Yearly Gemini Horoscope for 2018

2018 Gemini Horoscope

Spirit: Work, Shadows, Eloquence, Direction.
Color: Tangerine.
Places to visit: Greece, Indonesia, Canada.
Things to learn: Origami, Homeopathy, Massage.

The General Feel

This year is marked by the work that Mercury has to get done in its detriment in the sign of Sagittarius, and it is all about the search for the right direction to move in. Excess communication and too much content in your mind could make things difficult, but there are relationships in your life that will help you to ask all the right questions and teach you about the focus needed to get things done. It won’t be easy to touch the ground and be as practical as you normally love being, but the moment is right for learning, higher philosophies and a glance at your religious views and faith that might just change your life.

Your usual movement backwards is expected in April, August and November, and each of these periods is marked by the element of Fire and the initiative needed to start something new. Creative energy is about to flow if you let it out and your power of confident self-expression is about to be tested, turned, and pushed where it needs to go. Change your social circle, your pack, and your leaders, choosing your company to give you freedom and a constant reminder to smile.

The Greatest Challenges

Fiery lessons are about to teach you about the initiative and the energy you lack to get important things done. You could start many projects failing to finish them all, scattered in too many directions and choosing too many sides at once. It is of great importance to keep your focus on one thing at a time if you want to keep your grounding and do something specific in the real world.

The Greatest Rewards

Work will be rewarding and bring new knowledge and many benefits your way. Your modesty will finally have the opportunity to make you shine and what you do out of pure generosity will come back in unexpected ways. Stay secretive about your giving nature and you will feel the rush of energy coming your way.

Physiology and Body

Dreams will be intense and could turn into sleeping problems if you don’t handle the internal content that wants to get out. Your subconscious world of visions is rich and it could take over, blurring your usual realistic approach and your rationality. Problems you feel and reminders your body sends shouldn’t be neglected or they might grow. Keep yourself in a state of balance as much as you can, eating healthy and having moderate physical activity that will allow hormones and acute problems with bacteria to stay under control. Your liver needs time to process things and set you free of toxins, and it might suffer if you don’t minimize the need to consume junk food, alcohol, and red meat in the following months. Let your anger out and think about toxins you choose to eat and drink, to keep yourself healthy and as energized as you feel the need to be.

Love and Family

Things may feel a bit static during wintertime and the beginning of 2018, but as soon as spring begins you will feel emotions rushing in. May brings the sense of beauty and many single Gemini could fall in love, while those in serious relationships feel the need to think about the way they feel in their own skin. Some of you will feel the need to renew your vows on a spree to do something exciting with your loved one, or feel the desire to start a family. Your mental needs won’t exactly fit sexual ones though, and this could create a ripple in solid, long-term relationships that lack substance in any of these fields. It is important to respect both sides of your personality equally and do everything in your power to make changes that are needed to keep you truly satisfied. Months of June and September put your focus on family matters, bringing you closer to those you live with. Avoid criticism and turn to pure emotion in order to connect and understand their lives and desires.

Work and Finances

Retrograde movements of Mercury will be accented this year, and in April, August and November it will seem like everything gets broken only to annoy you. If you work on a computer or with any type of technology, these are turning points that could bring damage and losses and important paperwork could get lost, stolen, or impossible to obtain. You will be faced with your own sense of responsibility. Partnerships that have started in the previous year are about to question it and could make you feel less valuable than you truly are. A lot of work will have to be done in solitude, and the inner drive will push you to take large bites of responsibility even from those who should be working for you. Still, rewards for the time spent with deep focus on any issue will come, and many Gemini could change their job, transfer to a different firm for a bigger salary, or find extra freelance possibilities by November.

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Gemini - traits, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information.

Gemini Horoscopes - daily, weekly and monthly Gemini horoscopes..

Gemini man - information and insights on the Gemini man.

Gemini woman - information and insights on the Gemini woman.

Gemini compatibility - the compatibility of Gemini with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life.

Gemini history - the history of Gemini and the stories behind it.

Gemini symbol - images and interpretations of the Gemini symbol and ruler.