February 19th Zodiac
Date: February 19th
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Color: Fandango
In One Word: Missionary
Shape: Curve Lost in the Distance
Strength: Faith
Weakness: Dishonesty
Most Compatible With: Leo
A date set on the verge of Aquarius, where that liberated Sun gathered all the relevant information from the gods and now needs to find the inner state of faith. This transition isn't easy, for both these signs are turned outwards and have something to share with the world, while at the same time having a lot to learn along the way. Given enough freedom, a person born on this day will feel able to live their ideals and materialize dreams.
February 19th Horoscope
This planetary row speaks of an obvious confusion and the blurry image that needs to be unveiled. You can imagine a person surrounded by clouds, spending their life trying to break through, warm them up and scatter them away, only to see things more clearly. The personality is sometimes weak here, turning them to poor company and substance abuse, or other sorts of dependencies. Without incredible and groundbreaking ideals that are to be chased for and nurtured at all times, this isn't someone who can fit into regular daily existence.
As we continue our numeral path, we can see that the number 12 is what leads them to their mission shown through Jupiterís number 3, and it becomes obvious that faith and religion need to intertwine, as well as personal convictions and those that masses share.
Love and Emotions
Idealists and dreamers, those born on the 19th of February tend to be sensitive and yet open for incredible emotional experiences. For as long as they are in sync with their hearts, romantic as they were made to be, and recognizing the purpose of the relationship they are maintaining, it could last for a long time. However, overly rationalizing and too much philosophy don't go well with togetherness, especially not the kind they seek.
Wishing for an ideal and searching for someone to conquer and something to strive for, they need a person to inspire them and make them feel whole, constantly pushing them over the limits so they can become a better version of themselves. To form a lasting emotional bond, romance must be maintained even when things in the real world are rough, and their connection to Neptune shouldn't ever fill their worlds with adultery, secrecy, and lack of initiative.
With knowledge and many other things to share with the world, those born on the 19th of February find their calling and their path in philosophical analysis, teaching, travelling and any changes in perception. They need their relative point of view to shift here and there, so they can create whatever might be truly needed in their lives. It is their purpose to find a direction that inspires them and makes them feel whole, and help others find it on their paths too.
What They Excel In
February 19th makes one excel in public appearances of any kind. While they might be inspiring speakers or talented singers, the point of their activities is always the same – to transfer the message to the rest of the world. These individuals excel in teaching, and all activities that include their hopeful, optimistic, and childish nature. It is within their reach to seek the truth and most of them will sense when someone is lying, perfectly aware of the intent behind the words.
February 19th Birthday Gift
Talented for many things, those born on this date have a need for a romantic and loving gesture more than anything else. No matter where their Sun is, prepare some fireworks, organize a surprise gathering at the roof of their building on a starry night, or help them gather people they love in some unusual way. They will find joy in activities rather than material things, and wish to see the purpose of all things, not only their practical value. Just as every person with Jupiter as their main guide, they will be thrilled to be sent on a vacation, but be sure to respect their timelines in detail for they crave respect of their own responsibilities that they find impossible to follow from time to time.
Positive Traits for February 19th Born
Dreamy, talented, romantic, and inspired, they choose people and directions in life based on their faith. Humorous idealists and romance chasers, these individuals know how to make someone smile.
Negative Traits for February 19th Born
Unable to determine what they want and where they wish to go, they get lost, confused, mistrustful and dishonest. The greatest problem here is the illusion they create for themselves, when they are unwilling to accept reality.
Healing Crystal
People born on February 19th have a privilege to use vivianite, a stone that eases problems with vision, physiological or psychological. It encourages those who may be overly self-conscious to feel more comfortable in their skin, and helps navigate through seemingly impossible problems in a more realistic way, pulling one to live in the moment instead of turning to the past.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Aquarius representatives born on February 19th of a leap year and a year preceding it:
Although this is not a precise division of the signs by date and each personal chart should be observed for the exact location of the Sun, the symbolism stated here stands to speak well for the need of this moment in time. With both symbols speaking of a crowd and its movements, this is to confirm the sharing nature of the date itself and the transition between these signs. We need to understand that the second symbol shows products that come directly from the first one, speaking of materialization and actual benefits of one's evolution and growth on the awareness scale. Inevitably, people born on this date will observe their circumstances change greatly and through specific issues, whenever they make a large step on the way to self-discovery.
Famous Birthdays on 19th of February
- In 1941 David Gross was born, an American physicist and academic who received a Nobel Prize with Frank Wilczek and David Politzer for their discovery of asymptotic freedom.
- In 1957 Falco was born, an Austrian singer, songwriter, and rapper, best known by his international hits such as "Rock Me Amadeus" and "Jeanny". At age five, he auditioned for the Vienna Music Academy, where it was confirmed that he had absolute pitch.
- In 1963 Seal was born, an English singer and songwriter who reached the peak of popularity with a hit "Kiss from a Rose". Raised by a foster family, he received a two-year diploma in architecture and worked various jobs in the London area wandering lost, until he found his calling.
Important Historical Events on 19th of February
- 1878 – Phonograph is patented by Thomas Edison (born on February 11th).
- 1884 – One of the largest tornado outbreaks in the history of the United States occurs, when more than sixty of them strike on the Southern U.S.
- 1913 – Pedro Lascuráin (born on May 8th) becomes President of Mexico for the term that lasted 45 minutes, setting the record for the shortest term that any President of any country ever had.
- 1948 – Students of Southeast Asia Fighting for Freedom and Independence convenes with the Conference of Youth in Calcutta.
- 1963 –The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan's (born on February 4th) reawakens the feminist movement in the U.S.
- 1985 – William J. Schroeder leaves the hospital after receiving an artificial heart, becoming the first person to do so.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.