February 25th Zodiac
Date: February 25th
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Color: Vanilla
In One Word: Practicality
Shape: Infinity Symbol
Strength: Common Sense
Weakness: Mistrustful
Most Compatible With: Capricorn
As we approach the end of February, we enter the zone of constructive changes in one's emotional world, since the entire month of February is ruled by the Moon through its numeral symbolism. Experience gathered helps relate to family members, and the 25th of February seems to be in charge of communication and clearing misunderstandings that were left unresolved in one's family tree.
February 25th Horoscope
Two Moons surrounding our little Mercury here speak of family members chatting over the world of a person born on this date. It is imperative to speak from the heart in this position, for these individuals have a lot to share with people they are intimate with. This can be quite unfortunate when they are surrounded by people who speak from the head instead of the heart, and it is of outmost importance for them individuals to find a way to differentiate two types of speech instead of taking everything to heart. Words are gentle and caring, and work can be a bit jeopardized with emotion. Clarifying matters in their family stand for a great part of their existence and mission in life.
Love and Emotions
When it comes to love, there is a constant dilemma in the world of Pisces representatives born on February 25th. On one hand, their need for love and idealism of closeness is always present as their guiding light, but on the other, their brain always kicks in to show the faults in those they choose to be with. Attraction has really nothing to do with this, and they could remain in an unsatisfied state for as long as they don't find their equal, and someone to talk back and jump into fiery conversations when necessary.
In general, they need someone to talk to, and this separates them from other Pisces representatives who need someone to share silence with as a form of talking. Although silence plays a big role in their bonds, it is still the openness of heart they wish to achieve through healthy dialogue. Their personality is divided into separate wholes that intertwine, and while one of them might be satisfied with one partner, the other will search for something else. This can lead to parallel bonds that are opposed to their moral values.
The main task in lives of those born on the 25th of February isn't to find their religion, but to find their sense of faith and trust. First off, they need to believe in their own personality and abilities, to learn to stay close to the outer world and other people, avoiding misunderstandings and treason. They will be disappointed and pushed from emotion to reasonable judgment and back, trying to be rational about their relationships while at the same time idealizing those who stand in front of them. It is their mission to find balance between the intellectual world and the world of faith and devotion to higher causes, however they might perceive them.
What They Excel In
Each person born on the 25th of February has a talent for communicating, information sharing and writing. They will be excellent reporters, journalists, writers, and public speakers, as well as those who stand behind leading figures pointing them in the right direction. Once they find their faith in personal success, they become excellent motivational speakers too, with a potential to organize courses and education for those who need to build their self-esteem or work on their presentation.
February 25th Birthday Gift
When choosing a gift for someone born on this date, you need to keep in mind that practicality plays a much bigger part in their approach to life than it might seem as you observe their Piscean nature. They are dreamers with a need to be swept off their feet, but also value things that can be used in everyday life, especially their home. Keep in mind that it is their talents that set them apart so stay in tone, choose items in their colors, and shapes they prefer, and really anything will make them happy for as long as you show recognition through details that resonate with their Soul.
Positive Traits for February 25th Born
Emotional individuals with a spare plan, witty, communicative and expressive, ready to change and shift with the tides learning new things every day. Curious, smart, different from everyone you know, they will speak of things that bring magic to your world.
Negative Traits for February 25th Born
Tainted by everything that goes through their emotional world, can be closed, bitter, or opinionated, sometimes even stubborn when detached from emotional interaction.
Healing Crystal
Blue iolite is the right stone for a person born on February 25th, opening their mind for imagination they need to live a fulfilled, creative life. This crystal helps one see and imagine things that can be brought to reality, expands inner journeys, and helps a person express their feel and inner atmosphere in a way that supports the easiness in their path. It calms the brain, allowing body to regenerate and refill with energy, releasing spasms carried within.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Pisces representatives born on February 25th of a leap year and a year preceding it:
The Sabian symbol for Pisces representatives born on February 25th of two years following a leap year:
Although these two symbols speak of things that don't seem connected, the first one being of militant character and appearance, and the second of secluded spiritual value, they share the glow of the moment with one another. This is exactly what we must acknowledge when we approach a person born on February 25th, for their world is illuminated and shiny, it is a parade and a lighted path, and both will be taking them in only one direction – towards personal faith.
Famous Birthdays on 25th of February
- •In 1873 Enrico Caruso was born, an Italian-American opera singer, known for his many releases as a tenor. There was a rumor that his parents had 21 children of which 18 died at infancy, but this was proven to be an urban legend.
- •In 1928 Richard G. Stern was born, an American academic and author, who used his talent for writing. He was awarded the Medal of Merit for the Novel by the American Academy of Arts and Letters.
- •In 1971 Sean Astin was born, an American actor best known for his role in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. In the light of strange family circumstances, he claims to have four dads, even though (clearly) only one of them is his biological father.
Important Historical Events on 25th of February
- •1336 – Mass suicide by 4000 defenders of Pilėnai just to avoid being captive by the Teutonic Knights.
- •1836 – The US patent for the Colt revolver is granted to Samuel Colt (born on July 19th).
- •1856 – Following the Crimean Was, a Peace conference is opened in Paris.
- •1866 – The Calaveras Skull is discovered by miners in Calaveras County, California, that supposedly indicated that mastodons and elephants had co-existed with man.
- •1901 – The US Steel Corporation is incorporated by J. P. Morgan.
- •1933 – The first US Navy ship ever designed to be constructed from beginning to end as an aircraft carrier, USS Ranger, is launched.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.