Five of Coins Tarot Card

Five of Coins Meaning
Representing the problem of fallen Jupiter, Five of Coins is a card that shows we are stuck in a certain situation and however hard we work, we cannot move on to the next step of the ladder. This card is most often represented as loss, limitation, no purpose in our doings and the teamwork gone wrong. It is the point of our career and our life where we get entangled in collective beliefs and allow them to define our own limitations, not really seeing that there are other opportunities and ventures if we think outside the box. Too many things are in our mind that go against our desires and actual needs. Lack of money and opportunities could tire us out, make us feel like we may as well give up, especially if we are surrounded by negative people who all lost their sense of meaning. It is time to reach for some true answers in solitude or with those who have achieved more, and learn from circumstances that have been kind on those who seem to be out of our league, as they are in our life for a reason – to show us what is truly possible.
In a love reading, the Five of Coins is a bit petty, sometimes even vindictive, and counting flaws in a personality of their partner when they should really be celebrating differences. One of the people involved isn’t ready to make the next step and this can become frustrating and take the color out of the relationship when it is meant to rise to a new adventure. The core of the issue should be examined, as maybe the problem isn’t the lack of love but the lack of support to believe in our own emotions. For those who are single, this card may come to show that they are on the verge of giving up on love in general, when they don’t really see that this self-protection won’t make them happy over time. Resolutions are found in a different place than we think or discuss with those who share our problems.
Each career reading with the Five of Coins to present our situation requires action in a different direction, while at the same time pointing out the need for rest. Things that have been repetitive and unsolvable drained our energy away and one needs the boost of energy coming from something entirely different, just as much as they need distance from the same projects that kept them in an unsuccessful loop. This is a moment to check our heart for honesty and see if we truly wish to work on matters we chose to pursue, or are doors in front of us constantly closing because we want something entirely different out of life and our profession.
Five of Coins comes to announce the stagnant and chronic conditions that won’t either grow nor subside any time soon, or so it seems. It may give information about throat and neck problems, as our way of expressing our creative self isn’t in place and our body typically informs us of the wrong direction chosen in the throat chakra area. The collective and social should no longer be put above what is personal and things that we are really passionate about, or signals given by our physiology will become stronger and more painful than they are today. It is time to think about the most naïve, tender and creative Self.
Five of Coins Reversed
The reversed setting of the Five of Coins is there to show that our cup is full of negativity and beliefs that have been imposed and turned upside-down, as if to oppose our own desires. It announces the time of change when we dive into our Soul and begin to see that we can choose different paths. It brings an end to financial problems, and shows how close we are to decisions that are true to our core of authentic personality when we are alone and committed to our desires.
Five of Coins Time Line
Past - Past reading with this card involved shows some hard times when our brain got stuck in a loop and took away a lot of our time trying to decipher things while looking in the wrong place. This is a mistake that was made meant to teach us something, and a reminder that we aren’t to feel guilty about wasting time, but see what the real need of our Soul has been in the process. What is in the past should be left in the past.
Present - If the present is marked by the Five of Coins, our state of hope isn’t really set in place and in order to expand our horizons, it might be best to plan a trip to a faraway land or find the outer source of inspiration and motivation for our endeavors. Hard work might give less results and product than we have anticipated, this only to show that the path in front of us should be dreamed of and enriched by new experiences and more creative professional (and other) choices. It is up to us not to stay stuck in one place, or rely on relationships that hold us back to help us out.
Future - Reading for our future with this card in the layout isn’t exactly what we would hope to see, obviously to show that some of our present choices aren’t really in tune with the yearning of our heart. This is a signal that we are thinking too small and heading towards an unsatisfying fence when we are meant to spread our wings and fly, and we should start looking around the direction we already chose, as we might get stuck in a place that could have been avoided if we were flexible enough.