Princess (Page) of Cups Tarot Card

Princess (Page) of Cups Meaning
Princess (Page) of Cups is often perceived as someone “too emotional” and naïve, but really holds the great power of creation out of pure, childlike, unconditional love. Its most potent state is the one where all emotions are brought down on our earthly plane and manifested, as she is the connection of Divine emotion represented by the Suit of Cups with the element of Earth all Princesses stand for. From the perspective of absolute authentic freedom, it tells us to let go of prejudice and restrictions and let our emotions flow no matter the price, while at the same time reminding us that we cannot expect the rest of the world to follow our pace or we might get hurt. This card may be interpreted as the invitation to plug our mind in and shake our head a little before making a decision, but it is also an invitation to follow our inner calling and create something new, however abstract it may seem to the rational mind. It brings inspiration our way, one we can use to make things in our life as beautiful as we wish them to be.
Since the Princess of Cups understands the link between physical and emotional pleasure, it may lead us into relationships with very little intellectual or communicational impact, but deeply nurturing for our inner world. It may lower our defenses, point out to mistresses and affairs, younger partners, and all those “not-so-smart” emotional choices that we are constantly taught to protect ourselves from. Although she doesn’t necessarily show that our feelings will last, she stands for the touch of inspiration and pure contact that certainly supports us to grow.
A bit disinterested in working routines if they don’t reflect on pure inspiration, Princess of Cups will speak of artistic expression, photography and creation of something entirely new from the core of our heart, rather than a nine to five job we don’t love. It inspires us to move towards something fulfilling and makes our routine a bit unstable. This is a card excellent in a career reading for freelancers and artists of all sorts, as well as those who are ready to change their professional path into something more suitable for their nature and their free personality.
If you find the Princess of Cups in your health reading, it is a clear message that your physical reality has been summoned by emotions that are quite obvious and there to be seen. There are no hidden motives here and it becomes clear that our wounds, traumas and negative feelings brought our body pain or any problem we might have. In a way, she is also a warning that we are bound to follow our hearts or we might have to pay the price on a physical plane, endangered by our own choices that weren’t responsible enough towards our inner child and our most sensitive needs. It shows that all power is in our hands and we can magically heal and transcend, just as we may choose to believe that being emotional is naïve and childish.
Princess (Page) of Cups Reversed
In its reversed position, the Princess of Cups speaks of our inability to let go to emotions that would truly lead to results we wish to accomplish. Driven by our rational mind and convictions that were imposed on us by our surroundings, we can’t really see what we wish to manifest and understand the blessings that might lead us to our destination if we only let them. It is a reminder that we must nurture our heart and stop shoving feelings under the rug, or we might seriously damage our physiology when they materialize from our subconscious world even though we can consciously choose to deal with them today.
Princess (Page) of Cups Time Line
Past - Chosen pathways are seen with the Princess of Cups in our past, for she shows where we supported our failed our inner truth and returns us to the place where it all began. It may show that bruises along the way served a special purpose, or it might remind us that we have chosen to give up on the calling of our own deepest desires, to turn to something that others would approve of, thinking this protects us from any more pain.
Present - With this card in the present, chances are there for the taking and we must turn to our common sense to build a structure and a plan that will protect and support us in our endeavors. We are ready to follow our inner calling, have the power to proceed until the goal has been reached, but might need some spine for the efforts to prove fruitful and mature enough to not get bumped and tossed along the way. She is there to let us know that we have everything we need and sends her blessings and faith in Self needed to endure through any challenges in our path.
Future - If the Princess of Cups is found in our future, it is a fine line of connection between emotions we are aware of and the real world. It announces artistic endeavors, choices that will bring us closer to physical satisfaction and larger payments, as well as the materialization of love with someone who shares in our sense of awareness. She is the trigger for numerous adventures and won’t settle for strict routines and choices that go against our own heart.