July 13th Zodiac
Date: July 13th
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Color: Sapphire
In One Word: Evolve
Shape: A Big Circle
Strength: Vision
Weakness: Scattered
Most Compatible With: Scorpio
July 13th is a date of high aspirations, aims and goals that seem impossible to reach. It is a day when anything is possible, for as long as the creative mind is open and the child within awake and ready to play the game of life. Many changes and turns will happen in lives of those born on this date, each curve and turn standing for one step upwards on the scale of personal evolution.
July 13th Horoscope
The expansion seen in this planetary row is vast and constantly present, even more so when we consider Jupiter's exaltation in the sign of Cancer, their Sun sign. Individuals born at this time are blessed by growth, talent, possibilities and open doors, and often spend their life learning, traveling and teaching others about knowledge they found in their heart. Their story is always the one of growth and while their family circumstances might be narrow and difficult, their optimism and willpower take them on a ride towards wealth and positive turns in life.
As their date combines to number 11, we must recognize the importance of Sun in their planetary row and their entire life. There is a state of confidence and self-respect they need to achieve so they can stand tall, and when needed, opposed to those who try to impose their own will or opinions on them. Creativity and status need to combine in one single path, or they might end up torn and chasing things they don’t need just to show the image of Self they believe is acceptable.
Love and Emotions
The first glimpse of July 13th doesn’t show much emotional content and mostly speaks of mental activities and philosophies that take these individuals on many different roads. Still, we shouldn’t forget that their Sun in Cancer wants them to share and connect intimately to another human being, and their convictions and expectations usually shine in the area of loving bonds. Unaware of their true nature, they usually spend the first large part of their life in relationships with partners that are too narrow and common to support their width of heart and mind.
In time, they realize that their need for adventure doesn’t necessarily disrupt their need for a warm and cozy family life, for as long as they share the same aims and causes with the person they choose to be with. A powerful story of expansion represents their primal flow, and they need someone able to follow in their pace and see them for what they are every step of the way, however changeable or unstable they might get. Shared beliefs and interests open the door to their intimate world, and very often these individuals meet significant partners while in college or traveling.
With such a powerful story of advancement, expansion and learning, we need to see that the true purpose in lives of those born on July 13th hides in expansion of their heart. They are to find the love for Self, for others, and forgiveness for everyone who ever hurt them, learning to open their Soul for true intimacy, as they gain confidence and see their true personality shining from within. It is their task to find a tender emotion that will support them and those they deeply care for, and their way out of any situation will turn out to reside in their chest rather than their head.
What They Excel In
A person born on July 13th excels in all high ideals and goals, education and positions that allow them to spread their knowledge. They are teachers and travelers, those who write all the right things about distances, spaces that others wish to see, understanding that this planet is our home and there is no point on Earth that we cannot reach if we want to. When their life doesn’t take them as far as they wish to go in the outer world, their inner world will blossom and take them even further, and they become dreamers and idealists, ready to bring their incredible visions to life.
July 13th Birthday Gift
A fine birthday gift for anyone born on July 13th is an airplane ticket to a distant land. If this is not an option, it is always a good idea to choose something they can learn from, or take them out in the open, let them breathe in, or make them a playlist that brings happiness and optimism back into their life in the time of need. They wish to see things from a different perspective, climb high, go on an adventure and move to places they have never visited before.
Positive Traits for July 13th Born
Optimistic, highly moral in their core, and willing to go on an adventure of a lifetime, they always seem to have a positive view that will save the day and something to give to those who need their wisdom.
Negative Traits for July 13th Born
Scattered on too many things at once and seeing the world through pink goggles, unrealistic about other people's abilities and unaware of their high demands.
Healing Crystal
To boost their imagination and remind those born on July 13th of the incredible energy they carry within, fulgurite is an excellent choice of crystal. It will help them remember what they are really made of, put an emphasis on the strength of Uranus in their planetary row, and help them turn their ideas to reality as they slowly connect their mental plane with the material one through emotions that find a way to flow.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Cancer representatives born on July 13th:
This is a symbol that describes well how people born on this date must prove and dominate in their area of expertise and show their talents to the world loudly and with pride, to be valued and recognized. As they move through life and reach the point of clarity about matters that guide them, inspire them and make them feel alive, people born on this date will find the easy way to prove their worth and their talent. Before they build up their confidence, they could have a hard time showing their inner world to anyone, even to people willing to believe in them more than they believe in themselves.
Famous Birthdays on 13th of July
- In 100 BC Julius Caesar was born, a Roman politician and general that played a critical role in the rise of the Roman Empire. The growth of the empire under his rule speaks of the incredible force of Jupiter in his planetary row.
- In 1957 Cameron Crowe was born, an American director, screenwriter, author, journalist and actor, famous for his work on Jerry Maguire. His career grew as he, quite literally, brought his visions to life.
- In 1969 Ken Jeong was born, an American actor, comedian and physician, known for his roles in Dr. Ken and The Hangover Trilogy. Apart from his career in acting, he obtained his M. D. at the University of North Carolina in 1995 and practiced medicine before bravely turning to the unstable career in acting.
Important Historical Events on 13th of July
- 587 BC – The siege of Jerusalem by the Babylonians is ended with the destruction of the Solomon Temple.
- 1814 – The national gendarmerie of Italy, the Carabinieri, is established.
- 1923 – The Hollywood sign (originally "Hollywoodland") is dedicated in LA.
- 1956 – The first research meeting on the theme of "Artificial Intelligence" is held.
- 1977 – Somalians declare war on Ethiopia.
- 1985 – NYC suffers a day long electrical blackout.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.