matters of the past, they could move in large waves between being still, stuck, in love, or anything they wish to hold on to, and exploding uncontrollably all over the place, unable to pick up their own pieces. In fear for their own emotional state and the influence and manipulation of other people, they tend to lose focus on solid boundaries and the importance of letting go of things, people, and all good intentions they carry within. Uranus enhances the natural opposition of the Moon and Pluto through points of their exaltation and fall, and makes each person born at this time unable to avoid the deep issue that needs to be resolved.

Love and Emotions

Since the Moon and Pluto find their core of relating in signs of Taurus and Scorpio (where they exalt and fall), we need to acknowledge the deep physical side to their primal nature. Instincts will play a big part in the way they choose their partners, and reason will have very little to do with the issue, even if they try to rely on it for the most part. They are to let go to bonds that feed them with all there is and take away everything they have, going through the process of deep emotional changes and learning to let go of patterns they have been building ever since they were born.

The wonder of the feelings they carry in their heart is seen here, for they have the power to heal any relationship that comes their way, growing from it and evolving in a deep and unusually satisfying way. The opportunity to become One with someone is to guide them, until they forgive those who hurt them in the past and start loving themselves unconditionally.


When we see Neptune as the distant guiding light in lives of those born on the 20th of July, we must recognize the force of transcendental entities put on the Moon seen in their planetary row. Everything seems to be vague, distant, and hard to catch. This gives focus to the talents and their future, as they literally have no choice but to follow the mission they were born in, building faith through positive feedbacks they get for the things that are easy and there for them to reach for.

What They Excel In

Individuals born on the 20th of July excel in all things related to healing, deep philosophies and very often matters of life and death. This makes them unusually prone to choose dangerous professions, even though the nature of their Sun in Cancer seeks tenderness and a caring routine. They will exceed all expectations when they let go to the depth of risk, extreme sports and work in conditions that are hard to bear, and easily build their fulfilling world in science, the dark and the unseen, underground, or occult and esoteric knowledge.

July 20th Birthday Gift

The choice of gift for a Cancer representative born on the 20th of July might be a bit of a problem, for even though they seek security and warmth, they are often not that easy to approach through practical, homey, and common gifts. Choose something deep and profound, in touch with their true talents. If there is а type of artistic expression that fulfills them, provide them with means to practice it. Hold on to their need to learn more or make something that will show exactly how you feel in their company.

Positive Traits for July 20th Born

Deeply spiritual and guided by the truth itself, they become healers for their own heart as they heal hearts of others. Profound and deep in their connections, they can be a strong pillar for everyone in their life to lean on in hard emotional times.

Negative Traits for July 20th Born

In constant inner attempt to reach for the unseen, the untouchable, and too distant, they get burdened by their insecurities and sad for their destiny. This can make them destructive and manipulative, and even entirely uncompassionate when they are governed by fear.

Healing Crystal

A wonderful choice of crystal for those born on July 20th is rainforest jasper. Not only will it evoke pleasant people and relationships in their life, filling their world with joy and times of rest and carefree encounters, but it will also provide them with a deep connection to the Earth that their Soul is here to create. This stone promotes deep grounding and connects one with their animalistic and most natural ways of expression of instincts, keeping them in touch with the core of energy they can use in a healthy way.

Sabian Symbol

The Sabian symbol for Cancer representatives born on July 20th in two years preceding a leap year:

"A Violent Storm in a Canyon Filled with Expensive Homes"

The Sabian symbol for Cancer representatives born on July 20th in a leap year and a year following it:

"An Indian Girl Introduces her White Lover to her Assembled Tribe"

As two very fine representations of the inner battle people born on this date are going through, these symbols show the connection of opposites and the link between the person and the Universe, the power of Nature and the social structure they belong to. As if they were born to stand "on the other side" of things, they will attempt to reach for distant truths and connect the unconnectable. While we may presume the catastrophic consequences of each symbol seen here, we don’t really see how things will develop and this speaks well of the fear someone born at this time might have to face. Anticipating the worst in difficult times, they could fall behind and passively observe life instead of bravely facing it, when met with too many obstacles and distances along the way. It is of outmost importance for each individual born on this date to find a mission to embark on and start believing that the path calling on them will give them positive feedback, for it is merely a matter of their cosmic role.

Famous Birthdays on 20th of July

  • In 1938 Natalie Wood was born, an American actress nominated three times for an Academy Award before she turned 25. Her contact of the Moon with Pluto showed in her family life and she described her family as having been either gypsies or landowning aristocrats in Russia. Her mother always wanted to be an actress, or a ballet dancer and it is considered that she had projected her own desires on her daughter.
  • In 1947 Gerd Binnig was born, a German physicist and academic that won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the scanning tunneling microscope (a well depicted connection of the Moon with Pluto and Uranus).
  • In 1964 Chris Cornell was born, an American singer, songwriter and guitarist, recognized as the lead singer of the rock bands Soundgarden and Audioslave. Suffering from depression and substance abuse problems, he committed suicide when he was 52.

Important Historical Events on 20th of July

  • 1885 – Professionalism in association football is legalized by The Football Association.
  • 1903 – The first automobile is shipped by the Ford Motor Company.
  • 1940 – The first freeway is opened in California.
  • 1944 – Adolf Hitler (born on April 20th) survives an assassination attempt.
  • 1969 – The crew of Apollo 11 lands on the surface of the Moon and Neil Armstrong (born on August 5th) and Buzz Aldrin (born on January 20th) become the first humans to walk on it.
  • 1976 – The successful landing of the American Viking 1 on the surface of Mars.

July Zodiac Index

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
Iva Vucinic

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.

Cancer Information

Additional Information

Cancer - traits, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information.

Cancer Man - information and insights on the Cancer man.

Cancer Woman - information and insights on the Cancer woman.

Cancer Compatibility - the compatibility of Cancer with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life.

Cancer History - the history of Cancer and the stories behind it.

Cancer Symbol - images and interpretations of the Cancer symbol and ruler.

Zodiac Calendar - Discover what your date of birth tells about your character, motivation and purpose in life.

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