Two of Wands Tarot Card

Two of Wands Meaning
Two of Wands requires time and asks for patience in order for any situation to be seen clearly. While its setting is generally positive, with the world right there, in our hands, it can be demanding in terms of personal focus and choices that are the core of priorities we currently have. Our initiative might be misleading or taking us in two different directions, while our energy seems to be torn between the past and the future or two different goals we wish to achieve. Something is in contradiction and things that should combine well are in some form of conflict in our inner world, distracting us from actual focus and steps that need to be taken one at a time. It is the card of self-doubt, insecurity when it comes to personal choices that require contact with the inner child, and might show that we are following both an outer authority and an inner one, at the same time, when we should simply shed what isn’t ours to carry on our shoulders. The Sun likes things in Unity and the split in two makes it wonder where middle ground is.
When Two of Wands is found in a love reading, it shows the unification of two different people who have a chance to do something important together. Still, the balance of such energies could be a bit difficult to achieve, especially if there is an ego battle and too many tails from the past that keep both partners more stagnant than they wish to be. It can signify a relationship that we are not yet ready for, or show that the one we love hasn’t yet arrived. This card asks for personal stability so any balance can be created with the other person, no matter if we are already married or single and expecting to meet someone new. It is a signal to ask ourselves what we truly desire out of our love life and to finish with old involvements that no longer make us happy, to be truly open for a new romance.
Career moves should be postponed for a little while, or made really slowly when Two of Wands colors our professional world. Some old influences, projects and important issues have to be ended in order for new ones to begin, and the person isn’t ready to take on the weight of new responsibility on her shoulders until the past is finally dealt with. It could show two authorities and conflicting opinions among members of the team. We could have a hard time balancing opinions of others and their attitudes as we don’t want to choose sides.
There is a sense of risk-taking in the Two of Wands, and we are obviously torn between choices that keep us safe and those that make us feel alive. A tendency of self-destruction and too much stress over issues that should be simple points out to possible stomach issues and sickness that leads to digestion troubles and so on. A stable opinion and attitude needs to be set, so that no outer conflicts of willpower can penetrate our fences and influence our physique through stress that can be avoided if we are true to our material existence and nurturing with our routine.
Two of Wands Reversed
If Two of Wands stands reversed, it pushes us back into our inner world to check our motives and our sense of moral and purpose before we take steps in any direction. This is a card that requires contemplation in any setting, but turned upside-down it pulls us into solitude, meditation, prayer and contact with our spiritual Self, until we embrace the fact that it is possible that none of our possibilities is the right one and we are meant to look in an entirely new direction. It wants us to see the bigger picture and think outside the box, so we can have the sense of inner authority to make any call with faith in the intent of the Universe.
Two of Wands Time Line
Past - Two of Wands set in the past reminds us of a time when we made a certain choice that we remained loyal to up to this day. It needs us to take responsibility for that choice, even if we chose to do nothing at all and remained in our bubble of comfort where little will be changed over time. This card is here to let us know how our patience or lack of it influenced our course of destiny, and wants us to get to the core of our personal desires once again.
Present - There is an obvious choice to be made and it shouldn’t be rushed today. This position points out the value and importance of patience and tenderness with Self when we are in the process of making a fiery move forwards, on our own. No advice should be taken lightly and we must ask ourselves if we are holding on to certain values out of fear, or because we are truly satisfied where we are at the moment. Safety isn’t guaranteed in any of our options, but our inner child only wants to be brave for one of them.
Future - A choice will eventually have to be made, even if it isn’t today. When set in the future, Two of Wands warns us of the path we are taking right now, as it could be distant from the overall goal we wish to achieve. It shows that we will eventually have to take responsibility even if we’re off the hook for now. It announces times of changes when doors will open but we might be hesitant to walk through them however optimistic our nature is.