December 2nd Zodiac
Date: December 2nd
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Color: Bright Green
In One Word: Doubles
Shape: Growing Crescent
Strength: Heart-Based Choices
Weakness: Scattered
Most Compatible With: Gemini
Clear expression is needed on December 2nd, for one's authentic needs to be spoken about in ways that make things simple and easy to obtain. There is a fuzzy note to this date in the calendar, taking away a bit of clarity if overthinking takes over and quick movements distance an individual from their goals that are worth fighting for with endurance and faith. People born at this time are blessed with warmth of emotion, but too much excitement and grand expectations easily push them off track, or chasing their goals in too many directions at once.
December 2nd Horoscope
The Sun in this planetary row stands as the boundary between two moons, one of them standing for the personal emotional needs of those born on December 2nd, and the other for emotions of their family members and other people in their lives. Expectations could intertwine here, a person trying to adapt to numerous issues that aren’t theirs to pursue, guided by fiery energies of their potent Sun that reminds them that there is nothing they cannot do. They probably can, but this doesn’t mean they have to, and once clarity is reached in solitude, self-love and tenderness for their own fragile needs, they become focused and ready to spread the word and speak about the right path they were always meant to follow with their energy put to good use.
Love and Emotions
Emotions in lives of people born on the 2nd of December are rich and warm, guiding them in several directions at once, and might lead them into parallel relationships they never planned. Although they are loyal and respectful of others, they could get lost in their desires and make obvious choices too hazy to actually be made. Once they find their professional focus and the way to follow their truest emotions on a safe distance from emotional involvements of others, their dilemmas will fade and they will commit to finding the one person to share their adventures with.
They are warm, positive, and their optimism could get lost in too much information they receive from the outer world. It is important that they choose the one to be with, instead of being chosen and moving with the tides, for they are to take control and decide on their own fate rather than simply letting life throw them from one shore to another. Once they set their mind on the one they love, they become a bit childish and could seem less serious in their intensions than they actually are. They need someone to believe in them and read between the lines, sensitive and deeply emotional just as they are behind attitudes they present.
Mercury guides those born on December 2nd. The purpose in their lives is often a little hazy until they find a way to socialize and connect, while holding on to their authentic personality. The image they create among others might seem strong, but their vulnerable inner needs must come out and be cherished and fought for, so they can live them in the real world instead of holding on too many details in their mind. They are information seekers and those who wish to express themselves clearly, without prejudice or the limits of anyone's expectations, including their own, standing in the way.
What They Excel In
A Sagittarius representative born on December 2nd excels in large groups and teams of people of similar interests, as traders, writers and comedians. When they find their voice, they make successful singers and orators. They have a way with words and humorous as they are, they often find it their mission to make others laugh. If the adult world pushes them too far, they will easily turn to working with babies, children and teenagers, giving their own childlike input and support where it is needed. Wonderful parents, they need to find ways to give their love in intimate and close contacts with vulnerable souls.
December 2nd Birthday Gift
Choosing a birthday gift for someone born on December 2nd, you are to find something colorful, light, expressive, and homey. They want their intimate contacts appreciated, gratitude shown and their own world rich with trinkets and memories that make them feel loved. Practical gifts might be a good option as they get older, but it is always a better choice to hold on to childlike ways of expression, taking them out to fly a kite, bicycle riding by the lake, or on a picnic into the forest and giving them a glass figurine, something sparkly, small, with a smile or wings to speak of happiness and the free spirit they wish to hold on to in life.
Positive Traits for December 2nd Born
Loving, close and positive about the outcome of everyone's efforts in this world and each relationship they make, they are caring and optimistic individuals who cherish others and feel gratitude for the smallest of things that make life magical.
Negative Traits for December 2nd Born
Intertwined in expectations and emotional needs of others, they get too close, burn out, until they no longer see what they need to heal and regenerate themselves. In extremes, they close their heart to soothe others and hide their actions or lie about their emotions to fit in.
Healing Crystal
Fuchsite crystal is a great choice of sparkly stone for those born on the 2nd of December. It is known for its radiant energy, helpful for people who try too hard to save others from themselves, or outer circumstances that are their own to handle. It helps one see and look after their own personal needs, so that good intentions for others can be used in a harmonious way, only when advice and help is asked for and not over anyone's personal boundaries. It helps relieve stress and burnout, and aids in self-healing that can serve as a solid foundation for the healing of others.
Sabian Symbol
The Sabian symbol for Sagittarius representatives born on December 2nd:
The goddess of opportunity in this line seems incredibly inviting, opening many doors that could lead to incredible things in life. While this will manifest in lives of these people intensely, we must acknowledge the fact that this is a theatrical representation rather than the real deal, and their view on opportunities might be a bit too distant from reality. They could get carried away by steps and adventures that aren’t in tune with their emotional world, and think too much about outcomes that never come. Finding their grounding, they will discover that their body and heart give the best information to follow whichever choice they are to make, and that no outer authority is responsible for their own life.
Famous Birthdays on 2nd of December
- In 1923 Maria Callas was born, an American Greek opera singer and actress, known for her wide-ranging soprano voice and praised for her technique and dramatic interpretations. Her bruising relationship with her mother was covered by the media and left a deep mark on her personal world.
- In 1968 Lucy Liu was born, an American actress and director recognized by her roles in Charlie's Angels and series Elementary. Before her acting career blossomed, she got her bachelor's degree in Asian Languages and Culture and shows interest in numerous religions. She also works as an artist under the pseudonym Yu Ling Liu (her Chinese name) and had several gallery shows presenting her collage, paintings and photographs.
- In 1981 Britney Spears was born, an American singer, songwriter, actress and dancer, as well as one of the best-selling teenage artists of all time. In between and after her two pregnancies, she acted erratically, lost custody of her children and was hospitalized several times.
Important Historical Events on 2nd of December
- 1409 – Consecration of St Paul's Cathedral in London, UK.
- 1939 – La Guardia airport is opened in New York City.
- 1961 – Fidel Castro (born on August 13th) declares in a nationally broadcast speech that Cuba is going to adopt communism.
- 1970 – Beginning of operation of the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency.
- 1971 – Forming of United Arab Emirates.
- 1982 – The first time that a person receives a permanent artificial heart.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.