February 15th Zodiac
Date: February 15th
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Color: School Bus Yellow
In One Word: Complete
Shape: Oval
Strength: Free to Shine
Weakness: Superficial
Most Compatible With: Leo
February 15th is an extremely energetic date and people born at this time have many things to show and share with the world. Although they will be talkative and open for all sorts of new experiences, they won't manage to do much if they don't realize that they need to work as "double agents" for the heart and mind, body and Soul, and others and themselves - equally.
February 15th Horoscope
The story of those born on this date has a lot to do with self-discovery and ways that their personality will shine in the world. This is an incarnation that teaches them of the connection between their ego and the words they choose, action and inner, gut feelings, and emotions they cause as a ripple. For as long as they are overly reactive towards actions of other people, taking things personally time after time, they have more lessons to learn and a lot of truth to hear and say. Honesty must be their imperative. Living by the rules of absolute truth and expression in sync with their real core, they will find the right crowd to be a part of, gathering their cosmic brothers and sisters.
Love and Emotions
February 15th is not exactly the day for romance, and although the sign of Aquarius always shows a soft side for it in certain surprising manifestations, these individuals will be highly intellectual rather that romantic. This shouldn't make them less sensitive or emotionally distant, but it is still a trait we should keep in mind. Their love life can be distracting and at the same time divided into two different directions, with them unable to choose if they want someone they can grow old with, or just a series of fun and playful romances to keep their life colorful.
In general, they are on the search for someone they can really talk to, but their instinctive side tends to pull them like a magnet towards all the "wrong" people. This might lead them into two different relationships at the same time, or send them on a path of decision-making that allows no one to come close to their heart. It won't be until they embrace this inner battle and instinctive needs that they will find all their senses satisfied through one, single person in one, lasting relationship.
The connection of their personality with the way they will express it is a strong link that needs to be created in this lifetime. Still, those born on the 15th of February have a more important task, and that is to embrace their instincts and find grounding through their animalistic nature. If an Aquarius as a highly human sign is so against all those matters of the rough physical realities, this is probably a very demanding task. Meditation, routine, and physical activities will help their cause, but if they hold on to any shred of fear, they will most likely feel incompetent to reach the heights they were made to jump to. In order to set free from existential matters that scare them, they need to give freely and understand that money doesn't define their connection to this world.
What They Excel In
A person born on the 15th of February has a way with words, and even if this doesn't come as their true calling, it will be a powerful asset to help them on their way. They will excel in sports and all sorts of energetic activities, many of them choosing to become a coach, a personal trainer, and someone to lead and inspire others to find grounding and care for their physical body. However, this care for the material world usually comes only when they reach the end of their learning process, and in the meantime they will choose all sorts of intellectual activities, from writing and problem solving, to informatics, programming and engineering.
February 15th Birthday Gift
A person born on the 15th of February will always enjoy something to read, even if it is a bottle of detergent with long instructions. Still, it would be better to choose something that will give them focus too, so go with a readable puzzle, a castle to be built piece by piece, or anything that can be glued together and touched to construct. Their physical senses need to be satisfied through curiosity and complexity of the mind, and they will prefer practicality and interesting gifts over those that are simply posing as pretty.
Positive Traits for February 15th Born
Intelligent, witty, and fast, their mind is way ahead of time and everyone else in the room. Impossible to contain, they are innovators, great thinkers, and those that find a way to bring perfection to Earth.
Negative Traits for February 15th Born
Detached from emotion, judgmental and narrowminded. Too smart for their own good, prone to turn to self-destructive choices if their emotional world is neglected for too long.
Healing Crystal
A very fine crystal for needs of those born on February 15th is cancrinite, preferably in blue, yellow and orange tones. Although they seek grounding, the form of expression of their inner true personality is the first step towards the discovery of their own abilities. This stone will help them achieve a peaceful way to shine. Once they open the door of self-expression, grounding will come as a natural consequence.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Aquarius representatives born on February 15th of a leap year and two years preceding it:
The Sabian symbol for Aquarius representatives born on February 15th of a year following a leap year:
These two symbols speak of the connection of extremes and opposites, and obviously of the dualistic world within these individuals. The first symbol stands for a connection of energy and reactivity, while the second one connects the past with the present. Although an emphasis is on the first one, it is still just a first step of inner connecting necessary to reach the understanding of ancient Saturn as a traditional ruler of new, living Aquarius.
Famous Birthdays on 15th of February
- In 1564 Galileo Galilei was born, an Italian astronomer, physicist, and mathematician, known as the "father of modern physics". This man with a brilliant mind had three children out of wedlock, and because of this he considered his own two daughters unmarriable, so he sent them to a convent for life.
- In 1907 Cesar Romero was born, an American actor with a career lasting for almost 60 years. He is one of the unusual actors to never marry and stay a "confirmed bachelor" throughout his life.
- In 1934 Niklaus Wirth was born, a Swiss computer scientists who created the Pascal programming language, among others. Quote - "My duty as a teacher is to train, educate future programmers."
Important Historical Events on 15th of February
- 1870 – The first formal education in Mechanical Engineering is offered at the Stevens Institute of Technology, founded in New Jersey, USA.
- 1879 – A bill is signed allowing female attorneys to argue cases before the Supreme Court of the U.S.
- 1923 – Gregorian calendar is adopted by Greece, the last European country to do so.
- 1954 – Canada and the U.S. agree to build a system of radar stations in the far north, to serve as the Distant Early Warning Line.
- 1972 – For the first time, United States federal copyright protection is granted for sound recordings.
- 2001 – Nature publishes the first draft of the complete human genome.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.