Nine of Wands Tarot Card

Nine of Wands Meaning
Nine of Wands is a card to bring out the most positive advice Saturn could send our way, as it tells us to be gentle with ourselves when we are at the end of a journey and with our energy resources drained. It requires balance, supportive contacts and time for rest, while at the same time showing our stability and decisiveness to endure in projects we fought for, for quite some time. This is a card that comes when the storms have settled and even the dust is laying low, but we are still in the same position, knowing that things are not over just yet. In order to finish what we’ve started, we must follow the impulse and needs of our physiology and give our routine a checkup, feed our body, relax out muscles, go for a massage, or do something that will recharge our batteries for the time being. It shows loyalty to a certain cause and our willingness to stand side by side to any individual, for as long as we see the purpose of our actions and the goal ahead of the road. Still, it requires care for Self so we can endure and stay stable until our work is finished. In specific positions, this card brings spiritual experiences and awakening.
The card such as the Nine of Wands could point out to extremes in our love life, one of them being the stable flow of a bond that is filled with care and devotion and ready to be taken to the next level, and the other showing the core of struggling that we need a break from. It is important to assess the situation carefully here, as the partner shouldn’t be considered one's enemy on a path of satisfying togetherness, just as we should advise some distance and alone time to those who fell into a rut and don’t know how to change their mind and give up on decisions that no longer serve a purpose.
Nine of Wands tells us that projects are well on their way and all we can do now is wait for time to pass, so the goals can be reached and everything can be finished as it should be. This is also a card that might speak of a period of stagnation, when we are too weary and tired, unsure if we should hold on to loyalty or take a day off. It requires a moment of stagnation, patience and perseverance, and typically shows that a person already knows where they are headed and all they need is to be reminded of their true, childlike motivations and desires.
While one might be deeply wounded and tired, this card brings good health and stability of our physiology in the face of stress and all possible emotional and mental problems we might encounter. It shows strength, endurance and in a quiet way – vigor, as the stable flow of inner fire is burning away all obstacles in our path and all enemies of our physiology. In an extremely negative setting, it could show chronic conditions and troubles that are inherited from our ancestors, as well as deep states of fatigue that won’t let us move anywhere, not even where we’d follow our dreams of a lifetime.
Nine of Wands Reversed
The reversed position of the Nine of Wands could leave us feeling alone in the world if we are knocking on the wrong doors and looking for support where it cannot be found while we aren’t really supportive of Self. It could also point to stubbornness and blind loyalty to things we don’t really desire and decisions we once made that need to be reexamined and changed. With our human privilege and right to change our mind and follow whichever emotion comes our way, an emphasis should be put on personal freedom, of Self and others, to be exactly who we are.
Nine of Wands Time Line
Past - The inevitability of actions taken and the patience we’ve shown by now obviously served an important mission. No matter the present and possible surprises that jumped in our path, Nine of Wands is in the past when we have done right, found balance, and drained all our resources for a cause we truly believe in. Supportive as the foundation for the next big step in life, it reassures us that we can be strong, patient, and calm again, even if our goals are way higher or entirely different than they once were.
Present - This card leaves very little room for maneuver and reminds us that it is time to simply let things unfold, while allowing out bodies time for rest. It brings us to the end of a project, of contact, of inner processes, and shows energies that will round a cycle up in a matter of minutes or days. Even if we are considering giving up, this is no longer an option, and we are to remember the purpose of the ordeal that brought us here in the first place, recharging our batteries in every possible way.
Future - When our future is colored by the Nine of Wands, we don’t have much to fear. Actions are set in motion and things are safe, secure, and for as long as we are endurable and patient enough to give them time, they will fall into place and where we want them to be. This card chases our shadows and doubts away and reminds us of belief in Self that needs to be restored, as we remember just how much we can do when we are in touch with the core of our beliefs and made the best possible decisions, no matter the price.