Three of Coins Tarot Card

Three of Coins Meaning
What comes truly difficult to some people is an easy task for someone whose state is represented by the Three of Coins. Even though things may become burdening, this card carries knowledge about the great cycle of fate we cannot escape, and faces us with our own ability to shine, when pressure is applied. Representing our connection to the spirit guides and all those ancestors who left us our talents and ways to be creative, this card wants us to show what we know and implement it in our routine, our workplace, our team, and every aspect of our life. It is a personal space of knowing rather than the collective one, and teamwork will be colored by many explanations that are needed in order for things to manifest the way we intend them to. It is a productive card, one that allows us to bring visions to life and all those things that our mind needs to give a physical form to, so they have a chance to be brought to existence, just as we imagined them.
Three of Coins really isn’t the card to speak of an incredible love story, but with such clarity on grounding our visions, it may represent the moment when a platonic bond becomes physical, real and permanent. It is a phase of contact where we know one another, and find a way to touch without overthinking, as the material world is calling on us to manifest and create. A new partner might show up even if we already have one, often in social gatherings and among friends. Whatever happens in the scope of our relationships, we need to keep our focus on personal choices, so we can hold on to our own diversity and talent.
No career is immune to the incredible grounding power of the Three of Coins, showing our readiness to act on things we are still insecure about, and implement our knowledge into working routines and ethics that are old and too slow to keep the pace with competition. We are required to shine, speak our mind, show our genius, and work hard to show all our talents and aspirations. It widens horizons and allows us to meet new people and cooperate in ways that aren’t ordinary. Still, its focus isn’t so much on teamwork and connecting as much as our responsible approach to personal professional affairs.
There of Coins point out to the inner necessity to show our truth where all blockages and restrictions lead to psychological and physical issues seemingly out of our control. It is a potent spot that may show inner breakage if we are taking too much responsibility for others and trying to show our strength instead of showing how vulnerable and incredibly inspiring we truly are. Although there is always more to learn, here our routine should be enriched with what we already know, however small or seemingly insignificant it might be. It is time to give up on toxic habits, sleep well, eat well, and do what we can to bring outer stability to our body.
Three of Coins Reversed
Three of Coins will end up reversed when we close our hearts to show what we know and who we really are. In the attempt to protect ourselves from pain, we become afraid of the real world and start hiding from it in plain sight, strict and disconnected from other people. This card shows the importance of connecting, of our social circle, but also the importance of balance that is to precede a positive turnout, so we can make enough room for personal needs to blossom over time, and for talents to become our main source of creativity, satisfaction and income. Fear holds us back, however protective it might have been when we were actually endangered.
Three of Coins Time Line
Past - When the past shows this card to be the founding element of our current efforts, it becomes obvious that some doors have opened because we deserved them, and hard work has been put into our goals to get where we are. It is a reality check that reminds us of all those details that we had to encounter and attend to along the way, so instead of judging ourselves, we become aware of all those things that we’ve done and found the time for.
Present - The present marked by the Three of Coins stands as the right moment to make a new plan and put it on paper, or speak to others about ideas and plans we wish to follow. This is a good time to embrace new opportunities, change a job or start working, and get to exams even if we don’t feel fully ready. We can earn from what we love and need to walk through open doors to get there. Relationships we wish for come with a lot more ease, as we realize that a simple message restores what might have seemed broken or too distant to approach.
Future - With the range of choices in one's future, a lot of work will be there for the taking, mostly work that fits our personality and needs. This is a signal that an extremely productive time is ahead of the road and we can make something out of it, so for the time being, we are to try processing all those ideas that move our heart and make it beat a little faster. Even though the future is not today, it gives us insight in how positive beliefs will lead the course of destiny, as we follow our true calling instead of succumbing to anyone's stiff beliefs or judgment.