January 31st Zodiac

Date: January 31st
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Color: Gamboge
In One Word: Eloquence
Shape: Two Intersecting Lines
Strength: Truthfulness
Weakness: Ego
Most Compatible With: Gemini

Since January is the first month of the year, it is ruled by forceful masculine energies and speaks of leadership and father figure we carry within. For those born on the 31st of January, this is the end of the road and a place where beliefs must become valid, the truth needs to be found, and divine love felt every step of the way. This month has already had its share of lessons and its final one is about a higher mind and ways of expression.

January 31st Horoscope

JUPITER – SUN – (Pluto) – SUN

A force pushing forwards, the first glance on this planetary row would speak of ego lessons learned. Although the Sun is in detriment throughout the entire sign of Aquarius, this is one of those days that brings promise of learning the truth, and developing above circumstance. This combination of the Suns and Jupiter speaks of special width, a passionate and proactive nature, and of the ability of a person to focus on their inner power in time. They will know what hides behind the curve, and be incredibly creative as soon as they fulfill their purpose and find their brotherhood and their pack, in people who feel like family even though they aren’t connected to them by blood.

Love and Emotions

There are January 31st individuals who know what they are looking for, but mostly they need to discover their motivation in time. It doesn’t come easy for them to chase for love, simply because their personality relies much more on a rational view of the world. Luckily, they will have many opportunities to feel, live life in certain ease, and truly let go to the flow of time and relationships with people surrounding them. It is in their nature to socialize, chase for new activities and adventures, and their emotional life will come as a side effect to their everyday movements and encounters.

Warm and focused on an ideal of life, they will do everything they can to materialize their vision of love in the real world. Still, there's a coldness to their attitude, with so many things pointing to their aware and rational personality, and some detachment from the heart is always possible. They need someone to talk to and feel free with, and will never settle for a relationship that takes away any form of freedom from their life.


When in their typical chase for status or ways to recognize their Self, people born on the 31st often have trouble showing their inner truth of heart. As they build a strong basis in their third chakra, making their personality firm and their confidence rise, communication becomes their basic tool to reach for incredible heights. This is a date of speakers, singers and writers, with a clear vision and a lot to share. They could talk too much or too little, and spend their lifetimes in search for balance and ways to incorporate their knowledge in the rest of humanity. Their ideas are supposed to be heard and embraced by others, serving to entertain or teach, keeping everyone's focus and attention strong.

What They Excel In

With a vision and understanding of space, they could develop through interior decoration or horticulture, as well as architecture and all sorts of work that includes drawing and calculations. Writers and orators with a vision, they often become teachers, organize their courses, and excel in short-term teachings that give basic knowledge in their area of expertise.

January 31st Birthday Gift

A gift for those born on January 31st needs to be interesting and intriguing, sparking their curiosity and making them focus. A puzzle or a plane model would be a very good choice, as well as a book on their personal philosophy and whichever area of interest you share with them. They need to stay on the move and running shoes, a bicycle, or even a car would be a good option, depending on your budget of course, and in sync with the level of closeness you have. Give them something to keep them moving, in the material, emotional, or mental sense.

Positive Traits for January 31st Born

Positive, optimistic, and intelligent, these individuals have a way with other people, and have the right word for every moment. Easy to talk to and selflessly sharing their knowledge, they understand that we are all on this planet to learn.

Negative Traits for January 31st Born

Arrogant and lost in their ideals, they could get stuck in superficial emotions for too long, unable to see that they lead to dissatisfaction.

Healing Crystal

When those born on the 31st of January look for their crystal, they should start with lemon quartz. It is a yellow crystal that resonates with the solar plexus and weak Sun in Aquarius, bringing it a fine healing energy and support needed for energy to grow. This stone is a good luck stone, and one to help a person think quickly, make decisions fast, or do well at an exam, or in any situation that needs self-assurance. It is also a stone that eases cravings during dieting or a nicotine withdrawal.

Sabian Symbol

The Sabian symbol for Aquarius representatives born on January 31st of a leap year and two years preceding it:

“During a Silent Hour, a Man Receives a New Inspiration Which May Change His Life”

The Sabian symbol for Aquarius representative born on January 31st of a year coming after a leap year:

“On a Vast Staircase Stand People of Different Types, Graduated Upward”

These symbols obviously talk about moving up and making a change. The first one will represent the power of silence and just one step of the staircase in the second symbol. Combined, they speak of a series of upwards movements that come in search for expression in the world, in search for faith, and the higher cause. These individuals will always strongly believe that things happen for a reason, even if they never fully understand what it is. Their inner feeling is pulling them upwards, where they know they belong.

Famous Birthdays on 31st of January

  • In 1797 Franz Schubert was born, an Austrian pianist and composer with a less dramatic approach than that of J. S. Bach or Beethoven. Strangely positive for a composer of that time he had a rich social life and his friends called him “Schwamm” – Austrian for mushroom (he was 1.52m tall).
  • 1915 – Gary Moore was born, an American comedian, entertainer and a game show host best known for his work in television. Even when he retired, he still had something to say and became a regular humor columnist for a local newspaper.
  • 1981 – Justin Timberlake was born, an American singer, dancer, and actor. He started his career as a part of a pack, the band NSYNC, and his solo career is enriched by frequent cooperation and contacts that gave him strong roots in the world of music and film.

Important Historical Events on 31st of January

  • 1747 – At London Lock Hospiral, the first venereal diseases clinic is opened.
  • 1929 – Leon Trotsky (born on November 7th) is exiled by the Soviet Union.
  • 1930 – Scotch Tape is first marketed by 3M.
  • 1949 – NBC station in Chicago televises the first television daytime soap opera, These Are My Children.
  • 1958 – Van Allen radiation belt is detected by the first successful American satellite.
  • 2010 – Avatar becomes the first movie to earn over $2 billion.

January Zodiac Index

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
Iva Vucinic

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.

Aquarius Information

Additional Information

Aquarius - traits, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information.

Aquarius Man - information and insights on the Aquarius man.

Aquarius Woman - information and insights on the Aquarius woman.

Aquarius Compatibility - the compatibility of Aquarius with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life.

Aquarius History - the history of Aquarius and the stories behind it.

Aquarius Symbol - images and interpretations of the Aquarius symbol and ruler.

Zodiac Calendar - Discover what your date of birth tells about your character, motivation and purpose in life.

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