The Sun Tarot Card

The Sun Meaning
Symbolizing our childlike inner purity and strength, the Sun shows the true creative power and knowledge we gather after we’ve faced our shadows with its preceding card. It is the force of liberation of Self, self-love and self-acceptance that gives us the energy to have fun, move, and use our talents without shame or restraint. This is a beneficent card that gives light to all and stands for the end of a pathway that brought us pain as our final truth. It is always shown in a reading when one chapter of our life is over and we are cleansed of the past and wounds that made us repeat certain mistakes. This is the card of the highest spiritual order that sets us free to nurture our boundaries (represented by the wall) and set our inner child free, so to express and be as open about our vulnerable, laughing, creative, most joyous self as one could ever be. It announces rewards, positions of power that are founded on actual talent and all the right emotions, and the creative process that regenerates us and renews our energy, making us happy.
The Sun is an extremely potent card in any reading, and has a lot to do with self-love and the ability of another person to connect with us on the purest plane of Self. For as long as the outer world is kept on a safe distance, there seems to be nothing to disturb this bond and depending on the question, one will find enough love within to create and be satisfied, with or without a partner. For single individuals, this could signify their truest search and show that they shouldn’t settle for less than what truly makes their heart happy. It could also point out to those relationships that aren’t sexual in their primal light, but rather inspiring, playful and fun. Those who are romantically involved can rely on the person they are with and have enough respect to build something important, start a family, or enjoy trust on the deepest level of mutual recognition. This is a card of purity and clear, lighted pathways, and won’t support any type of shady business, affairs, parallel bonds or double standards.
With the Sun showing its face in a career reading, we can be certain that our projects are on the path of success and allowing us more freedom than we might have thought in the beginning. It shows the actual power we possess to change and affect our circumstances, clarity in relationships and partnerships at work, and shared ideals in a team if we are a part of one. The unification of this symbol is extreme and there is a middle ground to be found for everyone, a place under the Sun for each coworker, with healthy authority on top of the ladder. It also informs us that the time has come to advance to a higher position, become a manager or a leading figure of sorts, as the healthy image of Self and confidence lead us higher, step by step, towards joy. This state of energy within allows positive leadership where everyone has fun while working, however hard or demanding their tasks might be.
The Sun is an excellent card to appear in a health reading, for it is health itself. If someone with problems stumbles upon it, they are probably on the right track and obviously have the power to heal as soon as they get in touch with their child within, or their actual child, for this is where the archetype of the free child heals. It shows the force of our belly and the gut feeling meant to protect us from the rest of the world, as well as our healthy ego structures that allow us to be who we are so our stomach can metabolize experiences. Toxins and dishonesties we are being subjected to are to be cleansed and kept at a safe distance.
The Sun Reversed
When the Sun is set in a reversed position, we aren’t listening to our inner voice the way we should. A new revelation seems to be right there, at our doorstep, but we are making it look like something else and need to change our perspective to adapt and see the true value it has in our life. It may show that we have turned our back to the child within and must reexamine our values. On the other hand, it will point out to naïve and childish endeavors that don’t have actual structure and depth that is necessary for any long term commitments or sensations.
The Sun Time Line
Past - This card returns us to childhood, shows us where to look for joy, and points out happy new beginnings in the past that brought beneficent and creative fruits that we already enjoyed and learned from. Showing a healthy structured foundation and reassuring us that everything will be alright for as long as it was built on the truest and most honest of personal premises, this card allows a lot of personal freedom today, as soon as we get in touch with the healthiest of our energies from the past.
Present - The Sun is quite a liberator when seen in the present, showing us that we have nothing to be ashamed of as we are here for a reason, just as we are. Giving us energy and a strong push in the direction we already chose in our heart, it unifies us with the childlike nature within, and with all those things that we never left behind. It comes as a rewards for self-respect and self-care that brought us all the good things we deserve and shows that we have learned important lessons and we are ready to sit back, relax, and feel joyous once again. The symbol of pure confidence, it reminds us that we aren’t to think about anyone's opinion about our own will and pure emotional desires.
Future - Shining as the intense light at the end of the tunnel, this card shows that things are finally about to turn, knowledge is finally about to kick in, and we will understand what the message of our ordeal was. It guides the way, telling us that we are on the right track and about to discover what kept us stuck or stagnant in positions that didn’t make us happy. It is a turning point and a place where we are free to be who we are, and the actual point of true gravity we should strive for. Be proud of your endeavors for they are obviously for a good cause.
The Sun History
This card has always been known for its simplicity, unifying the Sun and the child, with addition or absence of other accompanying symbolisms. It has been suggested that it stands for our conscious mind prevailing over illusions of the unconscious, and the victory of the authentic over anything false and untrue. Representing the archetype of light, this card didn’t change much over history, with one face to show to everyone and a certain stability to the symbolism and the way it is presented.