July 19th Zodiac
Date: July 19th
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Color: Heliotrope
In One Word: Fuzzy
Shape: Star
Strength: Visionary
Weakness: Unsure
Most Compatible With: Capricorn
As the ending point of one cycle, July 19th is a date of strange circumstances and finishing up with work from past lives. It is also a time when the use of talents is of outmost importance for one's health and when they must be used in real events in their life instead of being cherished on a shelf. Telling the tale of protection, this isn’t a date when toxic substances, relationships and surroundings will be well tolerated.
July 19th Horoscope
In a way, this is a blurry row of opposites where distant planets need to stay in balance with the source of all energy in our system – the Sun. July 19th holds the fairytale of connecting, discovering oneness on the path of self-recognition, and doesn’t work well with anything shady, uncertain or projected too far into the future. Each person born at this time has to keep their feet on the ground and productively work towards their dreams, or they might feel sleepy and detached, almost invisible for too long. Subtle and sensitive in their core, these individuals might turn to anesthesia of any kind, numbing their emotions and dealing with the rough world by the use of medication, alcohol, or any form of substance abuse. Their beliefs should be nurtured, and their sensitive nature supported to grow into the magician they were meant to become.
Challenging their character and their strength of will, Uranus combines with the Sun in their second planetary row putting an emphasis on the opposition they carry within. Life can become a struggle if they try too hard to move against the tides and they are to learn that their true personality can be expressed honestly and in peace.
Love and Emotions
The idealism in people born on July 19th can take them to distances that others fear visiting, but it can also lift them high from the ground and into platonic relationships that don’t come to life in the real world. They will see their contact with the Divine through contact with other people, and this opens them for incredible romances and love stories, while also dispersing them in too many different directions and keeping them unaware of the person standing in front of them. This sometimes turns into invisibility that goes both ways, where both partners don’t really see one another and expect things that cannot be met in their union.
Their feelings go to extremes, from excessive sensibility into decisiveness that keeps them a bit cold and distant. To live the ideal they seek, they need to focus on their body and physical matters of any bond they create, understanding that sexuality is as important as all other things they might share with their significant other, if not even their absolute priority. Once they manage to share deep, absolute intimacy in the physical world, they will never wish to be torn apart from the person they connected to.
With Mars guiding their way, grounding is the mission in lives of those born on the 19th of July. Their path can be a struggle with the wind and the oceans of feelings, and it is imperative that they keep their focus and take each matter in life to their goal, step by step. As they learn how to be practical and in tune with the Earth, they become leaders and fighters for the ideal, those who have the strength to make anything possible for as long as they remain on one, sole chosen path.
What They Excel In
Cancer representatives born on the 19th of July are always born with a talent, as if they were carrying a memory from another lifetime that they can connect to and use it to create. Their world should be filled with many options, colors, music and art, so they can nurture this inner state from an early age and understand what they are really good at. When ease guides their way, they become artists, writers, musicians, or healers, typically turning to techniques with a lot of details and sharp edges.
July 19th Birthday Gift
Each special event in lives of July 19th born tends to go unnoticed and without much fuss. Their true need is the need for attention, romance and beauty. They need magic in their lives, someone to remember their emotional needs, and someone to give them a gift of tenderness and love in a world that often confuses them. Write a poem, make them a mixtape, prepare a meal and light some candles while you’re at it. Nurture their heart providing them with food for their ideals instead of being too practical and obvious in your attempt to respect the moment.
Positive Traits for July 19th Born
Dreamy, idealistic, missionaries with a higher cause, they believe in the goodness in others and carry talents that are to be shared with the world.
Negative Traits for July 19th Born
Delusional, disappointed and running away from the truth, they may turn to substance abuse and all sorts of toxic alterations of their reality in the attempt to make their emotional states easier to cope with.
Healing Crystal
Aegirine is a good choice of crystal for people born on the 19th of July, providing them with strong grounding and protection from the spiritual world they are open to. It assists emotional healing and battle with all forms of dependencies, purifying the body and heart from toxic substances and aspirations. Improving their immune system and helping with muscle and bone problems, it will put the needed focus on their body and keep them safe as they care for themselves.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Cancer representatives born on July 19th in a year preceding a leap year:
The Sabian symbol for Cancer representatives born on July 19th in a leap year and two years following it:
The connection of these symbols is seen in the quality of one's home, metaphorically pointing out the state of heart people born on this date can be in. It is important to stick to one issue at a time, one value that gives focus and keeps them calm. Too much of anything will get them stuck in a hole they don’t want to leave and endanger their existence through circumstances they cannot control. Learning stands as the strong pillar of each moment in their lives and material wealth comes through specific steps, taken one by one through relationships with other people. If gained otherwise and in search for security, their fears will be tested, and their faith challenged until they see how little they really need in life.
Famous Birthdays on 19th of July
- In 1947 Brian May was born, an English singer, guitarist, songwriter and an astrophysicist, best known as the lead guitarist of the band Queen. Apart from his obvious musical career, the width of Neptune in his life is seen through science too. He has a PhD in astrophysics and was a "science team collaborator" with NASA's New Horizons mission to Pluto.
- In 1976 Benedict Cumberbatch was born, an English actor recognized best by his role in the movie The Imitation Game as well as one of those who played the famous character of Sherlock Holmes. His talent was recognized very early and even in school, he was recognized by his drama teacher as the "best schoolboy actor" he had ever worked with.
- In 1982 Jared Padalecki was born, an American actor known for his roles in Supernatural and Gilmore Girls. He has revealed his struggle with depression and raises funds for the cause in his Always Keep Fighting campaign series.
Important Historical Events on 19th of July
- 1832 – The founding of the British Medical Association.
- 1900 – Opening of the first line of the Paris Metro.
- 1940 – The Intelligence Corps of the British Army are formed.
- 1963 – Exceeding an altitude of 100 km, the first human spaceflight takes place.
- 1977 – The first GPS signal is transmitted.
- 1983 – The first 3D reconstruction of a head in a CT is published.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.