Yearly Sagittarius Horoscope for 2018

2018 Sagittarius Horoscope

Spirit: Freedom, Expression, Energy, Sport.
Color: Silver.
Places to visit: Malta, Hawaii, Malaysia.
Things to learn: Bioenergy Healing, Computer Science, Dream Analysis.

The General Feel

For the most part, 2018 will be the year when Sagittarius representatives will wait for Jupiter to enter their sign and many will stay in the dark, in inner work, self-analysis and therapy until it does. This is the time for large shifts and changes triggered by your need to set free from ties of the past. Manipulation and compromise simply need to be cut loose and you are about to discover your true inner strengths and ways to call on wind to blow into your sails. Forces of Nature and magic itself stand at your disposal. Use what you already have to create miracles you desire.

Until November, your task is a bit hazy and unclear, as if you were on a mission to find the right direction and an aim where all of your energy should be pointed at. Still, however dark your tendency to go deep into your heart to cleanse it might be, and your moves possibly self-destructive or aggressive, you will feel like the weight has been lifted off your shoulders now that Saturn finally moved on to the sign of Capricorn. Stay righteous and work from the shadows while still honest towards yourself and those you love.

The Greatest Challenges

So much work has been put in your personal growth lately, and this year brings promise of liberation from the chains of the past, but it will question your sense of self-worth and make financial transactions difficult in some way. Debts will have to be paid and your time is to be spent on practical, material issues much more than you’d like to. Stay responsible and work hard to reach the point of satisfaction.

The Greatest Rewards

Your dreams are there to be recognized and achieved. With the strength of positive visions and seeing the good in the worst of circumstances, you will have a chance to turn everything around, make it work for your benefit, and feel deep emotions waking up below the ice you surrounded your heart with in the last couple of years.

Physiology and Body

In 2018, chronic conditions that wouldn’t let go for a while will finally loosen their grip. If you keep on moving, walking, and exercising, you will strengthen your entire physiology and feel much better in your own skin. Problems with your voice, your neck, and your thyroid function are possible. To keep them in check, you should hold on to your inner truth and express it without fear. Reproductive organs need a little more time to find their balance and hormonal changes are to be expected. The depth of mental work you are about to commit to must leave its mark on your body and heart, and by the autumn, self-destructive tendencies should prove to be obsolete as warning signs appear in all shapes and forms. Avoid nicotine, alcohol, and all mind altering substances and drugs, and carefully use all medication even when prescribed by a doctor you trust.

Love and Family

Emotions go much deeper than you are used to and there is no way to avoid certain circumstances in your love life and with your partner or someone you love. Pulled by strange tides that throw you back and forth, decisions you make might seem obsolete, as if you could never get out of a certain loop anyway. True solutions are found in forgiveness and your own heart, and you don’t have to act before you are sure about its true desires. Personal growth will be deep and development will unroll through sexuality and relationships that are magnetic, intense, and impossible to refuse. Let go to the flow of the moment and see where it might take you. With enough tenderness, you might just stumble upon a love story you have been waiting for your entire life. A bit less interested in family matters and those you live with, you could seem distant and cold. Give enough attention and care to your children or loved ones, but take as much time as needed to contemplate on your own inner states without guilt to taint your horizons and make you even more vulnerable.

Work and Finances

Everything you do in months to come seems to be about financial security and a firm foundation for future gain. It is a good time to invest in real estate and secure options that will slowly reward you if you wait long enough. What you achieved in the past and the career you’ve built has a chance to give fruits you have been waiting for, but only if you are in sync with the creative Self you truly wish to be. Some sort of a debt is due and has to be repaid, but there is nothing stopping you from approaching it in a healthy way instead of stressing out and spending over your abilities.

Sagittarius Information

Additional Information

Sagittarius - traits, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information.

Sagittarius Horoscopes - daily, weekly and monthly Sagittarius horoscopes..

Sagittarius man - information and insights on the Sagittarius man.

Sagittarius woman - information and insights on the Sagittarius woman.

Sagittarius compatibility - the compatibility of Sagittarius with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life.

Sagittarius history - the history of Sagittarius and the stories behind it.

Sagittarius symbol - images and interpretations of the Sagittarius symbol and ruler.