December 8th Zodiac
Date: December 8th
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Color: Cinnabar
In One Word: Dominant
Shape: Straight Line
Strength: Dominant
Weakness: Crossing Boundaries
Most Compatible With: Gemini
Expectation on December 8th begins to rise, and the nature of those born at this time might be a bit intense or tricky in close relationships. They are energetic individuals ready to initiate and take practical steps towards a goal, but very often they aren’t tender enough with others to see that their spontaneity might cost them intimacy and joyful energies. Although it would be wise for them to take a step back before they start running anywhere, their spontaneous and grounded nature is their best quality and it shouldn’t be held down, but freely expressed. To find a fine line of balance is the real challenge here, acting on impulse, but holding on to awareness of the surroundings as well.
December 8th Horoscope
It is important in such a strong planetary row to always remember who leads the way and who follows. People born on December 8th have enough respect and admiration for role models and those who teach them to follow, but need to find the point of clarity on their inner authority as well. In order to stay close and connected in their relationships no matter what happens around them, they are to build trust and a caring bond where there won’t be emotional blackmail to hold on to anyone involved. Loyalty should be turned to respect, and a pure desire to protect the most vulnerable, loving core of the bond should be found in each of their contacts.
In need of enough personal space and liberation of spirit, each Sagittarius born on this date needs to remember that their core of authentic personality is their priority and their only actual authority at any given moment. With enough respect for others, they must ask for respect in return, believing that everyone in their life has the power to embrace their responsibilities and resolve problems they’ve been dealt with by a much higher authority – the Universe itself.
Love and Emotions
Seeking things to smile at and relationships to smile in, those born on December 8th might be a bit rough around the edges until they fall in love. The importance of sexuality in their love life is grand, especially at a young age and before they learn that true listening comes from the heart and is the prerequisite for deep physical pleasure too. Sharing comes naturally to these individuals, but they could have a hard time finding a partner who understands their appetite for giving.
They want someone to train with, work with, and move with, and a soulmate who understands their need to risk while at the same time holding their feet on the ground. Rough and specific boundaries need to be established in each of their relationships, but their expression is to be tender and kind, although strict and direct. They enjoy company of those who are stable and move forwards with time, and won’t settle for a partner who doesn’t have much to crave for, move for, or desire in life.
The Moon as the guiding light of those born on the 8th of December is an interesting turning point of vulnerability and emotion they are meant to find. It is the call of their Soul, the touch of true intimacy, and stands for their need to connect on pure and joyous planes instead of holding on to shared pain. They are to build a family life, discover where their peace of mind and heart hides, and slowly transcend from love for one in a close physical bond, to love Divine.
What They Excel In
Sagittarius representatives born on December 8th excel in sports and active workplaces, dangerous adventures and moves that require a lot of energy. They are strong and practical enough, yet inspired by higher forces and intelligent. They strive in workplaces where authorities are respected in a certain way, in the army or in a long existing system that a team of holders has been running for decades. Their initiative makes them a great leader, but only when their reach such status with hard work and dedication to a higher goal.
December 8th Birthday Gift
Although sporting equipment and the set of kitchen knives might be a very good option for Sagittarius representatives born on December 8th, their birthday gift will probably feel better if it is cozy, homey and soft. They want something intimate, a collage of images from their trips, or something to validate your close bond in a frame. They enjoy gifts that are specific and practical, but like it a whole lot more when memories are involved. If you prefer looking to the future, go for home furnishing or some sort of grand effort to make their routine lighter and flowing with more ease.
Positive Traits for December 8th Born
Energetic and ready to do many new things, they are the ones to initiate, lead the way for many, and inspire with energies of a new beginning when things seem to dye out and fade, bringing a light of life into broken and dark surroundings.
Negative Traits for December 8th Born
Too pushy, stubborn and difficult about their direction even when goals are hazy and unclear. They might become too aggressive or force their opinions and expectations on those who simply need time to rest and contemplate on their own options.
Healing Crystal
A trusting, sincere stone for those born on December 8th to enjoy is rhodolite garnet. It stimulates their intuition and enriches their world with inspiration, helping them feel protected, productive, and at the same time emotionally involved with people around them. This crystal supports healthy sexual energies and stimulates metabolism, while mostly serving for emotional healing. It encourages love, compassion and self-worth, balancing the root and the heart chakra simultaneously and bringing protection for the most sensitive emotional issues.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Sagittarius representatives born on December 8th in a leap year:
The Sabian symbol for Sagittarius representatives born on December 8th in any year that isn’t a leap year:
There is something attractive in these lines, something to draw in the masses and help them learn and feed one's body and soul. These symbols talk about the light of giving, both material and spiritual, connecting the two in the imagery of the animal and human worlds intertwining. The need these individuals have to share what they possess and know shouldn’t overcome their actual abilities and they are to take care of their primal needs first in order to truly be in a stable position of sharing the way they are meant to.
Famous Birthdays on 8th of December
- In 1925 Sammy Davis Jr. was born, an American actor, dancer and singer who starred in Mr Wonderful, Golden Boy and The Candy Man. He lost his left eye when he was 29 years old and was involved in a car accident.
- In 1953 Kim Basinger was born, an American actress and singer, known as the sex symbol of the 1980s and 1990s, especially after her role in the cult movie 9½ Weeks. A former model, she said that she hated going from one booking to another constantly dealing with the way she looked, and turned to acting instead of modelling because of that.
- In 1966 Sinéad O'Connor was born, an Irish singer and songwriter best recognized for a new arrangement of the song "Nothing Compares to You". Known for her controversial looks and statements, she has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, the information she later revoked, and attempted suicide on her 33rd birthday.
Important Historical Events on 8th of December
- 1660 – The first time that a woman appears on a public stage in England, in a Shakespeare's play Othello.
- 1813 – Beethoven's Seventh Symphony has its premiere.
- 1955 – The council of Europe adopts the flag of Europe.
- 1974 – Abolishing of monarchy in Greece.
- 1980 – The assassination of John Lennon (born on October 9th).
- 2013 – A show is held in Antarctica by Metallica and they become the first band to play on all the continents.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.