King of Swords Tarot Card

King of Swords Meaning
There seems to be no “I” in a team with the King of Swords in our reading. He is analytical, smart and extremely rational, and his lack of empathy gives him just enough distance to connect the idea that pops into mind with the real world, plan ahead, and make something real from what our mind quickly comes up with. Combining the element of Air with the element of Air, we must remember that many personal things might be sacrificed for something bigger. It is our connection to the collective, to thoughts of other people, and the spiritual world with all its exciting information and tasks to follow. This card shows that we have the ability to understand messages coming from the outer world and stands for our touch with all knowledge and the causal body, as time is here to turn to absolute faith. This card may announce a time of little progress if we are surrounded by strong individuals who try to impose their will on us or onto one another. The real sense of peace will come within our tribe and among those who make us feel free to express any emotion that comes our way.
While shame may present an issue with the King of Swords, its role in a love reading often shows the lack of intimacy and emotion between two people. It may stand for a strong and powerful friendship, where many ideas are shared and brainstorming makes us idealize the one standing in front of us. He lacks grounding and leaves things that might be real on the strange platonic level that becomes deeply unsatisfying over time, yearning to change into something productive and touchable. As a card of important conversations, it requires balance between speaking and listening and tells us that a dialogue might resolve a certain issue and move us from a stagnant emotional point.
King of Swords is an excellent card set in a career reading, as it shows the field of incredible new ideas and mental clarity when it comes to all projects, including those that already tired out other people. It gives us clarity on our own state of mind and shows that we are intellectually capable to deal with any situation. Goals won’t suffer due to emotional storms as you are ready to take on full responsibility for deadlines that leave very little time for anything else. However, this card doesn’t exactly signify the stability of any long-term commitments started at this time, for one would rather spread word, information and ideas than pursue one tiring thing in life for a long time.
The speed of Air and the King of Swords as its final manifestation might push us to not see what our physical world craves for. The stress of our mind can become a bit too rough on our body to handle, and we need to remember that we can evolve and make cognitive and emotional progress only if we are healthy and strong to hold on to our grounding. This card requires a smart approach, one that will not stand for emotional blackmail or manipulation of any kind, as clarity is there for the taking and our brain can do most if we simply let it.
King of Swords Reversed
As quiet as the King of Swords might get, it should remain in a safe position and on a certain distance from the outer world. With this card reversed, we must turn within to see what we try to pose for and who are we really trying to impress. There is always time to slow down, breathe in, and return to the signals from your body so you can find some real answers. The world around you is supportive of solitude, just as much as we might consider it needed. Reconnecting with those who stood by your side in the strangest of times, it is possible that love will brush off and make you feel alone if you don’t take certain moves towards it.
King of Swords Time Line
Past - With this card in the past, some choices made have been smart and true to our authentic core, but they probably took the toll on our emotional world. It may show a time when we’ve neglected our romance or family due to pressures of our career and its calling. It is a distance we were on as someone's friend or colleague, giving us new information about the power of important social contacts in our life that proved flexible and free enough to this day.
Present - King of Swords comes into our present as a reminder of the world we wish to live in and ideals we strive for. It speaks of incredible communication and our search for the right social circle and might announce incredible interactions with many different people in the following several weeks. Making us nervous and hasty, it is a reminder that our mind is truly protective when it keeps us on a distance of healthy boundaries and mutual understanding in any relationship we form.
Future - As we approach the King of Swords it becomes clear that there is no more room for emotional struggles and battles that leave no winner in our outer world. It brings focus and intensity into our plans and our line of thought. Intelligence rules with this position, and no matter what is found in the present or the past, the future shows that you wish something big out of life. This card shows our strong connection to higher planes once we set free from ties of this moment in time.