December 4th Zodiac
Date: December 4th
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Color: Northwestern Purple
In One Word: Loyalty
Shape: Sickle
Strength: Strong Will
Weakness: Fear
Most Compatible With: Libra
Things need to get finished on December 4th and everything that was part of the plan is to be brought to life, step by step. People born on this date tend to plan everything too far ahead, ambitious and well organized, sometimes going into the extreme of giving up the very last second, just as things are about to fall in their place. They should finish what they have started so their willpower won’t suffer from the unconscious effects of giving up. They need to round up everything they can to avoid the inner pressure that is constantly rising.
December 4th Horoscope
There is a strong determination in this planetary row, and individuals born on the 4th of December will be pressured by debts left by their ancestors to resolve. They are ambitious, firm, the pillar of support for those they love, and easily take on long-term and deeply demanding projects that they might lack the motivation to bring to an end. They are loyal, sometimes stubborn, and often holding firmly to beliefs that are a bit dramatic or shaped by the collective. These planets speak of personal boundaries, both physical and emotional, and a lot of solitude and space is needed for these Sagittarius representatives to use their full potential and constructively build their life around goals that inspire them and make them truly happy.
Love and Emotions
Although they are warm and ready to fall in love, people born on the 4th of December could have some repetitive troubles in their romantic life. Not only is the story of action and consequence emphasized in their close contacts, but the lack of personal boundaries could lead to many battles they don’t want to be a part of but can’t seem to avoid. They need a partner who truly understands their need for solitude even if they seem to be the most social of all social butterflies in a bunch.
When choosing to build their shared world with someone, they need their sense of personal freedom intact and to not be burdened by too much of their partner's responsibility. Their strong personality easily takes over the issues of others and this could turn them into a human shield of protection for loved ones, where their own needs remain unfulfilled. It is important that guilt doesn’t take over, so they can see that their personal desires and goals are their most important priority, instead of trying to protect others from the "inadequacy" of their wishes. Once they stop compromising and start finding shared solutions, they may just reach the ideal of relationship they wish for.
The striving in lives of those born on December 4th is personal freedom. They often have trouble seeing the true potential to be free from social and collective limitations, and could feel victimized by fate itself instead of seeing the symbolism behind things that happen in their life, so they can bring liberation for their heart on their own. It is a wise choice to study astrology or any other language of symbols that will help them get in tune with their inner truth so they can understand what needs to be done in the real world, to start living their visions in plain sight.
What They Excel In
A Sagittarius born on December 4th is a good mathematician or historian, someone who sees the map of moves needed to move towards a certain goal. They have endurance and stay firm in long-term projects when on the right career path instead of a chase for status. Highly intellectual and linked to faith and higher spheres, they make incredible organizers and planners, those who are able to put all the little things in their right place, seeing the outcome of each decision made.
December 4th Birthday Gift
To choose a birthday gift for someone born on December 4th, we must keep in mind the depth of character and the seriousness behind the act. Although they often seem childish, they are mature in their areas of interest, and we should stick to presents that give respect to their desires and strivings in life. Even when they lack focus, it is wise to give them knowledge and structure, buy a voucher for the local astrology or programming school, buy new software for their latest wishes, and give them belief that they will eventually find their direction if they didn’t already. They must try out their talents in the real world to see what makes their heart fly.
Positive Traits for December 4th Born
Well-structured, goal oriented and calm, they see the power of Nature, of all things that come with a logical flow, and see life as a simple equation to be solved. They embrace challenges and own big solutions, giving others hope in situations that are difficult or seemingly too tangled to overcome.
Negative Traits for December 4th Born
Dogmatic, stuck in negative beliefs for decades, they have trouble letting go of their own internal patterns that limit them and take away their freedom. This leads them to repressive relationships or breaking loose, and cutting off others that never endangered or pressured them in the first place.
Healing Crystal
Blue kyanite is a very good choice of stone for people born on the 4th of December. It aligns all chakras bringing order into the most chaotic processes in their inner world, followed by peace in the outer one. It is a crystal that doesn’t need cleansing, giving the person holding it a sense of ease in letting go of negative vibrations and energies. It is known to bring healing dreams as it connects one's subconscious world with the conscious one, giving clarity to issues from the past and all emotions that have been buried when they should have been expressed.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Sagittarius representatives born on December 4th in a leap year:
The Sabian symbol for Sagittarius representatives born on December 4th in any year that isn’t a leap year:
Both of these symbols show a certain flow, a progress and the way things done in the past influence one's circumstances today, and in the future. This is mostly a story of action and consequence, the effects sometimes hard to anticipate as things tend to change along the way. On the other hand, we can see the connection between the past and the future found in today, and it is safe to say that the dawn of true consciousness and direction in lives of these individuals comes from living in the moment and giving their best to do what they can in present tense.
Famous Birthdays on 4th of December
- In 1949 Jeff Bridges was born, an American Academy Award winning actor, recognized for his roles in Crazy Heart, The Last Picture Show and The Big Lebowski. He is also a musician, has studied Buddhism, meditates before work, and wrote the book The Dude and the Zen Master with Bernie Glassman.
- In 1964 Maris Tomei was born, an American Academy Award winning actress, who starred in My Cousin Vinny, Wild Hogs and others. Little is known about her personal life, and she stated that she isn’t a big fan of marriage and doesn’t understand why women need to have children to be seen as complete human beings.
- In 1969 Jay Z was born, an American rapper and actor, as well as the co-founder of Roc-A-Fella Records. He is considered one of the best rappers of all time. He holds the record for any rapper in the number of Grammy Awards he won, and is known as the successful businessmen whose companies have grown to become multi-million dollar corporations.
Important Historical Events on 4th of December
- 1791 – Publishing of the first edition of the first Sunday newspaper, The Observer.
- 1909 – Founding of the oldest surviving professional hockey franchise, the Montreal Canadiens.
- 1918 – The first time that the president of the U. S. travels to Europe while in office.
- 1954 – Opening of the first Burger King.
- 1956 – The first and the only time that the Million Dollar Quartet gets together – Elvis Presley (born on January 8th), Jerry Lee Lewis (born on September 29th), Carl Perkins (born on April 9th) and Johnny Cash (born on February 26th).
- 1998 – Launching of the Unity Module, the second module of the ISS.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.