The Moon Tarot Card

The Moon Meaning
The main theme behind the card of the Moon is repressed emotion. No matter the depiction, it always stands for the darkness of our Soul, things we have yet to face and heal, and is an uneasy card to see in our layout even when something entirely rational is in question. It is the symbol of dreams and subconscious messages we might choose to ignore or follow, and shows us how our inner world reflects in the outer one through our intimate relationships, out of our control or any way to affect them. The carrier of memories, it serves past experience healing and brings out all those dark, buried emotions we haven’t metabolized when we found ourselves in certain situations. Apart from its troubling signification, it is the card that sets us free and the one to show we are ready to dig deep and finally release important feelings that have held us tied for ages, possibly lives and generations. We are to get in tune with natural cycles around us, turn to a healthy routine, and vividly live through our inner world so we can get out ready to live our life liberated from emotions that we couldn’t face earlier.
There are two possibilities with the Moon set in a love reading, one of them (a more common one) being that fear governs us as we connect to another and our subconscious world simply flows over and drowns our opportunities for actual intimacy. Perhaps we are hiding our frailty from the other person or they are hiding theirs, bit this scenario could get extremely difficult over time if we don’t connect and come closer and closer, step by step. The other option given by the readiest of the moons is found in mutual healing of pain shared. It tells the tale of two people who are ready to face their demons and deal with their darkest wounds, and give in to contact trusting and open, so that both can finally stop feeling alone.
The Moon could stand as our final calling to come to our senses and finally stop trying to be “professional and rational” over our own healthy boundaries. It is a warning sign when seen in a career reading, for it points out the dismissal of emotion that might endanger us through other people or our own psychological state, and shows that we won’t achieve any reasonable goal if we don’t face our actual needs. Things could turn sour, circumstances showing us that we aren’t on the right path, with teamwork failing and leaving us bruised. Large professional changes are in order, ones that will breathe in light and life into our everyday world and our everyday habits.
All problems of the body come from self-destructive tendencies that are brought on by our sorrows, anger we shove aside and all those frustrations we decided to compromise with. The Moon won’t let us rest until we are feeling good in our emotional world, so that our bodies can be satisfied too. It will typically show problems with the neck, heart and lungs, as we keep our sorrows and socially unacceptable emotions bottled up inside. In order for the body to release the spasm, we have to allow ourselves to be vulnerable, deeply wounded and as fragile as every other human being is in their invisible core.
The Moon Reversed
When the Moon is reversed, it speaks of obsessions and delusions that won’t let us rest and puts us in a depressing state that we can’t spin out from without help. It calls for human contact and emotions to be shared so we can heal and outgrow things that bruised us in the past. This setting speaks of truly deep emotional wounds that weren’t nurtured before because the timing wasn’t right, stagnant energies that make our heart stop and won’t let us breathe. It shows the amount of work on Self needed to get out of toxic waters, delusions or strange sorrows that might actually belong to someone else from our family tree. It is an opportunity to sink into the inner world and should be viewed as a blessing, for it will meet us with parts of Self that have been yearning to be acknowledged our whole lives.
The Moon Time Line
Past - This card already has a special connection with the past through memories that keep is tied and won’t let us evolve without confrontation. Here, it comes as the signal that everything we carry in our mind has a message of special value. Instead of showing events and people, it points out that our reaction to outer influences keeps us repeating certain patterns and negative choices today, even years after our memories have been formed. Showing images from our childhood that have been painful or distracting from our talents and happiness, it may set us free of behavior towards Self that isn’t really our own but the way others have treated us then.
Present - There seems to be no way around the situation and while we might try to avoid our own reactions to the current setting, they will only become stronger. We need to see which side of our personality we actually feed while we try to keep ourselves under control. Self-expression becomes one of the most important issues with the card of the Moon set in the present, for it reminds us that no emotion should be shoved under the rug when they are all meant to be shared with others in pure connectivity and intimate trust.
Future - Love will in fact set us free, but the process towards it in a future reading doesn’t exactly leave a lot of time for joyous activities and casual contacts. This card shows that our mind will be preoccupied with emotions that are overflowing and simply need to be let out or they could destroy our sense of freedom, from within. We are to find just how much bravery and forgiveness is needed in order for growth we desire to happen and make us as happy as we wish to be. Joy is found behind the process of deep personal transformation where we get in touch with our “dark feelings”, embracing them as our own.
The Moon History
Showing the night sky and speaking of its ruler, this card always depicted a night scene and a woman separate from instinctive and animalistic entities meant to show her the way. It has been known to speak of fear and limitations of the intellectual light, and to guide us towards animal spirit guides that will show us the rest of the way. Through history, strangely, this card held deities almost as a standard, all of which posed in their passive roles with wolves and dogs howling around them, in search for attention, intention, initiative and a strong energetic focus of the feminine that brings everything in tune with the rhythm of Nature and all its cycles. The repressive atmosphere of the drawings has showed change with the collective transition of common patriarchal societies to a more open approach towards the feminine.