Knight of Coins Tarot Card

Knight of Coins Meaning
Knight of Coins is a connection of elements of Fire and Earth, marking it with an incredible gift and opportunity to create life. It is the combination of the Sun and the soil, and the card that allows creative energies to be brought down to a simple plane. Still, with the fiery needs of each knight, it isn’t easy to adapt to the slow motion requested by grounding forces, and some inconsistency can be found here if we aren’t patient enough to endure. A lot of energy needs to be invested in things we want and this might seem fruitless along the way to our impatient inner child. Repetitive and routine issues are tiring and taking away our energy, and the motivation needs to come from the goal itself. In need of adventure, one must first create the opportunity to embark on it, and grand ideas and goals will take some time and effort to be manifested and brought to existence. The best ability seen in this card is the one of protection and clear personal boundaries, and with it in our reading, they are easily established around issues of relevance.
Passion of the Knight of Coins is a bit inhibited by circumstances, and this may speak of a love story that isn’t easy to ground, as if all outer influences and issues stood in the way of two people touching. One of the partners wants to move in a quicker pace, and this sparks the feeling of mistrust, as if something is off with the emotional exchange. With this card here, we must embrace our childish needs and allow time to show us the way instead of forcing things in any direction. Fences are there for a reason and processes of inner development will bring us closer to the grounding of the ideal love story in our lives. Those who are single might meet someone new, and should be misguided by instinctive desires into idealization about similarity of Souls interacting.
Knight of Coins is an excellent craftsman, works hard and works fast, even though his efforts are often not recognized in their full potential. He has so much to give, but interpretations of limiting workplace circumstances could take away some of the energy that could be used for something productive. With this card in a career reading, we should engage in a hobby, do something special in our spare time, so we can focus on the work and assignments that need to get done in a timely manner, sometimes through boring and tiresome routines. No compromise should be made when we truly believe in our abilities, and it might be a good time to fight for personal progress and lead others to see what we’re capable of.
Health may be compromised with the Knight of Coins in the image as we pursue more than we are ready to take. The pull of the inner world could create troubles with blood pressure, and too much excitement endangers one's heart. On the other hand, this is a card where the process of healing can move in a quicker pace, but only if we stop relying entirely on other people. No advice should be ignored, as we seem to be ready to round up any physical issue from head to toe. Still, one should keep in mind that they only all-knowing authority on our own body is found within.
Knight of Coins Reversed
When the Knight of Coins is set in a reversed position, boredom and impatience could color all other things in life, as we don’t seem to be ready to wait for as long as we need to in order to move on. Something doesn’t feel right and our gut feeling is telling us that we must fight for respect, either with authority figures, or colleagues directly connected to the primal plan. Something is wrong and holding us back and we won’t settle nor will we find balance of creative forces unless we resolve the inner issue at hand. It stands for a good moment to hire someone to work on tiresome papers and routines for you.
Knight of Coins Time Line
Past - The image of this card in our past could be the signal of youth wasted and the feeling that we have done so much for nothing at all. However, no working routine is ever in vain, even if our paycheck is small. Lessons have been learned and we need to move on from issues that tore up our world when we were preparing to fly into a whole new circumstance and opportunity. Some hasty decisions have been rewarded and you should ask yourself if anything similar can be done once again.
Present - With the Knight of Coins in our present, we are sure where we’re going and understand the potential of creativity we are about to reach. Still, this doesn’t mean we will be satisfied and supported by our surroundings. We are to breathe in, get in touch with our body, train and exercise enough, to keep the pace synchronized with that of our passionate heart, and all those circumstances that come into our life for a reason.
Future - New ideas will come to mind as our future is enriched by strong potential and energies that can move mountains, build something grand, and think of new ideas to implement wherever possible. With this card in our future, we can be certain that we won’t lack the energy to move through a certain ordeal, but we need to be sure of the path we decided to follow. Our focus today defines future opportunities, even if our desires currently don’t seem to be connected with the circumstances we are in.