Six of Coins Tarot Card

Six of Coins
Tarot Card: Six of Coins
Planet: Moon
keywords: Nobility, Generosity, Success
Affirmation: I give and receive love with ease.
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Meaning: General - Love - Career - Health
Timeline: Past - Present - Future
Other: Reversed
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Six of Coins Meaning

A childlike understanding of value of the material world is set in the Six of Coins, bringing benefits our way and opening our hearts to share what we possess. It clearly shows that the essence of emotional exchange comes through the physical world, demystifying the distance between spirituality and money, love and sexuality, and other extremes of faith and the real world. This card is a wonderful channel seen in one's reading, pointing out the step we took bravely and the position that allows us to put in our efforts and show creativity in ways that involve our inner child and make us happy. Rewards come as we continue to believe in ourselves, and relationships become supportive as we balance out the way we feel with the way we try to make others feel in return. Our reactivity is brought down to a more positive tone, one where we don’t have to struggle and defend ourselves, but simply take in what we need and share with ease and commitment to our own emotional state.


This card signifies our openness to interact on a physical plane, in a way that involves our frailty and the real emotional desires we have. It speaks of a relationship where touch and sexuality come naturally, respectful of the feel and needs of both partners involved. It is a place where everything is enough for the time being and there is no need to dig deeper or burden any piece of a bond with overthinking and worry. Following our heart, we may just end up where we truly feel we belong. Those who are single are finally ready to interact after a long time of measuring their chances and shifting them upside down through their emotional world.


Six of Coins in a career reading signifies personal satisfaction and a point in our career where our efforts pay off and what we do comes with a reward. This is a time for creativity, to work hard but also find enough time for rest, and to see all the benefits of expressing your true inner world without holding back. Both superiors and those working for you will be supportive, as it is clear to everyone that each individual benefits from the process you are a part of at the moment. It is a good moment for proper investments, especially those in little family companies and other people. Share what you have to share to help those who need assistance.


Problems that might present an issue with the Six of Coins in a health reading are overeating and overdoing things that are deeply satisfying for one's heart, but really burying emotions that need to be seen bravely. It requires contact with nature, breathing techniques and the readiness of mind to engage in whichever liberating process currently going on below the surface. It is a place where what we do gives results and those who are committed to their physical wellbeing will see their energy and their health improve, as the thought put in counts and we love ourselves enough to give our entire being what it needs.

Six of Coins Reversed

The reversed setting of the Six of Coins can be dangerous if we are considering a risky investment or putting our trust and sharing more than we really possess. It is a reminder to count our blessings and sort our resources, both financial and energetic, before scattering our energy away into the outer world and where we might get used for our naïve attempts to feed those that aren’t thankful. It is time to collect and protect our belongings, but also a time to ask ourselves if we have been the one who's selfish in the eyes of much larger problems in the world. Guilt shouldn’t guide the way but responsibility might show us what needs to be worked on.

Six of Coins Time Line

Past - When this card is found in a reading for our past, it may represent the memory of balance we once had, but its task isn’t to make us nostalgic, but to remind us of the feel of the moment that we are to recreate today. It is a positive foundation for growth and a point that led us here, today, so we should be grateful for our past as it taught us a valuable lesson – how to give in order to receive, and how to round up an energetic process to make it deeply satisfying.

Present - Six of Coins in our present helps us see that we have no more room for concerns and all we need to do right now is follow the flow, relax, and enjoy all those fruits that we have deserved by all the efforts we put in. This card is a bit festive here, as a calling to prepare a meal for those we love, organize a gathering, and share our positive vibes with people who need them, so we can get their smiles in return as the love flows.

Future - The future seems to unfold in an extremely positive direction, giving results that are touchable and physical. It brings things into our world that can be seen and felt with our senses and our potential fear of failure doesn’t seem to be in place. It announces a time when we will see the purpose of our struggles and the point where healthy exchange with other people will be established, so the energy can round up its cycle in a peaceful tone.

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