Knight of Swords Tarot Card

Knight of Swords
Tarot Card: Knight of Swords
Planet: Uranus
keywords: Sharp Mind, Speed, Innovative
Affirmation: I honor my word and finish what I’ve started.
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Meaning: General - Love - Career - Health
Timeline: Past - Present - Future
Other: Reversed
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Knight of Swords Meaning

As a fierce and active combination of masculine elements of Air and Fire, the Knight of Swords is fast, intense, eloquent and ready to share ideas with the rest of the world. He doesn’t need much time to start something new, but might leave too many things unfinished if the sense of responsibility towards Self is lacking. Working well within a team, this card shows our active and clear social skills, and someone that is easy to talk to. It is the field of high interest, at the moment, but doesn’t promise much for the long-run. While it shouldn’t be held down, our energy should follow a plan allowing us to reach our destination. Curious to learn new things, this card speaks of our ability to quickly digest and metabolize information. It is intelligence and speed of mind in all its purity, as well as our ability to choose just the right word in the right moment to win an argument or share humor with others. Still, it isn’t very reliable and typically speaks of a short period of time when a lot will get done, possibly a bit more superficial than we might like or anticipate.


Knight of Swords falls in love easily and usually chooses short-term relationships and flings that aren’t too deep or pressuring on our inner world. With this card in a love reading, it is important to know what we can expect so we don’t get carried away by an ideal of forever more when this isn’t realistic at the moment. Long-term relationships are possible if this card is only the initial stage of a bond, or when someone has their best friend to share a lifetime with in freedom of spirit and shared interests, career ventures and higher causes.


When a card such as the Knight of Swords is in our career reading, we are bound to follow the flow of our own mind, allow ideas to take over and manifest, one by one. Some tiring or boring projects probably won’t get finished, as our mind is in a mode of experimenting and new methods that could shake our entire world. It is a time for changes, cooperation, and rational choices that will bring results if we stick to them over time. All we need is patience and to hold on to a healthy routine to keep things alive and moving forwards to any goal we have imagined. With the help of other people and responsibilities shared with tedious tasks delegated, anything could get done at this time.


The lack of stability shown by the Knight of Swords could speak of some random health problems with immunity, short and acute states, fever, and flu. However, due to its strong cleansing energy, it gives us an opportunity to move and get things out of our system, especially those that block the flow and make us feel weak or less energized than we wish to be. He will bring new methods of healing, acupuncture and methods that don’t fall in the scope of “regular” western approaches. Any problem has a chance to be burned and healed with enough air and movement.

Knight of Swords Reversed

Knight of Swords will be found in its reversed position when we are too fast for our own good, running and hiding from things we don’t want to face, and when we aren’t meant to openly speak about issues that don’t concern us. It announces gossip and negative outcomes due to our aggressive or superficial approach. It is a state of intellectual supremacy that isn’t real, but instead comes from small ego and shields us from contact with others in strange ways.

Knight of Swords Time Line

Past - With this card set in our history, we should ask ourselves which of our prior endeavors and projects yearns for our attention and closure today. It will typically come as a pointer to our live but a bit hectic state of mind, where we haven’t exactly thought things through, and if others didn’t follow, we might have left some unfinished business to resolve. No phase of life can be run through, even if this seems possible, as all those non-metabolized experiences eventually catch up with us to be fully digested and learned from on deeper planes.

Present - When our present comes with the Knight of Swords, we are energized and ready to move. Things have held us back in the past, but there is really nothing standing in our way today. Still, this card requires a social circle that is supportive enough and a team to work on similar ideas and for the same cause so things can be done well and reach their full bloom. It shows the state of mind where we can do incredible research and connect the dots, but also a moment when we would rather rush through things excited and surprised than slow down enough to face some of our greatest challenges.

Future - The future is colored by this card when we are building a foundation for something incredible, a surprise for a loved one, or a new approach to research and science. It is a moment when brainstorming will start bringing results our way, usually conditioned by the card seen in our present as it represents our starting point towards the speed of mind and words seen here. We should be careful not to speak too roughly around those unable to follow, and mind our own business when challenged not to.

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