August 5th Zodiac

Date: August 5th
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Color: Alizarin Crimson
In One Word: Intertwined
Shape: Arrow
Strength: Passion
Weakness: Anger
Most Compatible With: Gemini

The 2nd of August presents a time when all is well with summer in full bloom, and energy is taken for granted, often too pushy for one's Soul to take. Demands of this time are vast, for the moment should be colored in night shades and starry skies, but it is instead all shiny and bright in the world of their powerful Sun. The inner struggle of people born on this date is one of practicality and sensitivity, and that of feelings and decisive, affirmative choices.

August 5th Horoscope

(Pluto) – MERCURY – (Pluto) – MARS

The combination of Mercury with Mars is always speaking of one's need to push themselves over verbal boundaries and roughness of words may shape those born on August 5th. Still, their sunny nature always gives them the ability to see their inner positions clearly and the power to overcome them in subtle, passive ways if they only embrace the challenge. Their strength is in intense and spontaneous ways of expression, and their ability to connect any emotion that shows in their life with the sense of honesty and truth that is to be spoken.

Blessed by the second row of Sun and Jupiter, these individuals will be shaped by their positive beliefs and optimism. Still, when their heart is bruised, they easily get carried away by grandiose images of Self that might help them build incredible careers, but rarely keep them satisfied for long. Knowledge is to be incorporated in their heart to truly serves a purpose and keep their future as wide and open as they need it to be.

Love and Emotions

Feelings play a large part of life in people born on August 5th and however rational they try to be in their everyday routines, or show themselves as less vulnerable than they are, they will find themselves in a state of shame or negativity if they don’t follow their heart every step of the way. They need to talk about the way they feel, choosing relationships that make them joyous and childish. It is of outmost importance for these individuals to build their relationships based on trust and freedom to share their core of personality without judgment coming their way. This gives them the ability to create healthy boundaries and use the potential they have been given from the start.

Rushing into multiple things at once, they could also rush into multiple relationships at a young age. Their incredible spirit and passion pull them into situations with partners that evoke the feelings of belonging, or not belonging, to a certain tribe. While they can take in a whole lot more than what they get, it is important for them to slow down and sensitively approach their own Soul in order to be happy with another person. Connective and passionate, they should always nurture their ability to listen and understand those they love.


Given their entire planetary story seen through the two rows of numbers their birthday stands for, seeing Saturn as the guiding figure in lives of those born on the 5th of August brings the sense of intense movement and its restrictions. Any roughness or difficulties imprinted on their lifetime by this planet speak of incredible organizational and leading skills they are to develop, as well as a deep acceptance and faith that will pull them out of any hardship they stumble upon.

What They Excel In

A Leo born on August 5th excels in relating to others and has the ability to use their anger as fuel and motivation for incredible things. They make excellent sportsmen, but also wonderful teachers, missionaries for a higher cause, and often find their true personality to seek greater distances than those their primal family needs.

August 5th Birthday Gift

Gifts for individuals born on August 5th may vary in shape, color or function from a quality knife for their home to a large, pink bunny to put in the middle of their living room. Their childish nature accepts all presents with a positive attitude and while they might not find the use for them with ease, they will appreciate the attention either way. They will enjoy a good book, something to keep their mind occupied for weeks, and anything filled with information that satisfies their hunger and incorporates them better in their chosen social circle.

Positive Traits for August 5th Born

Passionate and intelligent, they are warm and cuddly enough when properly treated. Their initiative and ability to recognize the right moment to act separate them from the crowd and give excellent organizational skills and leadership.

Negative Traits for August 5th Born

Aggressive in their ways, if they lose tact in dialogues and take too many things personally, they become pushy and self-absorbed, unwilling to let things slide even when they are necessary and impossible to change.

Healing Crystal

Dumortierite is an excellent stone to give support to those born on the 5th of August. It is a crystal that teaches them to stand up for themselves and defend their set of beliefs, patient enough to calmly communicate to the person standing in front of them. It assists all mental skills and retention of information, clearing the focus and setting it intensely on one thing at a time. As they connect with healthy self-expression, with the use of this crystal they learn how to stabilize emotions that push them over the edge and make them too hasty for their own good.

Sabian Symbol

The Sabian symbol for Leo representatives born on August 5th:

"An Old Sea Captain Rocking Himself on the Porch of his Cottage"

The impact of the past is seen here as a large issue to shape one's present endeavors and peace of mind. The peace of retirement and future strivings that will bring serenity and a fine balance is seen as a carrot one is to chase in this lifetime, ready to embrace all challenges of the seas (symbolically speaking of emotions). A person born on this date is to learn to master their own feelings and embrace them as they come with bravery and self-respect, in order to earn the place of peaceful solitude that will make their mind and heart calm.

Famous Birthdays on 5th of August

  • In 1906 John Huston was born, an American-Irish actor, screenwriter and director, whose movies are today considered classics. Before becoming a filmmaker, he had been an amateur boxer and tried out numerous professional roles, to end up being referred to as "a titan" and a "rebel" of the Hollywood film industry.
  • In 1930 Neil Armstrong was born, an American astronaut, engineer and pilot, known as the first person to walk on the Moon. This serves well to show the potential given by intellectual power combined with high goals ruled by Saturn as his guiding light.
  • In 1968 Colin McRae was born, a Scottish race car driver and the youngest person to win the World Rally Championship Drivers’ title, a record he still holds. Mercury and Mars in his planetary row obviously proved to be too aggressive and ended his life at a young age.

Important Historical Events on 5th of August

  • 1884 – Liberty Island in NYC gets the cornerstone for the Statue of Liberty.
  • 1901 – The long jump world record is set that will stand for 20 years, by Peter O’Connor (born on October 24th).
  • 1914 – The first electric traffic light is installed in Cleveland, Ohio.
  • 1926 – Harry Houdini (born on March 24th) spends over 90 minutes underwater in a sealed tank before escaping, performing what is considered to be his greatest feat.
  • 1962 – The imprisonment of Nelson Mandela (born on July 18th).
  • 1981 – 11,359 striking air-traffic controllers are fired by President Ronald Reagan (born on February 6th) for ignoring his order to return to work.

August Zodiac Index

1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
Iva Vucinic

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.

Leo Information

Additional Information

Leo - traits, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information.

Leo Man - information and insights on the Leo man.

Leo Woman - information and insights on the Leo woman.

Leo Compatibility - the compatibility of Leo with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life.

Leo History - the history of Leo and the stories behind it.

Leo Symbol - images and interpretations of the Leo symbol and ruler.

Zodiac Calendar - Discover what your date of birth tells about your character, motivation and purpose in life.

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