Knight of Wands Tarot Card

Knight of Wands Meaning
There might be too much Fire in the Knight of Wands in order for our energies to remain balanced and for our hearts to be kept at peace. This is a card of strong callings, when we cannot see things clearly due to a strong pull of character and will, as our creative forces take over. Dominance is not the solution to any situation, and we must ask ourselves if our sense of power takes away respect from other people. See the light in everyone so you can inspire and create without bruising anyone along the way. The sense of tranquility will only be achieved with our energy used in balance with the outer world and close contacts we wish to maintain. Frustration does no good with this card in the picture, for the knight might burn through walls and fences until the passionate pull of the moment if fulfilled or their head lost to meaningless battles. This card is a signal that we need to breathe in and get in tune with our emotional world, to balance the Fire that might eat us alive.
Filled with passion and initiative, the Knight of Wands is the card of respect, certainty and pride. It speaks of relationships that are based on the combination of strong sexual energies with the intellectual and energetic healthy boundaries, but it might point out the lack of tenderness needed in a bond to feel cozy and safe. Romances that burn this strongly and this bright might last a bit shorter than one might anticipate, for they burn out fast if we aren’t realistic about the limitations and imperfections of the person standing in front of us, accepting them just as they are, faulty and human. It is a reminder that we need to breathe in and listen, before acting out and running off into any situation in flames.
A career reading is typically enriched by the presence of this card, even when we are too pushy for the will of those around us. Here, it is important to think about gratitude and teamwork that brought us this far, however passionate we might be for the destination we strive for. To hold on to the sense of balance, our fires need to be calm, our nature soothed, and our hearts set in place. Too much stress could cause a burnout and a situation where you feel incapable of doing anything, no matter the deadlines awaiting. We should give ourselves enough time and compassion to use this powerful energetic impulse for big achievements.
Fires of the Knight of Wands are generally a good thing in a health reading. They speak of the ability of our immunity to fight for our best possible condition. However, too much aggression and open activities in life could lead us into autoimmune states and troubles with blood pressure, if we don’t take on the responsibility for Self. This is a card of strong and intense battles that may be won only if we are in touch with our inner states and the level of emotion needed to create the sense of balance within.
Knight of Wands Reversed
With the Knight of Wands reversed, we can’t be sure about our own moral imperatives. There are too many excellent ideas and possibilities in front of us to hold on to modesty, and we need balance so to not waste our opportunities by using too much force. The challenge here is to listen to others, hear the stories of the elderly, and work on goals ahead of us with our energy constant and high. This card doesn’t feel good when it is turned upside-down as it shows the lack of bravery that we try to disguise by our firm attitudes. It could also point to relationships that take away our passion and integrity, or that we are being plagiarized in important circles.
Knight of Wands Time Line
Past - Such an atmosphere in the past reminds us that it is time today to deal with the consequences of our deeds and our behavior, good or bad. What we need might have failed to materialize if we failed to show our energies in pure daylight to other people, with enough compassion for their own current states. Primal family could pose as an issue in life and with our roots in the image, we might get some clarity about things that are already behind us and learn from them to affect our future.
Present - Striving passionately towards something new, you are ready to live your life and do something that resonates deeply with your authentic needs. Make sure that your fights and challenges come down to something constructive and true, and remember where you have got support in times when you least expected it. Be thankful for life and for the way it has been developing up to now instead of letting anger define your footsteps.
Future - The joyful but a bit tense approach to the situation is coming your way. Instead of thinking about the past, you should focus on the plan for your future, and move on with the push of the instinct. Inspired to move, a person is to be cautious enough to make the best out of the situation, realizing that the only correct way to use one's energy is to make something out of it, for real. Hold on to your confidence and try to stay calm in the time of crisis, motivated by what you have and leaving what isn’t yours to transform into anything it has a destiny to become.