January 10th Zodiac
Date: January 10th
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Color: Midnight Green
In One Word: Infinity
Shape: Two Circles Touching in One Spot
Strength: Readiness for change
Weakness: Self-destruction
Most Compatible With: Taurus
The symmetry of this date puts one's personal balance into focus and the ability to connect deeply and profoundly with another human being. The field of relationships and Saturn's exaltation in Libra, the sign of relationships, become a true calling of those born on January 10th.
January 10th Horoscope
People born on January 10th have a task to transform and regenerate again and again, until they reach the point of unity with other people. They will be challenged to accept the ego of their superiors, partners, and family members, archetypally battling with their father on a deep and profound level. In case when their relationship with their father is peaceful and supportive, it gives them an incredible foundation for progress in life, as if it was a sign itself that they were born to be special to the rest of the world just as much as their parents. When it isn’t, a person has to “go through hell”, face their shadows, and discover the world without dualities in order to find peace and understand the other side to every story.
Love and Emotions
Those born on January 10th always go through karmic relationships, being magnetically attracted to partners with different personalities who make seemingly strange choices, hard to understand. From one extreme to another, the unity they need to find shows best through romantic involvements and their love life. They will choose to be with people of strong personality only to face them with their own weaknesses and fears. Conflict and destructive tendencies of others seem to be teaching them of their own dark sides.
The main goal of each January 10th Capricorn is to find the inner state of love and peace, with another person or the world itself. Emotional awareness must be worked for and they will do so by letting go of their ego, the image of Self they were thought to have, and the image of personal expectations that makes them rigid and tough to be with. These individuals have to breathe with planet Earth to feel all its benefits and use their own nature for the greater good.
The power of this rigid Sun is too vast to be held by one person. This will inevitably lead to ego problems and the need for change, no matter the circumstances surrounding the upbringing and parental issues that might have been present in youth. To heal, forgiveness is the key and their primal mission, impossible to be reached by mental efforts and outside of their heart and their emotional world. It is imperative for those born on the 10th of January to seek unity, find middle ground, and chase for shared efforts, partnerships and teamwork instead of holding on strictly to their imperatives, convictions, and personal battles. Divine love for others and Their own reflection in the mirror is their destination.
What They Excel In
With their incredible ability to embrace change of any kind, they will be magnificent in restoration, repainting, recycling and ecology work, as well as all types of healing, surgery, and medicine. Their deepest need is to make a change to the image of things surrounding them and raise their own awareness on each matter. When turned to inner work they will become psychologists and therapists, working best with challenging patience.
January 10th Birthday Gift
Although a person born on this date gives the impression of a highly aware individual with a strong personality, their primal role comes down to the emotional realm. They will enjoy sentimental and connecting gifts much more than those that fit their rational needs, and while you can always go with something useful to boost their personality, small signals of affection any time of year will speak a lot more than any big birthday present. Nurture them, take them for a massage, or care for their wellbeing, without any pathetic or cheesy notes to your gifts, and you will see their heart melt and their rigid personality heal.
Positive Traits for January 10th Born
Changeable, deep, and emotional to the core, these Capricorns connect the light and the dark sides of the world and in everyone around them. They are strong yet sensitive, and this is their greatest quality and their greatest weakness at the same time.
Negative Traits for January 10th Born
Sensitive ego and lack of emotion can lead to manipulation and selfish choices. Desire for control can take over if they don’t learn to listen early on. If their Capricorn chase for new plans and status takes over, they dismiss emotions as irrelevant, creating problems in their physiology.
Healing Crystal
The crystal suitable for the energies of those born on January 10th is dravite tourmaline, deeply energetically cleansing. It helps to bring the shadow side of one's personality to consciousness and aids to let go of old emotional issues. This stone will help self-acceptance, improve self-esteem, and aid self-love.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Capricorns born on January 10th:
The interesting thing in the symbolism that hides behind this birthdate is in its passive tone, magic that flows behind the scenes, and a song to simply give the atmosphere to something bigger. It is important for those born on this date to realize that their place might be to support the flow, work from the shadows, and simply give magic to the world without being seen, acknowledged, or recognized in any way. The second layer of this symbol hides in the fact that the service is religious, turning our focus strongly to the state of personal faith that can be shaken in people born on this date.
Famous Birthdays on 10th of January
- In 1939 William Levy was born, an American-Dutch writer and journalist, known as the author of erotic novels who was awarded the Erotic Oscar for writing at London's Sex Maniac's Ball. His alter-ego, Dr. Doo Wop could be heard weekly spinning groovy music on the radio.
- In 1936 Robert Woodrow Wilson was born, an American physicist and astronomer who discovered the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB), that later served as an important corroboration of the Big Bang theory.
- In 1945 Rod Stewart was born, a British rock singer and songwriter, known for his distinctive voice. Against his father's ambition to become a professional footballer, he left school at age 15 and started working as a silk screen printer first. He claims that he decided to become a musician instead of a footballer, because it allowed him some drinking too.
Important Historical Events on 10th of January
- 1645 – Archbishop William Laud (born on October 7th) is beheaded in London.
- 1863 – The world's oldest underground railway, the Metropolitan Railway, opens and marks the beginning of the London Underground.
- 1870 – Standard Oil is incorporate by John D. Rockefeller (born on July 8th).
- 1920 – World War I is officially ended as the Treaty of Versailles takes effect.
- 1946 – Fifty-one nations are represented at the first General Assembly of the UN openning in London.
- 1966 – Indo-Pakistani War is resolved by the signing of the Tashkent Declaration, a peace agreement between India and Pakistan.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.