Four of Coins Tarot Card

Four of Coins Meaning
Four of Coins teaches us that there is no defining value among different things and people, for in the eyes of a bigger whole where everything has a purpose, the world might fall apart without bits and pieces that sometimes seem irrelevant. It is a card where magic of the element of Earth is seen, there to connect all four elements into one, on the material plane. It shows the incredible process of grounding, from a glimpse of the idea in our mind, through passion and emotions, to have it in front of us today. This is a point of higher balance, as four things in search for middle grounds represent a much higher challenge, just as four dimensions and four sides of the world work best all together, with every one of them equally important. It gives respect to small issues included in progress, just as much as small deeds we have taken care of that others, or ourselves, have been taking for granted. Pay attention to all those things that seem to stand next to the priority and realize that they support your entire vision to keep on growing.
As warm as it is, this card can manifest nearly anything with all the incredible knowledge and structure it carries. Still, it isn’t exactly romantic, for the magic it offers is quite real and found in nature, all around us, in real relationships that are grounded, present daily, and safe. This is where idealism comes to fade and we realize that we are fascinated by the feel for the other person, or their feel for us. If you are single, several encounters can be expected but they might seem too rigid for the emotional storm you seek. Four of Coins wants dedication and loyalty, and requires a relationship where emotions are put above all material or financial aspects of life in order for it to function in the real world for a long time.
In a career reading, Four of Coins represents cogs of the professional world or a team that works best when people are together. Everything seems to be intertwined and depending on everything that surrounds it. Big projects are at hand, teaching us how important the smallest of roles in the process are. It is time to show your organizational and management skills to the rest of the world, and stay calm no matter possible challenges that might show in your path. Its balance isn’t easy to maintain, as it may overcome our human abilities and limitations, but however much is done, it will bring good over time.
Four of Coins won’t show up in a health reading if we aren’t out of balance, as it provokes the challenge of the material world and judgment for lack of it. Rely on each pillar of stability surrounding you at the moment, be it family or the social circle that allows enough personal freedom to gather information and heal. The entire image of our health problem isn’t easy to see, as everyone tends to focus on one sole explanation when many things are intertwined and the core of the issue is yet to be found. Health comes as we take the road of unifying physical, mental, emotional and spiritual pieces of a whole in our daily routine. A holistic approach is needed, one where we understand that routine, healthy meals, exercise, and meditation all make a part of our physical necessities.
Four of Coins Reversed
With the Four of Coins reversed, we obviously don’t see the importance of little things that ourselves and others wouldn’t do well without, taking something or someone for granted. This setting requires self-questioning and a new outlook on our current situation, for we might be too concerned about the future and too pushy to see what needs our attention just as much as the plan we set ahead of us. Even if we need a schedule, one should be set to speak and nurture our child within, so we can truly be as creative as we wish to be in the process we chose to follow through.
Four of Coins Time Line
Past - It is possible with this card in our past that we weren’t up to the task and able to run with the situation presented to us, and however hard we tried, things kept looking or feeling not significant or big enough. This is a pointer that we have been too rough on our Soul, as we weren’t born and brought here to know everything in an instant and rush to answers whenever people around ask questions that are much larger than any of us can understand.
Present - With the Four of Coins set in our present, circumstances might be a bit overwhelming, as if we have too many different things and areas of life on our mind, and try to commit to each of them equally but this isn’t easy to pack in one day. The balance overcomes our abilities, reminding us what we lack and where we have left things unfinished and unsaid, but also shows that this sacrifice gave us results in other places where most of our energy went.
Future - Announcing a time when we become aware of the things that need to be revived and brought back on our priority list, this is a card of absolutism that won’t leave much room for all those requirements of the moment that everyone seems to be concerned about. Do your best to not neglect any area of life due to others, and see how some distance from the life you live may help you see the bigger picture and find the right routine to hold on to.