Two of Swords Tarot Card

Two of Swords Meaning
Two of Swords is interpreted in many different ways. On one hand, it stands for absolute balance where we are turned to our inner world and holding on for our next move until the moment is right to act. On the other, it is the point of conflict where nothing is seen clearly, misunderstandings and words spoken without focus until they lose all meaning. This card requires solitude and a moment to wait, hesitate, leave our options open, so we can fiercely make our choices with the right energetic input when the time it right. If we have a dilemma to resolve, it shows that we are meant to stay in this dilemma until we feel which the right path to follow really is. Overthinking isn’t our friend here, even though it might seem to be, and the right sensation needs to be found in our physiology and the contact with Self. This is why the focus is internal and most cards represent a blindfolded woman. She is not meant to look outside and see where those swords point, but feel it within where she is meant to move next.
Two of Swords sometimes speaks of extremely passionate encounters and shows the point where we are no longer to speak, but act. For someone single, this is an opportunity to see what they need from their future partner so they can evoke someone to fit into their world. For those in a relationship, this is a status quo, a moment when they shouldn’t make any grand moves until they are certain that their relationship is ready for the next phase, be it a breakup or a wedding. In low form of manifestation, this is a card of quarrels and conflicts that aren’t productive and bruise both partners while none of them takes a moment to actually see what may be found on the other side. Parallel relationships are possible even though the point of balance needs to be found or we might tear our own heart apart.
A career colored with the Two of Swords won’t exactly move much for the time being. This is a pause button for any hasty need and chase we are trying to embark on, as well as the point of balance that we are meant to stay in for a while, until we see where our next step should lead. Successes might not multiply, but to those who already followed the responsible track, they will remain stable and bring just as much as needed to keep things simple. This is an opportunity to be used to commit to other areas of life, important relationships and our physical wellbeing, so we can get out the most satisfaction from our professional world over time, as well.
When Two of Swords is involved in a health reading, it speaks of a risky time when we might get bruised and suffer through some painful issues if we aren’t stable, rested, and in an inner dialogue that allows us to heal. It forces us to turn to inner processes without delay, so we can finally protect our physiology from the impact of the outer world. Here, we are meant to hold our fences, spend some time alone, sleep, meditate, and not let anyone intrude on the routine that we feel is right for us.
Two of Swords Reversed
The Two of Swords will be found in a reversed position when our inner struggles get the best of us and when we aren’t prepared to move towards things that we are rushing to reach. This is an intense warning for our ways, as our rational world pushes us over the limitations of our heart and our body, making us tired and unstable. It tells us not only wait for the right time, but to take a step back and check if we even want to go down the path we already chose or not.
Two of Swords Time Line
Past - In this position, Two of Swords reminds us of the decision making process that made us feel powerless or restricted. It is there to show that some calls might have been hasty, but those that we have been certain of shouldn’t be compromised just because time passed. It stands for our ability to protect ourselves with silence and seclusion, pointing out to times when we did so with ease so we can see the actual results of our dedication to our primal internal calling. We have something to be proud of with this card in our past.
Present - Very often, this card is interpreted as advice to think some more, but it is really the point where we need to stop overthinking, overtalking, and start having faith that we can, on our own, make our personal decisions. It carries a load of grownup responsibility but also blesses us with as much time as necessary until we see the truth clearly and have no more dilemmas about the next move we should make. It is telling us not to rush, close our eyes, and seek answers secluded from the outer world of conflicted beliefs that people around us live by and impose.
Future - In the reading for the future, this card shows the importance of Self, as active or passive as it needs to be to live in the moment. In a way, it is a message that there is no future to hope for but the one we are creating right now, and shows that if we keep rushing, we’ll hit a wall that won’t be easily overcome unless we dive in and question our morals and priorities. It announces a time when we will need to protect our core from the outer world so we can swiftly move through any challenge in our path.