February 9th Zodiac
Date: February 9th
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Color: Lavender
In One Word: Confusion
Shape: Wave
Strength: Divine Love
Weakness: Vulnerability
Most Compatible With: Sagittarius
It is the loss that drives those born on this date forward, and while they might idealize their entire upbringing, time makes it clear that the world is not what they first imagined it to be. This is a date of unconditional self-love and everything here has a sole purpose to give the ultimate emotion of bliss and peace to someone's existence.
February 9th Horoscope
Family circumstances are secretive and strange, and while one might have an intimate and loving bond with their mother, it is highly likely that they will idealize her and carry her scent around as faith in goodness in the world. On the other hand, even the slightest of weaknesses is emphasized and a loss of control is almost inevitable. In many cases, one or both of their parents will have problems with abandonment, illusions, narcotics or alcohol, and this serves them well to clarify things and search for their own truth and freedom in the world of beliefs that guide them in the right direction. The only thing they need to build is strength of character and heart that makes them powerful enough to not succumb to negative influences to numb the pain.
The second step in numeral analysis leads us towards the Moon once again, but through liberation shown in number 11. One needs to break loose from family ties, ties of the past, and ties of past life experiences that weigh them down, so they can find the love they search for in their hearts.
Love and Emotions
This is a highly emotional time in February when everything comes down to emotion itself. Heavenly love is to be found in the heart of these individuals, and challenges will come though disappointments, platonic bonds, and relationships that don't become destructive and toxic over time. They will help those in need and often choose a partner to heal, help through difficult times in life, only to leave them once their quest is over. This is in no way an easy guidance for an Aquarius, but their state of Neptune's exaltation and understanding of faith and the "upper spheres" will help them through any hardship that might come.
Their hearts are either too open or closed shut, and work is needed for them to keep their boundaries healthy when they get intimate, and hold on to their personal life while at the same time respecting the other person. The feminine within is hazy and matters of the heart there to be believed in and nurtured, cherished every day, until they find that their idealized image of the world can in fact become real.
The destination of each person born on the 9th of February is in feelings of calm, peace, and home. It is their heart that needs to be nurtured and this is always seen through their family tree as a story of protection, or lack of it, that must be balanced out so the world doesn't seem rough and scary. Their convictions need to be healthy for their hearts to feel strong, and there is always a family secret and a mystery to unveil on their path towards happiness.
What They Excel In
If there was an Aquarius born for any sort of humanitarian work, SOS hotlines, suicide cases, and psychology, it would be the Aquarius born on the 9th of February. If they only manage to distance themselves from other people's problems to know well enough where they end and where the other person begins, they will have a chance to heal their own Soul working with emotional and psychological challenges of other people. They are extremely talented to connect and this talent needs to be recognized as their strength, and not their weakness.
February 9th Birthday Gift
To find the right gift for a person born on this date, you need to sink into the unknown and rely on faith. They wish their talents to be acknowledged, and even if they don't use them every day, it will make them happy to get something that can be used to show them in the future. Fictional characters, books of fairytales and everything sparkly, magical, and strange will give them the chills, and a tender emotion needs to be seen through the gesture. You can organize fireworks, a shower of confetti, or do something about the lighting in their home that they always wanted to do, to remind them of starry nights and the field of desires they carry within.
Positive Traits for February 9th Born
A tender soul, willing to help, these people are givers with no restraint and limitation. Talented to share, they are caring idealists who truly wish to make this world a better place for the entire human race.
Negative Traits for February 9th Born
Too vulnerable to handle the world, often turning to substance abuse to anesthetize overwhelming emotions in their hearts, choosing illusion over real life and losing sight of the importance of the world they live in.
Healing Crystal
The perfect stone to soothe the souls of those born on the 9th of February is okenite. Its structure is often described as heavenly, warm, and fuzzy, and it serves a person to find the feelings of warmth in their heart, comforting them and encouraging forgiveness of self and others. It is a stone to lessen denial that eases the harshness of truth.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Aquarius representatives born on February 9th of a leap year and two years preceding it:
The Sabian symbol for Aquarius representatives born on February 9th of a year following a leap year:
We can see that the Moon with Neptune creates an obviously sensitive atmosphere, for a dove is a symbol of this contact of celestial bodies, just as a disillusioned woman is. The positive note of this combination of Sabian symbols is what should amaze us, for there is no sign of giving up here, only bravery that is needed to overcome difficulties and disappointment, and a message from the heart that needs to be found. It is the ultimate declaration of love for Self, found in the flow of sensitivity that leads towards our mission, as soon as we face our weaknesses and recognize them as strengths.
Famous Birthdays on 9th of February
- In 1925 John B. Cobb was born, an American philosopher, theologian and environmentalist, elected in 2014 to the prestigious American Academy of Arts and Sciences. His work is unified with his emphasis on ecological interdependence – the idea that every part of the ecosystem is reliant on all the other parts, arguing that humanity's most urgent task is to preserve the world on which it lives and depends.
- In 1932 Gerhard Richter was born, a German painter and photographer known for his abstract as well as photorealistic paintings, photographs and glass pieces. He set an auction record price for a painting by a living artist at $34 million.
- In 1945 Mia Farrow was born, an American actress, activist, and former fashion model, a mother of 11 living children – four biological, seven adopted. She became a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in 2000 and is a high-profile advocate for human rights in Africa, particularly for children's rights.
Important Historical Events on 9th of February
- 1621 – Gregory XV (born on January 9th) is elevated to papacy as the last Pope elected by acclamation.
- 1900 – The establishment of the Davis Cup competition.
- 1913 – Astronomers are led to believe that there had been a tiny, short-lived natural satellite of the Earth when a group of meteors shows in the large part of the Northern hemisphere.
- 1964 – The Beatles appear on The Ed Sullivan Show for the first time and perform before an audience of 73 million viewers across America, breaking all records.
- 1986 – Halley's Comet appeared in the inner Solar System for the last time.
- 1996 – The discovery of copernicium.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.