Seven of Swords Tarot Card

Seven of Swords
Tarot Card: Seven of Swords
Planet: Sun
keywords: Challenge, Betrayal, Determination
Affirmation: I am enough, just as I am.
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Meaning: General - Love - Career - Health
Timeline: Past - Present - Future
Other: Reversed
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Seven of Swords Meaning

Balance brought on by the Sun in Libra is seen in the Seven of Swords, as it seems to show just how many little things may stand in our way to test our determination if we aren’t up to our own chosen task. It is the truth we don’t want to see, one that involves the deepest frailty of our ego, where others inhibit any bold and grandiose moves while we try to be “stronger” and keep our focus on the goal ahead of us. The mental struggle is big with this card, but so is the mental capacity, and as our awareness grows we are to learn that we don’t need admiration or confirmation from our surroundings, just as we must set free from toxic relationships and deeds that are done in poor moral setting. There is no compromise with this card and the only path to grow in is the one that coincides entirely with our authentic core. All little distractions and obstacles in our path are to be recognized as sides to our personality that are afraid or lost under our own command. Give yourself the compassion your heart needs, healing inner oppositions with tenderness and devotion to Self.


Many little things and issues from the side are influencing the relationship and a lot of love, support and stability of both partners is needed to endure. If one is single, this card may announce some less serious affairs and romances, none of which is fit for their true emotional needs. Everything seems to be small except for one thing in focus, be it the person whose reading it is, or their one important relationship. The message here is to hold on to self-respect first, seeing that there are no healthy compromises, only middle grounds to be found.


With the Seven of Swords in a reading concerning profession and finances, it is best to hold on to the goal that is personal than try to rely on anyone else for assistance. However tough things might get, it seems easier to carry the weight of full responsibility than choose joint accounts with those you shouldn’t trust. Make sure you are doing everything by the book, and try to pay as little attention as possible to opinions of others and gossip that makes the atmosphere difficult to work in. For as long as you aren’t hurting anyone along the way, you should remain on your path for as long as your choice feels right.


Health problems that might appear with the Seven of Swords in a reading are all small but toxic. They pile up and they might wear us down if we don’t deal with them, one by one. Poor immunity and personal boundaries could lead to all sorts of infections and a person should work on their overall wellbeing, eating enough fiber and vitamins to support the natural ability of their body to heal and protect itself from the outer world. All toxic content should be avoided, this including certain medication and allergenic substances that we don’t feel good having around or consuming. The body needs to cleanse so that balance can be found.

Seven of Swords Reversed

The reversed positioning of the Seven of Swords is uneasy and repetitive in a way, for one seems to constantly spin in the loop of support of others that isn’t real. There is a lot of dishonesty coming from the outer world and we are to learn how to recognize it, diving into our inner emotional world where all actual truths are found. Answers won’t be found in others or discussions about their ways, desires and intentions. The only solution is found in our own world and we must focus on our inner journey instead of dispersing our energy onto other people. It is of outmost importance to think of Self and of goals that make our own heart beat a little faster, for boundaries can be deeply disturbed between us and others in this setting.

Seven of Swords Time Line

Past - This card won’t be found in the past unless there is something to connect with again, typically reminding us of the intrusions into our personal world we have been having all along. It may be the pointer to the importance of battles we once had, that we have now outgrown as we became more confident of our personal choices. The interpretations will mostly depend on the present, for it shows how we have handled the challenge of relating when it stood opposed to our personal desires and authentic needs.

Present - With the Seven of Swords in the present, one is never sure who to trust and where to turn their focus to listen and observe, not even when the goal is set and a plan already followed. Think about all decisions twice, but once you have made them, don’t give up until the process is over and your cycle rounded up. It can be felt when the struggle has finished, even if there aren’t many honest and forthcoming individuals by your side at the moment.

Future - The future holds this card when we are ready to fight for something much bigger than the collective, but there isn’t time to protect our hearts well enough. Invisible influences might distract us and make us feel vulnerable and weak, so we must prepare ourselves for the worst scenario when it comes to relating and other people, so we can truly pursue our passion completely attuned to its possibilities and open doors.

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