July 2nd Zodiac
Date: July 2nd
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Color: Platinum
In One Word: Shiver
Shape: Crescent Turned Upwards
Strength: Summoned
Weakness: Not Ready
Most Compatible With: Scorpio
It is the 2nd of July that comes right after the intense contact of the Sun with Uranus in the planetary row of the date preceding theirs, as if this was the time when reaction to change and to special individuality is made. People born on this date often have a hard time accepting their own difference from the world and spend a lot of time trying to blend into social and professional environments that aren’t really in sync with their character and the true need of their Soul.
July 2nd Horoscope
The Moon typically speaks of family issues, matters of home and one's sense of security among loving people. Intimate relationships can be truly stressful for those born on July 2nd, for they seem to have a purpose to wake their parents up and make them see just how different they are from the flow of their family tree and everything they were ever expected to become. It is in their power to make large changes and turns, but only after they learn how to love their individualistic and strange Self, even if all other family members see them as an outcast or someone who cannot be accepted. They are a "special flower", someone standing out wherever they get close and intimate with others and need a lot of care and nurturing to express and love themselves.
Love and Emotions
It is not their emotions that create a problem in lives of those born on the 2nd of July even when others tell them so. Changes in their heart make them restless if they doubt the quality of their feelings. In search for emotional freedom they aren’t fully aware of every step of their way and could have strange relationships that end before they really begun. Stressed out by expectations of common people, typically choosing partners that are already fitting into the environment they cannot seem to be an equal part of, their romances sometimes feel like a debt to the world more than love stories that will inspire.
They need their partner to be their friend before everything else and once they meet someone they can talk to, intimacy spills out in a matter of hours. Things can develop fast, but only once they are secure and in the right company that allows them to be true to their core and everything that they really are. They want a partner to surprise them, shake their world up, see their individualism and specialness, and see them clearly for what they really are.
Born to end a process and an entire story in their family tree, people with their birthday on July 2nd often forget things, seek high ideals to strive for, and get lost in their inability to show initiative. This is a date of incredible promises and beliefs, but also a time of disappointments when lies and betrayals are possible. It is up to the person born at this time to find one, ultimate truth to believe in, and see the world clearly while still holding on to their faith in magic. They are to find their mission and embark on it free of residues from the past.
What They Excel In
A person born on July 2nd excels in work with people, commercial businesses and trade, but only if they are brave enough to take a step into the unknown. They won’t see approval for their ways instantly, but once they follow their true inner inspiration and become their own bosses in areas of expertise that make their heart feel alive, support will come. They are to work with modern equipment and spread the word of all things that can be done through a healthy, self-sufficient approach.
July 2nd Birthday Gift
It is the little surprises that melt the hearts of those born on the 2nd of July. Their gifts don’t have to be expensive, but they should be modern and in sync with their strange view of the world. Their needs are quite different from those of common Cancer representatives and it is possible that they don’t even know what would make them happy in the long run. Spend time with them, be their friend, organize some fireworks and surprise them when they least expect it. Choose a piece of technology in a milky shade or anything that will go with their tender personality, and connect them with strangeness of the world that will help them feel like they do fit in.
Positive Traits for July 2nd Born
Innovative and different, they stand out to make a change and follow their hearts no matter the risk and possible consequences of their actions.
Negative Traits for July 2nd Born
It is hard on them to accept their circumstances, as a solitary flower standing in the desert, unable to move and find their tribe and a place to belong to. They are strangers to themselves and until they find love for all they are, it won’t be easy for them to find peace.
Healing Crystal
Pargasite is a truly remarkable stone that will help individuals born on July 2nd find a way to peel layers that protect their hearts, one by one, instead of stressfully shaking them off in the time of need. It brings tenderness into their world and the ability to see inside their Soul and find reasons why they should love themselves, just the way they are. It is a crystal that releases past trauma and helps one deal with fears that hold them back.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Cancer representatives born on July 2nd in one of the two years that precede a leap year:
The Sabian symbol for Cancer representatives born on July 2nd of a leap year and a year following it:
There is something a bit grotesque in these symbols, the first one showing only a glimpse of perfection that is about to become obvious, and the second one purposely laughing to what is famous and grand. The truth plays a large part here, as well as irony, and lives of those born on the 2nd of July tend to be filled with an intense search for perfection, self-criticism, and never being good enough, however hard one might try. With age and lessons learned, they grow into perfectly shaped diamonds and learn how to laugh their troubles away, but until then, a lot of difficulty could be set in their ways.
Famous Birthdays on 2nd of July
- In 1877 Hermann Hesse was born, a German Swiss poet, novelist and painter who received a Nobel Prize in literature. He is known for works that explore one's search for individuality, authenticity and self-knowledge.
- In 1947 Larry David was born, an American actor and screenwriter, best known as the man who co-created Seinfeld. He stars in one of his own series as a semi-fictionalized version of himself.
- In 1986 Lindsay Lohan was born, an American actress, singer and fashion designer who became a teen idol in the early 2000s. She focuses on her career in the fashion industry for the last several years and this stands as a strong testament to Uranus in her planetary row.
Important Historical Events on 2nd of July
- 1698 – The first steam engine is patented by Thomas Savery.
- 1897 – A patent for radio is obtained in the UK by a British-Italian engineer.
- 1900 – The first zeppelin flight.
- 1962 – The first Wal-Mart store is opened.
- 2001 – A self-contained artificial heart is implanted for the first time.
- 2013 – Pluto's fourth and fifth moons are named Kerberos and Styx.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.