Yearly Capricorn Horoscope for 2018

2018 Capricorn Horoscope

Spirit: Foundation, Steady, Return, Strength.
Color: Dark Green.
Places to visit: Cuba, Madagascar, Japan.
Things to learn: Mountain Climbing, Opera Singing, Knitting.

The General Feel

With Saturn coming back home, into your sign, this is an important year for Capricorn representatives. Mistakes from the past will come back to haunt you but things you’ve done right bring bigger rewards than you could ever hope for. Your entire body could reshape and you could decide to go on a healthy diet, change your routine, and do something fundamentally different with your life than you ever did before. This is the year for new professional decisions, new goals and aims in life, and you are about to become stronger than ever if you endure in challenges brought on by things you haven’t really understood by now.

Friendships play a large part of 2018. New ones could begin and old ones could end, with consequences supportive of your personality and your smile. Social contacts will push you forwards in the time of need. By the end of the year you will see other people more clearly and approach yourself more seriously, realizing that you have been in need of solid boundaries for quite some time. Don’t let disappointments pull you down. Instead, build your castles on them, seeing things for what they truly are for the first time in a while.

The Greatest Challenges

The biggest obstacle standing in your path this year is yourself. Stiff convictions, dogma, and negative beliefs could truly mess with your plans, and your entire physical state depends on your flexibility and your ability to relax and do what feels right every step of the way. The spasm tends to continue throughout the entire year and it is important to stay rested, meditate, and turn to prayer or Nature when the inner pressure becomes too much to handle.

The Greatest Rewards

Friendships and sudden emotional turns for the better will brighten this entire year. Every Capricorn is a bit closed up and hard to crack to other people, but the sense of liberation is upon you and you will feel free to move, express, and show more of your inner world to those you trust, making it much easier to smile every day of the year.

Physiology and Body

Regularly check your blood sugar levels and pay attention to the function of your nervous system. It is impossible to think clearly with a large rock constantly on your shoulders and if you don’t let it slide, you could end up seriously ill and broken down. Your immunity will be strong during the summer months, but this doesn’t mean you should burn yourself to the ground. Nurture your heart and lungs, breathe, giving them both the oxygen and the natural movement they need to keep you alive and filled with energy. The greatest challenge of this time is to slow down to the point where peace is found.

Love and Family

This year will be extremely supportive of your emotional world and your love life only if you are ready to make changes within. It is impossible to make a move on the outside and expect different results every time, if you are just repeating the same pattern without changing your ways and your inner state of heart. Still, with Venus found in the heart of Capricorn as the year begins, it will be impossible to ignore its calling and find the love in others be it torturous or kind. Cleanse, find liberation, and express yourself truthfully and without a shred of doubt, and your relationships will blossom. Concerns about your family probably aren’t going to be resolved in a heartbeat, but possibly you won’t even care than much about the same issues in months to come. Don’t neglect those who need you and depend on you, realizing that your attention feeds their hearts with something they cannot give to themselves.

Work and Finances

It is often said that the sign of Capricorn is the sign of ambition, and this will become clear in the course of 2018. You have had your hazy moments and found it almost impossible to find the direction you wish to move in, but the structure has been set to your system of beliefs and morals and all you have to do now is work hard towards your desires. You won’t lack focus, except in the summer months when some surprising circumstances might push you off your track. Hold on to the knowledge you have been gathering, implement it in everything you do, and build a solid foundation for material and intellectual benefits you have a chance of getting as you move along the selected path. Status and clarity will be easily reached, and you will feel like your old self once again, ready to move forwards and build skyscrapers of success in your life.

Capricorn Information

Additional Information

Capricorn - traits, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information.

Capricorn Horoscopes - daily, weekly and monthly Capricorn horoscopes..

Capricorn man - information and insights on the Capricorn man.

Capricorn woman - information and insights on the Capricorn woman.

Capricorn compatibility - the compatibility of Capricorn with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life.

Capricorn history - the history of Capricorn and the stories behind it.

Capricorn symbol - images and interpretations of the Capricorn symbol and ruler.