Aries Man: The Ultimate Guide
Aries man sexuality

An Aries man is usually very sure of his sexuality. He is not afraid to show initiative and is very proud of his body, even when his belly spills a little over his belt. It is easy to feel attractive in his arms, since he is always interested in sex, however messy you might look. Aries man appreciates when his sexual partner shows interest in his body and feels confident and secure enough to show their own. He has little patience for insecurity, shame and overall lack of confidence, so breathe in deeply and openly show how beautiful you are.
Aries man in relationships

Relationships are not easy to Aries in general, but Aries men have special trouble when needed to connect to their partner, feel compassion and think for two. He finds it much easier to do everything alone and finds it rare in a partner to have enough energy to follow his lead. Aries man is prone to chauvinism more than any other sign in the zodiac. It is imperative for his partner to stay independent, financially and socially, if a relationship with this man is to succeed.
Aries man in love

When he falls in love, one way or another, you will know. There are two extremes of his behavior in this situation. As a conqueror and a warrior he will feel the need to fight for love, for the heart of the one he desires and will stop at nothing for this cause. This means he will be persistent and repetitive in his attempts to win the attention of the subject of his affection. The other extreme would be a lost Aries man, incapable of understanding his own emotions. This could make him distant, like he has lost the ability to speak, or even angry because of the inability to show how he feels. Either way his behavior will be very obvious, and you will not miss the signals even if you didn’t know him that well.
Can you trust your Aries man

If you are just one of his conquests, he won’t feel obligated to stay true. Aries man can be a sexual predator, winning one prize after the other, conquering his partners one by one. He enjoys the thrill of the game and needs to feel deep emotions in order to stop. In case you are a princess he won over by pure chivalry, you can trust him. The only way for him to keep that knight image of himself is to be just, sincere and brave.
Dating Aries men

He is not much of a romantic and will probably do things by the book. He will bring you red roses, take you to a fine restaurant and might put you in a limousine if he really wants to seduce you. When you go to the movies, he will buy tickets for the new action thriller, even though you would like to see a romantic comedy and order a huge meat stake in the restaurant, even if you are a vegetarian. He will expect to have sex on your first date and will go on expecting it every time you see each other. Your phone conversations will be short, messages rare, except if you create a hot line you would use for sexual interaction when you are not in a position to see each other.
Understanding Aries men

He may seem like a brute, following his instincts and rarely using his brain, however smart he might be. Still, there is a soft side to him. If his loved one is in need of his help and support, he will show exactly how much he cares. When he feels respected and loved, he will let his guard down and seem like a cuddly bear at times. Aries might be ashamed to be soft, but when he feels trust, he can’t help it. There is a warm, behind the act, nature to this man, something that needs to be discovered in time and is reachable by approaching him with a lot of tenderness, however he might act.
Aries Man Likes and Dislikes

Aries man is attractive, strong and confident, always ready for something new and exciting. He doesn’t lack initiative or character and it is a fun competition to win his heart.
However, he doesn’t have much sense for anyone but himself. He can be rough, selfish and impulsive, while approaching every relationship he has as a fighting arena, where he needs to show his supremacy.
How to choose a gift for your Aries Man

Everything sharp, red colored and hot will be a good fit. If he doesn’t already have a collection, you can always buy him a Swiss knife, a set of tools, a hunter’s hat, a flame thrower or a pair of sexy boxers. He will be happy if you show how masculine and strong he is, and give him something practical to use. Don’t obsess about his presents if you will have any resulting expectations – he will never obsess about yours.

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.