Nine of Coins Tarot Card

Nine of Coins Meaning
The essence of Nine of Coins is wealth. This card speaks of times of carefree approach to finances and the material world, and brings relaxation and balance as our spiritual and mental strivings are in touch with the physical reality we live in. It represents a place of productive and inspiring work, things we love to do and do them with pride, as well as all those contacts and relationships that are respectful and colorful. The phase of balance will be enjoyed for however long it might last, and what we do while we are in it will set a solid foundation for many things we will achieve in the future. This is a positive card that shows a carefree state where the energy is allowed to circle and bring money, touch and tasty food into our world. Satisfaction won’t lack if we let go to the current setting as a reward for hard work we did in the past and bold choices we’ve made along the way.
As with all cards from this suit, Nine of Coins speaks of the physical aspect of a relationship and points to times of tenderness and physical love in front of us. It shows connections that don’t lack passion or emotion, as balance is created with the right person by our side. Those who are already involved will feel a strong need to check their current relationship for pleasure, for if it is lacking, they won’t settle for less for much longer. However, this is a rare situation and in most cases this card will show a time of pleasure ahead of us, romance, dancing, and enjoying life, coexistence and food shared with those we love.
This is one of the most satisfying cards we can find in a career reading, as it speaks of a job we love to do and profit coming from such a commitment. It stands for a workplace where relationships are healthy and creativity is our primal asset to make progress, in tune with talents we were actually blessed with. Abundance comes just as we hope it would and our paycheck may be a bit bigger this month. Positive aspects of this energy are seen in the rush of new energies as well and we might find that new people who entered our team made it brighter and brought positive change into the entire system.
Extremely beneficial on the physical plane, Nine of Coins announces times of carefree approach to the body when instead of strict routines, we have a chance to enjoy sports, movement, and a healthy regime, simply by following our feel of the moment. Food is to be enjoyed and so is movement and sleep. Needs are there to be sensed fully and we are able to understand signals our body sends with love and tenderness. It is a time for rest that will set us free of stress and tension, making us feel safe and healthy as our skin and our brain cleanse. On rare occasions, this card may show growth of the problem we’ve been nurturing, as a warning sign to not choose any more self-destructive activities that are within the scope of or control.
Nine of Coins Reversed
Nine of Coins will show up reversed in one of two scenarios. The first one would be that of overspending and laziness, when we don’t see our limits clearly and try to enjoy things that don’t really feed our Soul, as our sense of reality is a bit shaken. The other one shows us in the state of apathy where it seems impossible to enjoy life when we are burdened by issues that are no longer important and need to be let go of. Whatever the case, before letting go to pleasures of life, we are to ask ourselves what has to be resolved so we can feel free in ways we don’t today.
Nine of Coins Time Line
Past - When the past is colored by the Nine of Coins it may seem a bit nostalgic, as it speaks of carefree moments in life when we have had everything we needed. Although these times might have ended, we are to ask ourselves today what we have done differently at the time, and what made us happy and carefree to begin with. The past is there to learn from, not to dwell on our choices and feel hopeless as we see its positive kick. Do what you can today to return the positive aspects of surroundings you were in before.
Present - Present readings with this card in them show the time to lift our feet up, feel good in our own shoes, and relax for a while. Tension is no longer needed as we have achieved certain goals and reached the point of balance between work and pleasure, following all the right emotions along the way. It stands for the process of learning when we need to eat the fruits of our labor and enjoy them, instead of constantly spinning in the loop of hard work.
Future - It is possible to plan a vacation, a trip to a distant land or activities that will include all those joys of life that inspire us and keep us going today. This card comes as the light at the end of a tunnel we’ve been in for a while, announcing activities and pleasures we are in need of today. Motivated by all the right things, we have nothing to fear at the moment and all we need is to endure through today, so we can reach the destination we are moving towards.