Yearly Capricorn Horoscope for 2017

2017 Capricorn Horoscope

Spirit: Love, Acceptance, Balance, Treasure.
Color: Green.
Places to visit: Washington, San Marino, China.
Things to learn: Fast Reading, Playing an Instrument, Ice Skating.

The General Feel

This isn’t a year when Venus will be beneficent to your sign, and although many happy thoughts are expected as it moves through Pisces in January and April, you tend to idealize your partner or potential lovers to the point of agony. The most important thing at this time is not to sink into the feelings of guilt and inadequacy, not even when many people are weighing you down, and telling you that what you do isn’t good enough. On the plus side, your sign’s ruler is still in Sagittarius and for as long as you have faith in good outcomes and enough optimism, everything will go according to plan and develop just as you want it to.

While trying to be realistic about your expectations, your inner battles might leave you in search for a change of scenery and perspective in order to truly see things as they are. If you get a chance, travel, as far and as wide as you get a chance to. The movement of Saturn to and fro the center of our galaxy will get you close to understanding what your heart truly desires, only to blur your vision once again and face you with challenges of stiff negative beliefs.

The Greatest Challenges

April will be the month of great sacrifices and even though Venus moving backwards to the sign of Pisces will remind you of the purpose and meaning of your actions, it won’t be any easier to cope with your loses. Let go, for the flow of time will lead you in a desired direction anyway, if you only believe it will.

The Greatest Rewards

Autumn brings some incredible changes into your life, widens your horizons and brings new people into your world. Friendships will blossom and you’ll have the opportunity to express the most satisfying side of your personality around people who understand you.

Physiology and Body

The beginning of 2017 could bring some transitional health problems your way, and this is the time to be extremely careful about believing everything your doctor tells you. Check all information twice and ask for another opinion if this is what you need to feel certain about your physical challenges. Chronic issues will show their ugly face somewhere between April and August, making you sensitive to all outer influences and experiences shared with other people. During this time, your immune system will need a boost, preferably through vitamin intake. Your greatest problem tends to form due to a simple lack of energy in November, so stay on the move, exercise, and fill up your batteries with a healthy physical routine.

Love and Family

Idealization is the key to happiness at this time, and it might be best to remain in a pink bubble of emotion when Venus finds itself in Pisces making all sorts of secret relationships possible. You will be thinking about attractive individuals in secrecy during its move through this sign and your third house, and this might take away your concentration and efficiency at work. To clear up your mind and your entire world of possible misconceptions, lies, or too much idealism, spend enough time in touch with nature, meditate, and be alone when you get a chance to be. Spontaneity will help you feel better and you’ll have to find a way to give in to it. Being cautious is something you know very well, even when you create problems for yourself and other people, but flexible and carefree spontaneity seems to be lost on you, waiting to be found.

Work and Finances

With Jupiter in the sign of Libra, all business opportunities during the greatest part of this year will be financially satisfying. Doors will open in front of you, and you’ll have many chances to improve your image and your position, building a career you’ve always wanted. However, this also tends to speak of overspending and partnerships that aren’t as honest as you might think. Keep your relationship with money in check. Surprises could keep on coming but you are the one to be able to use them to get ahead, not let them sweep you off your feet. The end of 2017 brings great changes into your world, as Saturn moves over the center of our galaxy and reminds you of the synthesis your Soul is bound to discover, that pushes you in a certain direction. This special degree is the point we are all circling around and you will discover what pulls you with its strongest gravity, only to lead you to the state of balance. Just as you realize where you belong, the end of December will remind you of those emotional depths you’ve left unsettled a lot time ago, as Saturn moves to the sign of Scorpio.

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Capricorn history - the history of Capricorn and the stories behind it.

Capricorn symbol - images and interpretations of the Capricorn symbol and ruler.