Eight of Coins Tarot Card

Eight of Coins Meaning
Eight of Coins is governed by the Sun with all its gravity and force, and stands for our dedication to endure through any challenge ahead of the road. It is a deep decision that is already made and the process of materialization after we have already chosen a path, followed a plan, and got to this point in time. There is enough energy here to make sure everything turns out just the way we want it to, but we won’t be able to do everything at once and need to keep our priorities in mind. There could be a lot of pressure by upcoming circumstances that test our commitment, but for as long as we stick to the source of motivation that got us this far, things will turn out to our benefit. This card shows results of human work and effort, aware thoughts and doings that don’t easily get moved and tossed around, and represents the stable point in the Suit of Coins where we can understand our priorities and move towards them grounded and sure of our future success. It is progress in the material world clearly positioned in our belly and our mind, allowing us to simply move forwards through whichever ordeal in our way.
There is little room for doubt with the Eight of Coins in our love reading, but the conquering nature of its physical pull might be a bit aggressive on the emotional world. The greatest challenge here is to find balance, between our emotional world and our career, our love life and commitments from the past, and between all those extremes that all represent parts of a much larger whole. It we try to fit too many things into the equation, we won’t move through this period without conflict or satisfied with the effect our choices have on our emotional world. Still, relationships seem stable enough to endure through any challenge in their path.
Career marked by the Eight of Coins shows no reason for us to be worried, as we are obviously doing our best for the goal we set out to reach. However, this card set here may show that we have put too much of our energy into things that aren’t our own, and needs us to question authorities and figures that truly make the greatest profit out of our efforts. It may come at a time when we are ready to be our own boss instead of bringing money to someone else. Ventures could become tiring and too intense if we don’t keep our eyes on the prize and our body rested enough. Consider slow changes that go better with your strengths and confidence.
There is a lot of energy to this card, even though it sometimes shows the phase of stability and vigor just before we fall apart. It requires vitamins and a lot of sun, as we might be moving too fast for the pace our physiology easily follows. Although some comfort zones should be left behind and some walls are meant to be broken and overcome, we shouldn’t push ourselves too far for material gain or any form of status and achievement. There is a dose of seriousness here, and even though this card doesn’t exactly signify health problems per se, it does point out that a gentle approach is needed to keep ourselves healthy and joyous.
Eight of Coins Reversed
The reversed position of the Eight of Coins is less productive than we might anticipate and shows how working for the wrong cause might prove to be fruitless even though everyone else would succeed in the same position. It is a mishap, a choice gone wrong, and things that didn’t go well with our true personality leaving us shorthanded even though we have put a lot of effort into them. We are to create some distance, do nothing at all until we set our priorities straight and see the bigger image that keeps us in tune with Self. Time spent on tasks and practices we love will bring more results than some vague choices ever might.
Eight of Coins Time Line
Past - Eight of Coins will be set in our past when we have worked hard, showed the world what it means to choose and proceed, and gathered our fruits as we moved along. Depending on the rest of the reading, this card may mark a moment in time when our professional choices were more stable than they are today, serving as a reminder what we are truly capable of and what we are meant to pursue instead of doubting our abilities.
Present - In the present, this card shows our commitment and perhaps the lack of flexibility that tires us out. Even though there is stability and a creative pull here, we must allow ourselves to rest, breathe in and breathe out, opening our heart to social and loving contacts that complete our sense of emotional stability too. Our current strength is in the decisions we already made and the thorough touch with our authentic needs, but only if we manage to maintain some balance.
Future - With this card in the future, it is safe to say that a person won’t be jobless or penniless any time soon. It shows that we are ready to take on all those responsibilities that might come our way, and shows the intense outcomes of our current situation. Whatever we choose to do today needs to be true to our core of personal desires, as this will keep our motivation lit even when things become hard.